Topic on User talk:Hsarrazin

Epìdosis (talkcontribs)

Hi! I write you regarding this and similar cases: for many Greek works, expecially those of Lucian (Q177847) and Plutarch (Q41523), the original title was obviously in Greek, but the title usually cited in academic works dating from the 15th century to nowadays is the Latin title. For this reason I often used title (P1476) for both, because the Latin title is often at least as known as the Greek title (e.g. no label (Q28601479)). If you know better solutions, let me know; I only ask you to maintain in some way both titles! Thank you!

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

OK, I understand... I did not know about this.

I'm completing items for wikisource texts by Lucian (Q177847) right now, but I'm not a specialist, nor an hellenist. The double title is making things harder with SPARQL like that's why I removed some.

What would you think of adding them as latin labels ?

this would allow for searching (but not displaying in infoboxes without a specific lua script). This should probably be discussed on Wikidata:WikiProject_Books to make a final decision.

For now, I will leave the latin titles, and restore them where I deleted, so that they are not lost...

PS : I already created a lot of work items to link wikisource fr and de edotions (see SPARQL above). For some, I do not have the original title. If you have them, it would be nice to complete those items.

Epìdosis (talkcontribs)

Thank you! Your work around Wikisource was really needed! I know that title (P1476) is maybe not the best way to have the Latin title, so I support a discussion on Wikidata:WikiProject Books. In any case, I think that having it not only as an alias, but also in some property (not necessarily title (P1476)) would make easier to query it. By the way, I already used to add the Latin title as alias in Italian and in English, because the Latin title is often more known than the translated one. Bye!

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

In French, we have French conventional names, and Bnf work authorities to make it easier \o/ - so I add them as BnF ID (P268) for help.

I also add all forms of titles I find as alias on the work item, so that it's easier to find :)

Working on all items for a specific author, not too prolific, like Lucian, is a good way to find what works and what doesn't.

Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

also, as language of work (and of titles), I used "grc" ? is it right ? I see you used "koinè", that I do not know...

should I change (or use Petscan to change this ?)

Epìdosis (talkcontribs)

"grc" is right, because Koine Greek (Q107358) hasn't any language code; for language of work or name (P407), however, I think Koine Greek (Q107358) is a little more correct (I used it also for Plutarch (Q41523)), so you could sostitute it through Petscan.

I have added Latin titles. In order to find the items I used this query, maybe it can be useful:

#Works by Lucian
SELECT ?work ?workLabel ?title ?bnf
  ?work wdt:P31 wd:Q7725634 .
  ?work wdt:P50 wd:Q177847 .
  OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P1476 ?title . }
  OPTIONAl { ?work wdt:P268 ?bnf . }
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,la,grc" }

Try it!


Hsarrazin (talkcontribs)

Nice ! thanks :)

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