User:Peter F. Patel-Schneider/order problems

Report on some classes that do not match the requirements of the class from the top level of the 
ontology that they are related to or are suspicious in some way.
Current as of 2023-08-27 18:38:54.892053

Non-first-order-class direct instances of Q104086571 "first-order class"@en out of 52
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
330	Q248551      Q41291       rocket                            Q104086571   first-order class
36	Q56701873    Q1229765     watercraft                        Q104086571   first-order class
10	Q380679      Q28455561    algorithmic paradigm              Q104086571   first-order class
77	Q61744597    Q60029820    FFH-Habitat                       Q104086571   first-order class
1426	Q2359065     Q112826975   particular anatomical entity      Q104086571   first-order class

Non-first-order-class direct instances of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en out of 6
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
1	Q11229       Q27084       parts-per notation                Q21522908    Wikidata instance class
8	Q3640833     Q15709880    serial                            Q21522908    Wikidata instance class
2	Q115301929   Q115329466   party organization                Q21522908    Wikidata instance class

Non-first-order-class indirect instances of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en out of 17213
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
1	Q178275      Q2840        influenza                         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553394    Q10874       blindness                         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q951639      Q11072       amnesia                           Q112193867   class of disease
19	Q1779250     Q12078       cancer                            Q112193867   class of disease
301	Q11076418    Q12135       mental disorder                   Q112193867   class of disease
11572	Q101971      Q12136       disease                           Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2290446     Q12192       pneumonia                         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2289761     Q12206       diabetes                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q25437396    Q41112       schizophrenia                     Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q4887960     Q41571       epilepsy                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q11076418    Q42844       major depressive disorder         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4804182     Q48143       meningitis                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q862872      Q83030       dementia                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q51990393    Q127724      cataract                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553394    Q133696      color blindness                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q5413808     Q154878      toxoplasmosis                     Q112193867   class of disease
114	Q175844      Q175854      phobia                            Q112193867   class of disease
4	Q486851      Q177190      sleep disorder                    Q112193867   class of disease
22	Q1290888     Q178059      paraphilia                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q608259      Q178190      obsessive-compulsive disorder     Q112193867   class of disease
520	Q129279      Q179630      syndrome                          Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q152100      Q182413      non-controlled substance abuse    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q862872      Q183560      intellectual disability           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q16258124    Q188151      ischemia                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q11076418    Q188638      mood disorder                     Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q4009452     Q190805      heart disease                     Q112193867   class of disease
131	Q506433      Q200779      genetic disease                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18350119    Q202217      transverse myelitis               Q112193867   class of disease
10	Q1290888     Q207791      fetishism                         Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3832894     Q208414      lymphoma                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q3023833     Q229256      dermatitis                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q15116714    Q261327      thrombosis                        Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q366886      Q270673      personality disorder              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q64737916    Q281928      social anxiety disorder           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q5413808     Q353172      parasitic protozoa infectious disease    Q112193867   class of disease
120	Q281928      Q360341      organic brain syndrome            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q56694604    Q366868      congenital adrenal hyperplasia    Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q7447762     Q373822      eating disorder                   Q112193867   class of disease
9	Q275466      Q389735      cardiovascular disease            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q338857      Q408089      mercury poisoning                 Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1068323     Q418418      ankylosis                         Q112193867   class of disease
20	Q2385610     Q464067      fungal infectious disease         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q5413808     Q487837      coccidiosis                       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q517202      Q499574      tendinitis                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q5439397     Q509122      avoidant personality disorder     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2037224     Q512313      androgen insensitivity syndrome    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q517202      Q538432      synovitis                         Q112193867   class of disease
117	Q4147342     Q544006      anxiety disorder                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q386346      Q548213      neural tube defect                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18350119    Q551085      myelitis                          Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q4887960     Q576349      encephalopathy                    Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q221547      Q578994      parasitic helminthiasis infectious disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q853930      Q582904      marasmus                          Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3043161     Q657193      metabolic syndrome                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7939442     Q666075      genodermatosis                    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q517202      Q692536      muscular disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q862872      Q703961      transmissible spongiform encephalopathy    Q112193867   class of disease
31	Q1505689     Q708176      arthropathy                       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q108668003   Q720020      soft-tissue sarcoma               Q112193867   class of disease
15	Q2043695     Q727028      bacterial infectious disease      Q112193867   class of disease
2957	Q3804556     Q727096      congenital disorder               Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q53633290    Q744962      chromosome abnormality            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q252110      Q747735      paranoid personality disorder     Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q53633290    Q844903      trisomy                           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q76643393    Q844935      coronary artery disease           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q48988385    Q847057      retinitis pigmentosa              Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q132971      Q860740      learning disability               Q112193867   class of disease
10	Q55785527    Q896643      brachydactyly                     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553709    Q917447      inflammatory bowel diseases       Q112193867   class of disease
3647	Q916398      Q929833      rare disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4162371     Q936549      somatoform disorder               Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q4009452     Q939364      congenital heart disease          Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q620760      Q945238      peripheral neuropathy             Q112193867   class of disease
25	Q1515219     Q949302      skin disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q245455      Q954625      myelodysplastic syndrome          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q546176      Q1054718     kidney disease                    Q112193867   class of disease
4	Q718263      Q1058691     communication disorder            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7824270     Q1059765     periodontal disease               Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q1132108     hypospadias                       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q14635923    Q1134891     pica                              Q112193867   class of disease
26	Q181843      Q1137463     sexual dysfunction                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2484592     Q1137767     muscular dystrophy                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q6058570     Q1138590     non-Hodgkin lymphoma              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55781850    Q1141499     Ehlers-Danlos syndrome            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2290446     Q1153419     interstitial lung disease         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q16258124    Q1154055     osteochondrosis                   Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q608259      Q1201835     impulse control disorder          Q112193867   class of disease
11	Q51990393    Q1225194     monogenic disease                 Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q275466      Q1266890     vascular disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
12	Q55785527    Q1269307     dysostosis                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q517202      Q1433212     myositis                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55781850    Q1446169     collagen disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q56694604    Q1476525     lipid metabolism disorder         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18350119    Q1502312     polyneuropathy                    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q517202      Q1505689     tenosynovitis                     Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q55782588    Q1360044     syndactyly                        Q112193867   class of disease
10	Q1641325     Q1361144     nutrition disorder                Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q1702335     Q1369011     familial adenomatous polyposis    Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q1236063     Q1417240     benign neoplasm                   Q112193867   class of disease
17	Q221547      Q1601794     parasitic infectious diseases     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4804182     Q1634879     encephalomyelitis                 Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q154666      Q1755122     neurodegeneration                 Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q423927      Q1758393     inherited metabolic disorder      Q112193867   class of disease
60	Q2290446     Q1779300     connective tissue disease         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2290446     Q1790424     idiopathic interstitial pneumonia    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q853930      Q1890194     nutritional deficiency disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q245455      Q1898104     myeloproliferative disorders      Q112193867   class of disease
19	Q3237100     Q1928978     viral infectious disease          Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q3832894     Q1963588     hematopoietic system disease      Q112193867   class of disease
10	Q3738366     Q2015728     specific phobia                   Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q55782588    Q2141048     synostosis                        Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q2362826     Q2246789     neuromuscular disease             Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2037224     Q2273662     pseudohermaphroditism             Q112193867   class of disease
71	Q331181      Q2300099     gastrointestinal system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18350119    Q2303951     spinal cord disease               Q112193867   class of disease
18	Q423927      Q2351083     metabolic disease                 Q112193867   class of disease
7	Q1361346     Q2508462     mouth disease                     Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q3832894     Q2509220     tumor of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4059558     Q2608695     movement disorders                Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q83177       Q2627467     dissociative disorder             Q112193867   class of disease
4	Q6085879     Q2661443     endocrine system disease          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q2912193     esophageal disease                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q622828      Q2936142     channelopathy                     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553709    Q2970970     intestinal infectious disease     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q167844      Q2971524     eye inflammation                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q48996667    Q2989168     hair diseases                     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2289761     Q3025883     type 2 diabetes                   Q112193867   class of disease
19	Q179951      Q3041498     eye disease                       Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q5405504     Q3043160     primary immunodeficiency disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q48988385    Q3043268     retinal degeneration              Q112193867   class of disease
61	Q56013863    Q3055380     intestinal disease                Q112193867   class of disease
120	Q4147342     Q3065932     cognitive disorder                Q112193867   class of disease
17	Q132971      Q3087172     developmental disorder            Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q5754528     Q3184856     substance abuse                   Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q9182808     Q3251367     osteochondrodysplasia             Q112193867   class of disease
8	Q55785515    Q3286546     respiratory disease               Q112193867   class of disease
117	Q132971      Q3339235     neurological disorder             Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55105368    Q3368715     dental pulp disease               Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2290446     Q3392853     lung disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q1200237     Q3542012     connective tissue neoplasm        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7808080     Q3705876     dermatomycosis                    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553709    Q3796380     ileitis                           Q112193867   class of disease
