

Germany–Turkey relations

Describes the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey

  • Turkey–Germany relations
  • Germany-Turkey relations
  • Turkey-Germany relations


3 references
29 March 2014
Deutschland genießt in der Türkei ein traditionell hohes Ansehen. Die Beziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern sind freundschaftlich, vielschichtig und belastbar – daraus folgend sind die Erwartungen an Deutschland und die deutsche Politik sehr groß. (German)
29 March 2014
In addition to the intense and institutionalized relations at the bilateral level, Germany is among our most significant partners in European security and political structures, including NATO, OSCE as well as the Council of Europe. (English)
29 March 2014
German–Turkish relations have their beginnings in the times of the Ottoman Empire and have culminated in the development of strong bonds with many facets that include economic, military, cultural and social relations. (English)
Germany Turkey Locator.png
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0 references
Relations of Germany and Turkey
0 references