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(function () {
	if (!mw.config.exists('wbEntityId')) {
	const limit = 5000;
	$('.wikibase-statementgroupview').each(function (i, element) {
		const property = $(element).data('property-id');
		const $br = $(document.createElement('br'));
		const $small = $(document.createElement('small'));
		const $a = $(document.createElement('a'));
		const query = `SELECT ?o ?oLabel WHERE {
			?o wdt:${property} [].
			SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
		} LIMIT ${limit}`;
		$a.attr('href', '' + encodeURIComponent(query));
		$a.text('entities with this property');
		$small.append('List ', $a);
		$(element).find('.wikibase-statementgroupview-property-label').append($br, $small);
		$(element).find('.wikibase-statementview').each(function (j, element) {
			const statement = $(element).attr('id').replace('$', '-');
			const $div = $(document.createElement('div'));
			const $small = $(document.createElement('small'));
			const $a = $(document.createElement('a'));
			const query = `SELECT ?o ?oLabel WHERE {
				?o wdt:${property}/^ps:${property} wds:${statement}.
				SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
			} LIMIT ${limit}`;
			$a.attr('href', '' + encodeURIComponent(query));
			$a.text('entities with this claim');
			$small.append('List ', $a);
			$(element).find('.wikibase-statementview-mainsnak .wikibase-snakview-value-container').append($div);