9	Q5405504     Q3843811     immune disorder                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q853930      Q4082071     protein-energy malnutrition       Q112193867   class of disease
65	Q624398      Q4116663     musculoskeletal disorder          Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q3832894     Q4165484     lymphoproliferative disorders     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q11076418    Q4340209     mental depression                 Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7168460     Q4667072     fibroma                           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q56694604    Q4684717     adrenal gland disease             Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q56013863    Q4818237     Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis    Q112193867   class of disease
54	Q9182808     Q4941552     bone disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
14	Q154666      Q5062122     central nervous system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
12	Q55782588    Q5160441     congenital limb deformities       Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q3720523     Q5182134     craniofacial disease              Q112193867   class of disease
11	Q6085879     Q5282521     disorder of sex development       Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2562623     Q5325633     ear disease                       Q112193867   class of disease
6	Q1451794     Q5442760     female reproductive system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q6172449     Q5532415     generalized epilepsy              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1200237     Q5773040     histiocytoma                      Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2308637     Q5958765     hypersensitivity                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7448106     Q6931138     mucinosis                         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18553709    Q6931269     mucositis                         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55956092    Q7113674     overgrowth syndrome               Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7448106     Q6543199     lichen myxedematosus              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7448106     Q6664633     Localized lichen myxedematosus    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q38404       Q6691991     pervasive developmental disorder    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3832894     Q6708237     lymphatic system disease          Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q4780588     Q6742925     male reproductive system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q39360103    Q7193408     pigmentation disorder             Q112193867   class of disease
26	Q181843      Q7256482     psychosexual disorder             Q112193867   class of disease
8	Q2728811     Q7314317     reproductive system disease       Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q5754528     Q7331102     alcohol abuse                     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4638276     Q7458487     sex chromosome disorder           Q112193867   class of disease
14	Q132971      Q7574983     specific developmental disorder    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q386346      Q7577457     spinal disease                    Q112193867   class of disease
4	Q152100      Q7632070     substance use disorder            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q7831319     tracheoesophageal fistula         Q112193867   class of disease
4	Q377627      Q7900883     urinary system disease            Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2308637     Q8084905     autoimmune disease                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q506433      Q10267817    autosomal recessive disease       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785515    Q10267828    nose disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q111329346   Q10336461    infectious disease of the nervous system    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q132971      Q10469820    language disorder                 Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q56694604    Q13368382    adrenogenital disease             Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55783436    Q13566985    metaphyseal dysplasia             Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1515219     Q14509067    exanthem                          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q56694604    Q15051314    steroid inherited metabolic disorder    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q108668003   Q17640201    soft tissue neoplasm              Q112193867   class of disease
634	Q2385610     Q18123741    infectious disease                Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q5524429     Q18211693    vaginal disease                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2289761     Q18552029    carbohydrate metabolism disease    Q112193867   class of disease
23	Q167844      Q18553219    sensory system disease            Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q84263196    Q18553224    lower respiratory tract disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q132971      Q17077617    reading disorder and écrites disorder    Q112193867   class of disease
5	Q3832894     Q18553400    organ system cancer               Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q16798847    Q18553402    cell type cancer                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q18553438    X-linked disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q18554140    Q18553439    autosomal dominant disease        Q112193867   class of disease
9	Q506433      Q18553442    autosomal genetic disease         Q112193867   class of disease
26	Q181843      Q18553616    sexual and gender disorder        Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3832894     Q18553634    lymphatic system cancer           Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3832894     Q18553644    immune system cancer              Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q7168460     Q18553646    organ system benign neoplasm      Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q1200237     Q18553658    musculoskeletal system benign neoplasm    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q245455      Q18553659    musculoskeletal system cancer     Q112193867   class of disease
74	Q18554015    Q18553676    thoracic disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q1200237     Q18553680    connective tissue benign neoplasm    Q112193867   class of disease
11	Q853930      Q18553699    acquired metabolic disease        Q112193867   class of disease
14	Q55785527    Q18553737    bone development disease          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q51990393    Q18553990    lens disease                      Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q620760      Q18554088    autonomic nervous system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18558226    Q18554701    choroid disease                   Q112193867   class of disease
22	Q4941542     Q18554796    disease of cellular proliferation    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q4780588     Q18554834    penile disease                    Q112193867   class of disease
25	Q1515219     Q18554850    integumentary system disease      Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2273662     Q18554938    sex differentiation disease       Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q2037224     Q18555048    gonadal disease                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q546176      Q18555068    renal vascular disease            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q18555344    tracheal disease                  Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18558226    Q18555950    uveal disease                     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2289761     Q18556224    glucose metabolism disease        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q167844      Q18556249    conjunctival disease              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1200237     Q18556314    fibrous histiocytoma              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q18556075    external ear disease              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q245455      Q18556569    bone marrow disease               Q112193867   class of disease
55	Q121041      Q18556754    colonic disease                   Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q2484592     Q18557307    muscle tissue disease             Q112193867   class of disease
1242	Q1361346     Q18557436    disease of anatomical entity      Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q55785515    Q18558209    upper respiratory tract disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q48988385    Q18558225    eye degenerative disease          Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q546176      Q18965518    artery disease                    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q3832894     Q18975047    hematologic cancer                Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q1679678     Q18975815    complication of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q18975820    respiratory system abnormality    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q178275      Q18975918    Orthomyxoviridae infectious disease    Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q55782588    Q21082526    chromosomal duplication syndrome    Q112193867   class of disease
643	Q2840        Q25383952    exogenous disease                 Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q16258124    Q26695332    ischemic bone disease             Q112193867   class of disease
2	Q3043161     Q27164421    abdominal obesity-metabolic syndrome    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q54911721    digestive system abnormality      Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q54971630    sex chromosome aberration         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q862872      Q55346096    neurodegenerative disease with dementia    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785253    rare urogenital disease           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q18350119    Q55785277    disorder of medulla oblongata     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55785495    rare head and neck malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55785514    external ear malformation         Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785522    rare genetic respiratory disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785324    non-syndromic esophageal malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785339    non-syndromic respiratory or mediastinal malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q338857      Q55785342    rare intoxication                 Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55956092    Q55785401    overgrowth/obesity syndrome       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785595    rare genetic gastroenterological disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785601    rare abdominal surgical disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55785825    non-syndromic urogenital tract malformation of male    Q112193867   class of disease
7	Q4009452     Q55785846    rare genetic developmental defect during embryogenesis    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q245455      Q55786352    rare neoplastic disease           Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q55786717    partial deletion of chromosome X    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q55786721    partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome X    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1075317     Q55787333    disorder of metabolite absorption and transport    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q1075317     Q55787334    disorder of vitamin and non-protein cofactor absorption and transport    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55788178    genetic otorhinolaryngological malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55788308    genetic otorhinolaryngologic disease    Q112193867   class of disease
13	Q608259      Q55788492    genetic nervous system disorder    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7448106     Q55788597    dermis disorder                   Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q7448106     Q55788600    other dermis disorder             Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55788621    urogenital tract malformation     Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55788693    esophageal malformation           Q112193867   class of disease
2921	Q2869826     Q55788864    developmental defect during embryogenesis    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55789006    rare otorhinolaryngological malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q1679678     Q55789007    rare gynecologic or obstetric disease    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q4009452     Q55789038    rare cardiac disease              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55789042    rare respiratory disease          Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55789043    respiratory or thoracic malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55789044    rare surgical thoracic disease    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q4009452     Q55789055    rare circulatory system disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55780528    Q55789056    rare otorhinolaryngologic disease    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55785917    Q55789062    respiratory or mediastinal malformation    Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q4009452     Q55789068    genetic cardiac disease           Q112193867   class of disease
3	Q245455      Q55789070    rare tumor                        Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q55789092    Gonosome structural anomaly       Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q4831022     Q55789094    chromosome X structural anomaly    Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2484592     Q55789138    genetic peripheral neuropathy     Q112193867   class of disease
19	Q55785917    Q55789522    rare genetic disease              Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q2290446     Q56013678    rare pulmonary disease            Q112193867   class of disease
1	Q55831370    Q5639        trolleybus                        Q56887437    bus type
1	Q55831370    Q654749      articulated bus                   Q56887437    bus type
3	Q55831370    Q926499      electric bus                      Q56887437    bus type
1	Q106891076   Q1078334     low-floor bus                     Q56887437    bus type
1	Q17033806    Q1373492     transit bus                       Q56887437    bus type
1	Q55831370    Q3745505     Q3745505"                         Q56887437    bus type
1	Q115821948   Q12334006    coach                             Q56887437    bus type
1	Q180481      Q13222551    microbuse                         Q56887437    bus type
2	Q117793416   Q23925184    battery electric bus              Q56887437    bus type

Non-second-order-class direct subclasses of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en 2
Q112193867	class of disease
Q56887437	bus type

Non-second-order-class all subclasses of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en 2
Q112193867	class of disease
Q56887437	bus type

Potentially first-order class direct subclasses of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en out of 5

Potentially first-order class indirect subclasses of Q21522908 "Wikidata instance class"@en out of 31
Q53951717    salivary gland mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q56697263    bus family
Q11669929    high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556432    mucoepidermoid esophageal carcinoma
Q18553574    lung mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556431    lacrimal gland mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556434    laryngeal mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q11381678    low-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q2736268     mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18553559    bronchus mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556428    bile duct mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q53951712    hard palate mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18553562    trachea mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q55789550    mucoepidermoid carcinoma of parotid gland
Q18556425    breast mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556430    cutaneous mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q18556433    mucoepidermoid thyroid carcinoma
Q18556424    thymus mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q19001057    sclerosing mucoepidermoid thyroid carcinoma with eosinophilia
Q55789549    mucoepidermoid carcinoma of submandibular gland
Q55780041    floor of mouth mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q55780090    major salivary gland mucoepidermoid carcinoma
Q119841917   action figure line

Non-second-order-class direct instances of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 414
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
16	Q1048314     Q1075        color                             Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q8054 protein TimeoutException
1	Q58321       Q8054        protein (direct instances only)
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q11173 chemical compound TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q16521 taxon TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q16521 taxon TimeoutException
15	Q1632385     Q17888       sexual orientation                Q24017414    second-order class
15	Q183816      Q18189       educational stage                 Q24017414    second-order class
268	Q107711      Q28640       profession                        Q24017414    second-order class
113	Q300920      Q31629       type of sport                     Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q131         Q41825       day of the week                   Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q102083      Q56019       military rank                     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1675084     Q133004      diaspora                          Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q202866      Q201658      film genre                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1153191     Q205299      paper size                        Q24017414    second-order class
23	Q407693      Q417841      protein family                    Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q422649 biopolymer TimeoutException
4	Q4167928     Q636497      stock character                   Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q325613      Q811704      rolling stock class               Q24017414    second-order class
27	Q170201      Q930752      medical specialty                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q28859120    Q951437      level of measurement              Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q155972      Q1148887     computer form factor              Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1597325     Q1246687     group of cheese                   Q24017414    second-order class
90	Q76239       Q1254773     family of musical instruments     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q2909080     Q1493054     type of wood                      Q24017414    second-order class
61	Q599867      Q1744559     classification in sports          Q24017414    second-order class
151	Q3271190     Q1875621     aircraft class                    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q3968        Q1936384     area of mathematics               Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q505815      Q1998962     beer style                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q283911      Q2125374     radar type                        Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q161705      Q2235308     ship type                         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q157957      Q2355817     plant life-form                   Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q20027       Q2625877     type of pasta                     Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q290857      Q3231690     automobile model                  Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q856058      Q3331189     version, edition, or translation    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q39631       Q3922583     health profession                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q408649      Q7251477     protein superfamily               Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q5073763     Q7860950     type of earthquake                Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q10541491 legal form TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q10541491 legal form TimeoutException
50	Q75687       Q10929058    product model                     Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q483666      Q11790203    branch of chemistry               Q24017414    second-order class
437	Q326358      Q12737077    occupation                        Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q182406      Q14514600    group of fictional characters     Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q204331      Q15056995    aircraft model                    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q341174      Q15057021    engine model                      Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q272975      Q15142894    weapon model                      Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q15617994 designation for an administrative territorial entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q15617994 designation for an administrative territorial entity TimeoutException
25	Q399811      Q15961987    television genre                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q16334298 group of living things TimeoutException
3	Q43445       Q16334298    group of living things (direct instances only)
27	Q660668      Q16335899    watercraft type                   Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q188956      Q17002728    branch of botany                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q17197366 type of organisation TimeoutException
25	Q783794      Q17197366    type of organisation (direct instances only)
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q17444909 astronomical object type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q17444909 astronomical object type TimeoutException
2	Q158438      Q17644823    bridge by structural type         Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q509222      Q18758641    watercraft class                  Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q676771      Q19832486    locomotive class                  Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q7150        Q19935939    branch of geography               Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q1470486     Q20888659    camera model                      Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q2291541     Q21192438    fictional species                 Q24017414    second-order class
65	Q102356      Q21506450    military unit size class          Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q21871294 group or class of organisms TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
1	Q272975      Q22704163    firearm model                     Q24017414    second-order class
77	Q170483      Q22811462    type of manufactured good         Q24017414    second-order class
24	Q130368      Q22999537    vehicle family                    Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q182406      Q23010327    group of fictional objects        Q24017414    second-order class
84	Q47368853    Q23905069    military unit type class          Q24017414    second-order class
40	Q9248092     Q23905071    military unit type-size class     Q24017414    second-order class
207	Q131647      Q24016972    type of distinction               Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q6439708     Q24286894    fictional humanoid species        Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q155972      Q24574728    form factor                       Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q28564       Q25397890    type of library                   Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q23442       Q25894868    place type                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q3323634     Q27926484    cheese type                       Q24017414    second-order class
28	Q52106       Q28598684    branch of biology                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15911868    Q28854784    type of costume                   Q24017414    second-order class
38	Q871419      Q28872924    designation for an administrative territorial entity of a single country    Q24017414    second-order class
29	Q204331      Q29048322    vehicle model                     Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q29918287    Q29918297    metaclass of ambassadors          Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q58228       Q29982117    musical instrument model          Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q17147077    Q31073241    camera type                       Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1050840     Q33082993    class of fictional robots         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q3238337     Q33294038    class of mythical entities        Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q901407      Q38033430    class of award                    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q4006        Q41362222    type of map                       Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q81938       Q42014143    biomedical measurand type         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q839546      Q44409287    type of machine element           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1074814     Q44575957    surgical instrument type          Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q181802      Q44580842    medical device type               Q24017414    second-order class
28	Q7208        Q44597158    health specialty                  Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q185000      Q45296117    aircraft type                     Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q845777      Q47103999    type of statistic                 Q24017414    second-order class
26	Q28873709    Q47279819    type of mathematical function     Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q47460393 type of number TimeoutException
21	Q12503       Q47460393    type of number (direct instances only)
25	Q179661      Q55214844    medical procedure type            Q24017414    second-order class
14	Q179991      Q55215251    medical test type                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15636229    Q55215846    surgical procedure type           Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q75687       Q55990535    computer model                    Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q1373492     Q56887437    bus type                          Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q81058       Q60031086    branch of pseudoscience           Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q75687       Q62008942    electronic device model           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q62009185    Q62027158    type of dam                       Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q105763033   Q62933756    military unit branch-type-size class    Q24017414    second-order class
14	Q79817105    Q62933848    military unit branch-type class    Q24017414    second-order class
29	Q79817105    Q62933934    military unit branch class        Q24017414    second-order class
114	Q102356      Q62934160    military unit class               Q24017414    second-order class
17	Q96757460    Q62934264    military unit branch-size class    Q24017414    second-order class
36	Q185992      Q63187345    religious occupation              Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q133485      Q63187384    Jewish religious occupation       Q24017414    second-order class
19	Q5164608     Q63188683    Christian religious occupation    Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q157037      Q63188808    Catholic vocation                 Q24017414    second-order class
20	Q96286       Q67015883    group or class of enzymes         Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q554446      Q67101749    group or class of transmembrane transport proteins    Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q107715      Q71758646    general quantity                  Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q7468057     Q77814805    train type series                 Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q79460       Q78155096    family of protein complexes       Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q23048901    Q90834785    racing automobile model           Q24017414    second-order class
84	Q189118      Q94945104    anatomical metaclass              Q24017414    second-order class
26	Q27318       Q96273743    type of test                      Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q79460       Q98119151    group or class of protein complexes    Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q98119401 group or class of physical objects TimeoutException
5	Q3520855     Q99397804    branch of zoology                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15987302    Q100529537   anu l de l apensio                Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
28	Q133105      Q103813670   anatomical structure type         Q24017414    second-order class
33	Q1934178     Q103820425   physical anatomical entity type    Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q25615       Q103843025   tissue type                       Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q133105      Q103843042   organism subdivision type         Q24017414    second-order class
32	Q7365        Q103914748   anatomical structure class type    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q180454      Q103915493   localized structure class type    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q133105      Q103982366   chiral anatomical structure type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q103982720   solitary anatomical structure type    Q24017414    second-order class
94	Q113571314   Q103994247   medical metaclass                 Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103995117 medical entity type TimeoutException
2	Q621636      Q103995117   medical entity type (direct instances only)
74	Q189118      Q103997018   direct anatomical metaclass       Q24017414    second-order class
47	Q7365        Q104007623   anatomical entity class type      Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q104007910   solitary anatomical entity type    Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q104014303   anatomical junction type          Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q81938       Q104018785   medical attribute type            Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q7895        Q104027169   anatomical system type            Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q20011319    Q104030742   taxon entity class type           Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q104098715 territorial entity type TimeoutException
4	Q6256        Q104098715   territorial entity type (direct instances only)
1	Q192694      Q104415895   branch of paleontology            Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q170912      Q105760881   branch of sociology               Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q754396      Q105839345   type of respirator                Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q132116      Q106720965   branch of anthropology            Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q985488      Q107301909   administrative levels and divisions of China    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q107427358   Q107427363   metaclass of honorary consuls     Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1757598     Q108161738   branch of education               Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q185992      Q108377574   Islamic religious occupation      Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q22811234    Q109542218   class of parts                    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q63100732    Q118733512   type of cyclone                   Q24017414    second-order class
13	Q8094        Q118733587   type of meteorological phenomenon    Q24017414    second-order class
23	Q391009      Q118905629   type of Roman Catholic institution    Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q208042      Q121144069   type of statistical method        Q24017414    second-order class
43	Q102496      Q121144515   type of religious institution     Q24017414    second-order class
30	Q1492823     Q121144598   type of Christian institution     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q2338524     Q121252873   type d'équipement sportif"@fr     Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q182406      Q110915008   group of fictional entities       Q24017414    second-order class
280	Q127724      Q112193867   class of disease                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q112826905 class of anatomical entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q112826905 class of anatomical entity TimeoutException
29	Q159334      Q112872396   type of educational institution    Q24017414    second-order class
103	Q189643      Q112965645   symptom or sign                   Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q215620      Q113057337   organ part type                   Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q113130789   anatomical cluster type           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q113130805   joint type                        Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q336128      Q113131065   hair type                         Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q129757      Q113136790   chiral anatomical entity type     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q66591785    Q113137439   muscle organ zone type            Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q133105      Q113147341   chiral organism subdivision type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q113147985   solitary organism subdivision type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q28654015    Q113551581   anatomical space type             Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q28654015    Q113571289   anatomical space class type       Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q20136       Q113657383   group or class of agricultural products    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1161829     Q114570820   rocket class                      Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q117023459 type of institution TimeoutException
3	Q3152824     Q117023459   type of institution (direct instances only)
1	Q2352628     Q117384800   spacecraft model                  Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q63100732    Q118733356   type of tropical cyclone          Q24017414    second-order class

Non-second-order-class indirect instances of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 52
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
19	Q54505       Q4162444     branch of physics                 Q109542218   class of parts
24	Q80993       Q12015335    technical sciences                Q109542218   class of parts
12	Q179805      Q22811234    branch of philosophy              Q109542218   class of parts
8	Q50641       Q81517619    branch of history                 Q109542218   class of parts
8	Q134783      Q87058424    branch of geology                 Q109542218   class of parts
1	Q58854       Q109551317   branch of literature              Q109542218   class of parts
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q109551565 sub-set of literature TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q109551565 sub-set of literature TimeoutException
1	Q1080293     Q112506851   branch of materials science       Q109542218   class of parts
2	Q1517900     Q29430681    triad                             Q99469810    type of fixed-size set
10	Q180472      Q29431432    dyad                              Q99469810    type of fixed-size set
3	Q196627      Q29441572    heptad                            Q99469810    type of fixed-size set

Non-third-order-class direct subclasses of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 4
Defects Example      Instance     Label
2	Q29430681    Q99469810    type of fixed-size set        

Non-third-order-class indirect subclasses of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 4
Defects Example      Instance     Label
2	Q29430681    Q99469810    type of fixed-size set        

Potentially first-order class  direct  instances of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 414
CURL returned error - retrying
Q21871294    group or class of organisms
Q21937945    Silver Badge of Janek Krasicki
Q22809622    commercial weapon model
Q22809624    commercial object model
Q25368938    logical property type
Q27972125    type of daytime minute
Q47989961    biological process type
Q54982412    songwriting team
Q59771334    nothotaxon
Q78154500    group of protein complexes
Cannot determine first-order status of Q8054 protein TimeoutException
Cannot determine first-order status of Q11173 chemical compound TimeoutException
CURL returned error - retrying
Q16521       taxon
Cannot determine first-order status of Q422649 biopolymer TimeoutException
Q800125      functional classification
Q1149315     ie
Q1266830     Pokémon type
Q3054943     set of numbers
Q4971470     British undergraduate degree classification
Cannot determine first-order status of Q16334298 group of living things TimeoutException
Q16354711    perception set
Q20850509    privately owned
Q97879966    Political ideologies in Brazil
Cannot determine first-order status of Q98119401 group or class of physical objects TimeoutException
CURL returned error - retrying
Q104001601   neural tree organ type
Q104015645   developmental structure type
Q106153893   sewing machine model
Q106571426   container class
Q108559831   Japanese firefighter rank
Q109732509   road roller model
Q120754776   bulk reagent dispenser model
Q121288524   famille d'équipement sportif"@fr
Q112822110   fictional group of objects
Q113026431   group or class of phenotypic traits
Q113136795   chiral anatomical set type
Q113136801   chiral anatomical surface type
Q113136807   chiral anatomical point type
Q113136810   chiral anatomical line type
Q113136859   chiral organ part type
Q113563925   chiral anatomical cluster type
Q114695512   solar cell panel model
Q114869157   tandem mass spectrometer model
Q115473923   chromatography column model
Q115473994   separation device model
Q117802040   laboratory equipment model

Potentially first-order class  indirect  instances of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 52
Q66564465    set of central neuroglial cells
Q181332      zeolite
Q279440      inosilicate
Q416949      sulfosalt subclass of minerals
Q429635      nesosilicates
Q429681      phyllosilicates
Q1277475     tectosilicates
Q2624432     arsenite \"subclass\"; [5,6] vanadates; iodates
Q4796437     arsenate mineral
Q11515488    sorosilicates
Q11515780    cyclosilicates
Q13221579    nesoborate mineral subclass
Q13221581    inoborate mineral subclass
Q13221613    tectoborate mineral subclass
Q13221626    phylloborate mineral subclass
Q13379369    hydroxide auxiliary subclass of minerals
Q15727337    unclassified silicates
Q15889420    transitional silicate structures, minerals
Q18716363    vanadate mineral
Q51738695    nitrate subclass of minerals
Q68699587    zeolite structural group
Q29442136    nonad
Q39604065    monad
Q39604693    set of 0
Q42531917    set of 1000
Q67197347    set of 40
Q67197375    set of 30
Q67197389    set of 500
Q93464786    hendecad
Q93465891    tridecad
Q93468132    hexadecad
Q93469014    heptadecad
Q93469064    octadecad

Potentially second-order class direct subclasses of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 4
Q3965272     mineral subclass
Q113546394   set of anatomical entities class

Potentially second-order class indirect subclasses of Q24017414 "second-order class"@en out of 4
Q3965272     mineral subclass
Q113546394   set of anatomical entities class

Non-third-order-class instances of Q24017465 "third-order class"@en out of 24
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
2	Q289472      Q17339814    group or class of chemical substances    Q24017465    third-order class
2	Q19885597    Q47154513    structural class of chemical entities    Q24017465    third-order class
1	Q420927      Q72070508    group or class of chemical entities    Q24017465    third-order class
1	Q142943      Q84467700    group or class of proteins        Q24017465    third-order class
2	Q29430681    Q99469810    type of fixed-size set            Q24017465    third-order class

Potentially second-order class direct instances of Q24017465 "third-order class"@en out of 24
Q741844      homologous series
Cannot determine second-order status of Q17339814 group or class of chemical substances TimeoutException
CURL returned error - retrying
Cannot determine second-order status of Q47154513 structural class of chemical entities TimeoutException
Q55499636    pharmacological class of chemical compounds
Q55901595    tractor model series
Cannot determine second-order status of Q56256178 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence TimeoutException
CURL returned error - retrying
Q71310524    motorcycle model series
Cannot determine second-order status of Q72070508 group or class of chemical entities TimeoutException
Q75913269    group or class of strains
Q111722634   rocket series
Q115044473   weapon model series
Q117802245   scientific instrument model series
Q120733671   prosodic group

The following reports are not necessarily errors, but may show a problem with a class

Non-second-order-class direct instances of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 80
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
60	Q484692      Q188451      music genre                       Q19478619    metaclass
11	Q861126      Q431289      brand                             Q19478619    metaclass
46	Q82604       Q627436      field of work                     Q19478619    metaclass
10	Q27030766    Q636033      archive type                      Q19478619    metaclass
6	Q39614       Q811102      building type                     Q19478619    metaclass
9	Q233861      Q862597      musical form                      Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q937228 property TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q937228 property TimeoutException
6	Q879641      Q2083910     vegetational formation            Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q4263830 literary form TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q4263830 literary form TimeoutException
6	Q2490224     Q4442611     fashion style                     Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q5127848 class TimeoutException
2	Q149010      Q6630149     narrative form                    Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q33005760    Q7320446     rhetorical mode                   Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q2048517     Q10926413    soil type                         Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q16887380 group TimeoutException
20	Q954381      Q16887380    group (direct instances only)
114	Q1368899     Q17155032    software category                 Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q21146257 type TimeoutException
7	Q182060      Q21146257    type (direct instances only)
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q21522864 class or metaclass of Wikidata ontology TimeoutException
6	Q83762511    Q22676255    aircraft lift-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
4	Q118958753   Q22676262    aircraft power-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
3	Q1939150     Q23012297    type of electricity transmission    Q19478619    metaclass
16	Q11606456    Q30634609    heritage designation              Q19478619    metaclass
2	Q155658      Q37761255    tank family                       Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q207125      Q38786485    form of communication             Q19478619    metaclass
2	Q62009185    Q62027158    type of dam                       Q19478619    metaclass
254	Q161705      Q63981612    product category                  Q19478619    metaclass
27	Q207694      Q63982911    type of museum                    Q19478619    metaclass
6	Q83762511    Q67543045    aircraft function-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
2	Q83762511    Q69130097    aircraft function-lift-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q42138532    Q81565076    genetics term                     Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q1365530     Q84475169    game theory term                  Q19478619    metaclass
5	Q474090      Q89522629    poetic form                       Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q100792256 identifying artifact TimeoutException
2	Q118958753   Q106428284   aircraft lift-power-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q309078      Q106428953   aircraft function-lift-power-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q309078      Q106428974   aircraft function-power-undercarriage class    Q19478619    metaclass
4	Q48694540    Q108028209   designation type                  Q19478619    metaclass
14	Q1114461     Q112265308   type of fictional character       Q19478619    metaclass
1	Q107668496   Q113749699   grant type                        Q19478619    metaclass
20	Q191830      Q113813711   coin type                         Q19478619    metaclass
19	Q25930490    Q115980997   class of Pokémon species          Q19478619    metaclass
7	Q427581      Q116460050   asset type                        Q19478619    metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q121132955 type of mass media TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q121132955 type of mass media TimeoutException

Non-second-order-class indirect instances of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 54353
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
9	Q834007      Q103812529   organ type                        Q103994247   medical metaclass
5	Q25615       Q103843025   tissue type                       Q103994247   medical metaclass
5	Q133105      Q103843042   organism subdivision type         Q103994247   medical metaclass
32	Q7365        Q103914748   anatomical structure class type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
3	Q180454      Q103915493   localized structure class type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
47	Q7365        Q104007623   anatomical entity class type      Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q104014303   anatomical junction type          Q103994247   medical metaclass
3	Q11068       Q104027169   anatomical system type            Q103994247   medical metaclass
4	Q20011319    Q104030742   taxon entity class type           Q103994247   medical metaclass
4	Q215620      Q113057337   organ part type                   Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q113130789   anatomical cluster type           Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q113130805   joint type                        Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q336128      Q113131065   hair type                         Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q66591785    Q113137439   muscle organ zone type            Q103994247   medical metaclass
3	Q133105      Q113147341   chiral organism subdivision type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q113147985   solitary organism subdivision type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q28654015    Q113551581   anatomical space type             Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q28654015    Q113571289   anatomical space class type       Q103994247   medical metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
28	Q834007      Q103813670   anatomical structure type         Q103994247   medical metaclass
33	Q133105      Q103820425   physical anatomical entity type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
3	Q129757      Q103982366   chiral anatomical structure type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q103982720   solitary anatomical structure type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q104007910   solitary anatomical entity type    Q103994247   medical metaclass
3	Q133105      Q113136790   chiral anatomical entity type     Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q81938       Q42014143    biomedical measurand type         Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q1074814     Q44575957    surgical instrument type          Q103994247   medical metaclass
6	Q181802      Q44580842    medical device type               Q103994247   medical metaclass
25	Q110196705   Q55214844    medical procedure type            Q103994247   medical metaclass
14	Q179991      Q55215251    medical test type                 Q103994247   medical metaclass
2	Q15636229    Q55215846    surgical procedure type           Q103994247   medical metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103995117 medical entity type TimeoutException
2	Q621636      Q103995117   medical entity type (direct instances only)
5	Q81938       Q104018785   medical attribute type            Q103994247   medical metaclass
1	Q3661        Q1131296     freguesia of Portugal             Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q11139742    Q16725943    township-level division           Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q2888028     Q225446      institute of consecrated life     Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q2888028     Q391009      Catholic order                    Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q2888028     Q5135744     Catholic religious institute      Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q60995       Q7553231     Sodality                          Q104098715   territorial entity type
4	Q2888028     Q23955632    Catholic organization             Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q105390172   Q111737478   catholic ecclesiastical district    Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q16          Q6256        country                           Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q2120087     Q7688        raion                             Q104098715   territorial entity type
5	Q319282      Q15284       municipality                      Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q220451      Q34876       province                          Q104098715   territorial entity type
4	Q20094029    Q161243      dependent territory               Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q5824        Q171308      oblast                            Q104098715   territorial entity type
3	Q185086      Q183366      territory                         Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q1385389     Q665487      diocese                           Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q3574690     Q1367821     subprefecture                     Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q20094029    Q2577883     occupied territory                Q104098715   territorial entity type
5	Q329984      Q3183364     administrative territorial entity of Spain    Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q319282      Q3266850     commune                           Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q16543169    Q3333989     minor local entity of Spain       Q104098715   territorial entity type
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q12076836 administrative territorial entity of a single country TimeoutException
1	Q11424233    Q16142566    city planning (Japan)             Q104098715   territorial entity type
4	Q184188      Q20667921    type of French administrative division    Q104098715   territorial entity type
20	Q193944      Q51041800    religious administrative entity    Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q61763947    Q61763780    administrative territorial entity of Aragon    Q104098715   territorial entity type
1	Q668130      Q1499065     spiritual territory               Q104098715   territorial entity type
2	Q874142      Q161         fiber                             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
268	Q302691      Q28640       profession                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q744296      Q32880       architectural style               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q36161 set TimeoutException
2	Q1221033     Q36161       set (direct instances only)
1	Q50963       Q190652      Central Committee                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q223393 literary genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q223393 literary genre TimeoutException
42	Q350783      Q334166      mode of transport                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q483394 genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q483394 genre TimeoutException
6	Q578868      Q659563      video game genre                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1940784     Q864866      type of biotope                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q28859120    Q951437      level of measurement              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q619671      Q999234      scientific term                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
90	Q775570      Q1254773     family of musical instruments     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
39	Q512187      Q1307214     form of government                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q3244112     Q1371849     filmography                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
22	Q1651237     Q1406161     artistic theme                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q1792379 art genre TimeoutException
47	Q8253        Q1792379     art genre (direct instances only)
42	Q212940      Q1792644     art style                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q157957      Q2355817     plant life-form                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q3381576     Q3100808     photography genre                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q334911      Q3546112     insurance type                    Q193612381	Q815554      Q18195680    shoe style                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q179700      Q18783400    genre of sculpture                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
65	Q182940      Q19861951    type of food or dish              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
16	Q645917      Q19958368    culture of an area                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q24925       Q20076756    speculative/fantastic fiction genre    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q8274        Q20087698    comic genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q14121147    Q20488450    mobile phone series               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q785479      Q20643324    opera genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q33742       Q20829075    type of language                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
12	Q194258      Q23719064    yearly prize                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q194258      Q23755142    periodic prize                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q738680      Q24017852    pottery style                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q919348      Q25550763    visual arts of an area            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q919348      Q25621246    painting of an area               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q919348      Q25679497    art of an area                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q15197056    Q28149961    type of fruit                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
49	Q25295       Q28923954    languoid class                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
35	Q19594662    Q33027691    fictional analog of a type of organism    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q1362251     Q34030194    sculpture of an area              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q39725049 type of publication TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q39725049 type of publication TimeoutException
19	Q193979      Q45971958    performing arts genre             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q55983715 organisms known by a particular common name TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q55983715 organisms known by a particular common name TimeoutException
22	Q1004        Q56055944    type of arts                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q96575315    Q56116950    film award category               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q2352616     Q58901077    publication format                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q3052382     Q59211454    level of description              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q55754272    Q63718619    type of law                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q1056672     Q66374263    religion of an area               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q131030      Q66786238    mathematical term                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q39631       Q66811410    medical profession                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
175	Q130436      Q74817647    aspect in a geographic region     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q2785096     Q75054287    music by country or region        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q190429      Q77330535    geologic term                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q964754      Q78088984    study type                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q220499      Q81941037    product distribution method       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q1261026     Q82036085    physical media format             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q483501      Q88789639    artistic profession               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96116695 type of system TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96116695 type of system TimeoutException
61	Q123432      Q96247293    type of management                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q178476      Q96251375    type of policy                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96251598 type of object TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96251598 type of object TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96253971 type of property TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96253971 type of property TimeoutException
5	Q3510521     Q96264607    type of security                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
26	Q27318       Q96273743    type of test                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q18387795    Q96634632    psychology term                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q2783798     Q96758092    type of regulation and control    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q376799      Q98374631    transport by country or region    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q65293638    Q99527323    architecture of geographic location    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
19	Q73984       Q100434640   class of chemical substances by use    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q167172      Q100912473   type of bias                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q1337875     Q101208084   type of risk                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q102110916   Q102110916   electromechanical device          Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1567764     Q102116514   variation                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q336128      Q103812529   organ type                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q103813670   Q103997133   indirect anatomical metaclass     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q23622       Q104624828   book form                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
25	Q42998       Q105756498   type of musical ensemble/group    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q134556      Q106043376   music release type                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q66364245    Q106537557   music by ethnic group             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q207601      Q106592862   annual music awards ceremony      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q222466      Q106727146   aspect by ethnic group            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q2785096     Q106834231   music by period of time           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
68	Q155658      Q106839123   means of transport                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q128093      Q107124887   digital media format              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1542343     Q107317889   type of record label              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
15	Q541947      Q107356781   song type                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
24	Q2618461     Q107359024   class of election                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
206	Q4220917     Q107467117   type of award                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q107478770 document genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q107478770 document genre TimeoutException
7	Q7366        Q107487333   type of musical work/composition    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q96575315    Q107547436   theatre award category            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
18	Q142714      Q107551175   game genre                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
27	Q18618644    Q107649491   type of Wikidata property         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q34467       Q108037652   audio release format              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q4132319     Q108040090   music release type by format      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1230584     Q108169568   sociology term                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q747381      Q108317211   novel genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q108329096 art genre by arts form TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q108329096 art genre by arts form TimeoutException
4	Q37484       Q108368282   literary genre by form            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q44342       Q108465955   fiction genre                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q15706467    Q108466143   non-fiction genre                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
35	Q35140       Q108586636   form of event                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q106833      Q108676140   audio content genre               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q220505      Q108680062   form of festival                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q49297       Q108788952   ethnic group by residency         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q25379       Q110013851   type of theatrical work           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q116476516   Q110169000   type of literary work             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q484692      Q110220157   poetry genre                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q8350        Q110295396   type of musical instrument        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q179550      Q110314665   type of error                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q1651597     Q110401222   religion type                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
21	Q9174        Q110401282   type of world view                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q11862829    Q110402867   classification system of knowledge    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q110403031 knowledge type TimeoutException
5	Q205961      Q110403031   knowledge type (direct instances only)
5	Q694045      Q110430875   type of legislation               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q431102      Q110562117   form of television program        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q15275719    Q110610843   form of event by occurrence       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q24862       Q110900120   type of cinematic work            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q111360535   Q111360549   object genre                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q2785096     Q111676757   aspect in a historical period     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q836133      Q111796904   type of equilibrium               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q111972893 type of structure TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q111972893 type of structure TimeoutException
13	Q329864      Q112057532   type of technology                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q5982983     Q112121531   jurisdictional scope              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1344        Q112248470   type of dramatico-musical work    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
29	Q38723       Q112872396   type of educational institution    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q191924      Q113145171   type of a chemical entity         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q3656924     Q115580828   fictional analog of an occupation    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
36	Q138679      Q116474095   type of work of art               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
18	Q138679      Q116479606   two-dimensional visual artwork genre    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q187432      Q116481801   type of programming language      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q116505632 type of process TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q116505632 type of process TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q116518880 narrative genre TimeoutException
1	Q1076513     Q117021501   music by instrument               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1650727     Q117422294   type of book                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
16	Q588750      Q117422360   drama genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q4563817     Q119520394   type of writing system            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q222466      Q120400477   art by ethnic group               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q548478      Q120870093   culture by ethnic group           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q25696292    Q121344523   type of classification            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q27043950 anatomical entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q1047113 specialty TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q1047113 specialty TimeoutException
191	Q188956      Q2465832     branch of science                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q11862829 academic discipline TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q11862829 academic discipline TimeoutException
1	Q18961019    Q155658      T-72                              Q22999537    vehicle family
1	Q18961019    Q12876       tank                              Q22999537    vehicle family
1	Q18961019    Q130368      armored fighting vehicle          Q22999537    vehicle family
1	Q18961019    Q63173593    armored vehicle                   Q22999537    vehicle family
16	Q1048314     Q1075        color                             Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q8054 protein TimeoutException
1	Q58321       Q8054        protein (direct instances only)
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q11173 chemical compound TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q16521 taxon TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q16521 taxon TimeoutException
15	Q25447263    Q17888       sexual orientation                Q24017414    second-order class
15	Q136822      Q18189       educational stage                 Q24017414    second-order class
268	Q189290      Q28640       profession                        Q24017414    second-order class
113	Q186190      Q31629       type of sport                     Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q131         Q41825       day of the week                   Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q102083      Q56019       military rank                     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1675084     Q133004      diaspora                          Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q202866      Q201658      film genre                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1153191     Q205299      paper size                        Q24017414    second-order class
23	Q425402      Q417841      protein family                    Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q422649 biopolymer TimeoutException
4	Q4167928     Q636497      stock character                   Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q325613      Q811704      rolling stock class               Q24017414    second-order class
27	Q170201      Q930752      medical specialty                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q28733284    Q951437      level of measurement              Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q155972      Q1148887     computer form factor              Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1597325     Q1246687     group of cheese                   Q24017414    second-order class
90	Q101401      Q1254773     family of musical instruments     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q2909080     Q1493054     type of wood                      Q24017414    second-order class
61	Q599867      Q1744559     classification in sports          Q24017414    second-order class
151	Q3271190     Q1875621     aircraft class                    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q3968        Q1936384     area of mathematics               Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q505815      Q1998962     beer style                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q283911      Q2125374     radar type                        Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q830335      Q2235308     ship type                         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q157957      Q2355817     plant life-form                   Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q20027       Q2625877     type of pasta                     Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q290857      Q3231690     automobile model                  Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q856058      Q3331189     version, edition, or translation    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q39631       Q3922583     health profession                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q408649      Q7251477     protein superfamily               Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q5073763     Q7860950     type of earthquake                Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q10541491 legal form TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q10541491 legal form TimeoutException
50	Q75687       Q10929058    product model                     Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q483666      Q11790203    branch of chemistry               Q24017414    second-order class
437	Q326358      Q12737077    occupation                        Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q182406      Q14514600    group of fictional characters     Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q204331      Q15056995    aircraft model                    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q341174      Q15057021    engine model                      Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q272975      Q15142894    weapon model                      Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q15617994 designation for an administrative territorial entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q15617994 designation for an administrative territorial entity TimeoutException
25	Q1366112     Q15961987    television genre                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q16334298 group of living things TimeoutException
3	Q44148       Q16334298    group of living things (direct instances only)
27	Q161705      Q16335899    watercraft type                   Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q188956      Q17002728    branch of botany                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q17197366 type of organisation TimeoutException
25	Q783794      Q17197366    type of organisation (direct instances only)
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q17444909 astronomical object type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q17444909 astronomical object type TimeoutException
2	Q158438      Q17644823    bridge by structural type         Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q509222      Q18758641    watercraft class                  Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q676771      Q19832486    locomotive class                  Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q7150        Q19935939    branch of geography               Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q1470486     Q20888659    camera model                      Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q2291541     Q21192438    fictional species                 Q24017414    second-order class
65	Q4443691     Q21506450    military unit size class          Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q21871294 group or class of organisms TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
1	Q272975      Q22704163    firearm model                     Q24017414    second-order class
77	Q170483      Q22811462    type of manufactured good         Q24017414    second-order class
24	Q130368      Q22999537    vehicle family                    Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q182406      Q23010327    group of fictional objects        Q24017414    second-order class
84	Q12123109    Q23905069    military unit type class          Q24017414    second-order class
40	Q252280      Q23905071    military unit type-size class     Q24017414    second-order class
207	Q4220917     Q24016972    type of distinction               Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q117089018   Q24286894    fictional humanoid species        Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q155972      Q24574728    form factor                       Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q28564       Q25397890    type of library                   Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q23442       Q25894868    place type                        Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q3323634     Q27926484    cheese type                       Q24017414    second-order class
28	Q52106       Q28598684    branch of biology                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15911868    Q28854784    type of costume                   Q24017414    second-order class
38	Q35657       Q28872924    designation for an administrative territorial entity of a single country    Q24017414    second-order class
29	Q204331      Q29048322    vehicle model                     Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q29918287    Q29918297    metaclass of ambassadors          Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q58228       Q29982117    musical instrument model          Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q17147077    Q31073241    camera type                       Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1050840     Q33082993    class of fictional robots         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q45713       Q33294038    class of mythical entities        Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q901407      Q38033430    class of award                    Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q4006        Q41362222    type of map                       Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q81938       Q42014143    biomedical measurand type         Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q839546      Q44409287    type of machine element           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1074814     Q44575957    surgical instrument type          Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q162339      Q44580842    medical device type               Q24017414    second-order class
28	Q1458711     Q44597158    health specialty                  Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q185000      Q45296117    aircraft type                     Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q845777      Q47103999    type of statistic                 Q24017414    second-order class
26	Q28873709    Q47279819    type of mathematical function     Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q47460393 type of number TimeoutException
21	Q12503       Q47460393    type of number (direct instances only)
25	Q179661      Q55214844    medical procedure type            Q24017414    second-order class
14	Q641267      Q55215251    medical test type                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15636229    Q55215846    surgical procedure type           Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q75687       Q55990535    computer model                    Q24017414    second-order class
6	Q1078334     Q56887437    bus type                          Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q81058       Q60031086    branch of pseudoscience           Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q75687       Q62008942    electronic device model           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q62009185    Q62027158    type of dam                       Q24017414    second-order class
7	Q17493956    Q62933756    military unit branch-type-size class    Q24017414    second-order class
14	Q63091220    Q62933848    military unit branch-type class    Q24017414    second-order class
29	Q79817105    Q62933934    military unit branch class        Q24017414    second-order class
114	Q2997640     Q62934160    military unit class               Q24017414    second-order class
17	Q17493956    Q62934264    military unit branch-size class    Q24017414    second-order class
36	Q185992      Q63187345    religious occupation              Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q133485      Q63187384    Jewish religious occupation       Q24017414    second-order class
19	Q157037      Q63188683    Christian religious occupation    Q24017414    second-order class
9	Q157037      Q63188808    Catholic vocation                 Q24017414    second-order class
20	Q96286       Q67015883    group or class of enzymes         Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q554446      Q67101749    group or class of transmembrane transport proteins    Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q107715      Q71758646    general quantity                  Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q7468057     Q77814805    train type series                 Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q43041       Q78155096    family of protein complexes       Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q23048901    Q90834785    racing automobile model           Q24017414    second-order class
84	Q189118      Q94945104    anatomical metaclass              Q24017414    second-order class
26	Q27318       Q96273743    type of test                      Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q79460       Q98119151    group or class of protein complexes    Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q98119401 group or class of physical objects TimeoutException
5	Q3520855     Q99397804    branch of zoology                 Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q15987302    Q100529537   anu l de l apensio                Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
28	Q834007      Q103813670   anatomical structure type         Q24017414    second-order class
33	Q336128      Q103820425   physical anatomical entity type    Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q3529455     Q103843025   tissue type                       Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q133105      Q103843042   organism subdivision type         Q24017414    second-order class
32	Q7365        Q103914748   anatomical structure class type    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q180454      Q103915493   localized structure class type    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q133105      Q103982366   chiral anatomical structure type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q103982720   solitary anatomical structure type    Q24017414    second-order class
94	Q189118      Q103994247   medical metaclass                 Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103995117 medical entity type TimeoutException
2	Q621636      Q103995117   medical entity type (direct instances only)
74	Q189118      Q103997018   direct anatomical metaclass       Q24017414    second-order class
47	Q7365        Q104007623   anatomical entity class type      Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q104007910   solitary anatomical entity type    Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q104014303   anatomical junction type          Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q81938       Q104018785   medical attribute type            Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q11068       Q104027169   anatomical system type            Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q20011319    Q104030742   taxon entity class type           Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q104098715 territorial entity type TimeoutException
4	Q6256        Q104098715   territorial entity type (direct instances only)
1	Q192694      Q104415895   branch of paleontology            Q24017414    second-order class
5	Q170912      Q105760881   branch of sociology               Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q754396      Q105839345   type of respirator                Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q132116      Q106720965   branch of anthropology            Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q985488      Q107301909   administrative levels and divisions of China    Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q107427389   Q107427363   metaclass of honorary consuls     Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1757598     Q108161738   branch of education               Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q185992      Q108377574   Islamic religious occupation      Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q4162444     Q109542218   class of parts                    Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q15141638    Q110915008   group of fictional entities       Q24017414    second-order class
280	Q127724      Q112193867   class of disease                  Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q112826905 class of anatomical entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q112826905 class of anatomical entity TimeoutException
29	Q38723       Q112872396   type of educational institution    Q24017414    second-order class
103	Q81938       Q112965645   symptom or sign                   Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q215620      Q113057337   organ part type                   Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q113130789   anatomical cluster type           Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q2741512     Q113130805   joint type                        Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q336128      Q113131065   hair type                         Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q133105      Q113136790   chiral anatomical entity type     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q66591785    Q113137439   muscle organ zone type            Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q129757      Q113147341   chiral organism subdivision type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q9645        Q113147985   solitary organism subdivision type    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q28654015    Q113551581   anatomical space type             Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q28654015    Q113571289   anatomical space class type       Q24017414    second-order class
4	Q1913301     Q113657383   group or class of agricultural products    Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q1161829     Q114570820   rocket class                      Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q117023459 type of institution TimeoutException
3	Q3152824     Q117023459   type of institution (direct instances only)
1	Q2352628     Q117384800   spacecraft model                  Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q63100732    Q118733356   type of tropical cyclone          Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q63100732    Q118733512   type of cyclone                   Q24017414    second-order class
13	Q7561        Q118733587   type of meteorological phenomenon    Q24017414    second-order class
23	Q391009      Q118905629   type of Roman Catholic institution    Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q208042      Q121144069   type of statistical method        Q24017414    second-order class
43	Q391009      Q121144515   type of religious institution     Q24017414    second-order class
30	Q391009      Q121144598   type of Christian institution     Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q2338524     Q121252873   type d'équipement sportif"@fr     Q24017414    second-order class
2	Q1517900     Q29430681    triad                             Q24017414    second-order class
10	Q180472      Q29431432    dyad                              Q24017414    second-order class
3	Q9031850     Q29441572    heptad                            Q24017414    second-order class
19	Q81745       Q4162444     branch of physics                 Q24017414    second-order class
24	Q353396      Q12015335    technical sciences                Q24017414    second-order class
12	Q27654       Q22811234    branch of philosophy              Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q858517      Q81517619    branch of history                 Q24017414    second-order class
8	Q853915      Q87058424    branch of geology                 Q24017414    second-order class
1	Q58854       Q109551317   branch of literature              Q24017414    second-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q109551565 sub-set of literature TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q109551565 sub-set of literature TimeoutException
1	Q1080293     Q112506851   branch of materials science       Q24017414    second-order class
16	Q4886        Q427626      taxonomic rank                    Q24017465    third-order class
2	Q427523      Q2585617     drug class                        Q24017465    third-order class
1	Q44909815    Q15711994    group of isomeric entities        Q24017465    third-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q17339814 group or class of chemical substances TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q17339814 group or class of chemical substances TimeoutException
1	Q838837      Q29048319    vehicle model series              Q24017465    third-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q47154513 structural class of chemical entities TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q47154513 structural class of chemical entities TimeoutException
5	Q419147      Q55640599    group of chemical entities        Q24017465    third-order class
14	Q184651      Q56256173    class of chemical entities with similar applications or functions    Q24017465    third-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q56256178 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q56256178 class of chemical entities with similar source or occurrence TimeoutException
1	Q44909815    Q59199015    group of stereoisomers            Q24017465    third-order class
1	Q838837      Q59773381    automobile model series           Q24017465    third-order class
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q72070508 group or class of chemical entities TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q72070508 group or class of chemical entities TimeoutException
2	Q11367       Q74892521    imprecise class of chemical entities    Q24017465    third-order class
68	Q96286       Q84467700    group or class of proteins        Q24017465    third-order class
11	Q5760634     Q99469810    type of fixed-size set            Q24017465    third-order class
9	Q988343      Q103812529   organ type                        Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
5	Q797559      Q103843025   tissue type                       Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
5	Q133105      Q103843042   organism subdivision type         Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
32	Q7365        Q103914748   anatomical structure class type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
3	Q1620186     Q103915493   localized structure class type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
47	Q9609        Q104007623   anatomical entity class type      Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q104014303   anatomical junction type          Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
3	Q7895        Q104027169   anatomical system type            Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
4	Q20011319    Q104030742   taxon entity class type           Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
4	Q215620      Q113057337   organ part type                   Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q113130789   anatomical cluster type           Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
2	Q2741512     Q113130805   joint type                        Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
2	Q336128      Q113131065   hair type                         Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q66591785    Q113137439   muscle organ zone type            Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
3	Q133105      Q113147341   chiral organism subdivision type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q113147985   solitary organism subdivision type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q28654015    Q113551581   anatomical space type             Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q28654015    Q113571289   anatomical space class type       Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q103812671 anatomical entity type TimeoutException
28	Q834007      Q103813670   anatomical structure type         Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
33	Q215620      Q103820425   physical anatomical entity type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
3	Q133105      Q103982366   chiral anatomical structure type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q103982720   solitary anatomical structure type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
1	Q9645        Q104007910   solitary anatomical entity type    Q94945104    anatomical metaclass
3	Q129757      Q113136790   chiral anatomical entity type     Q94945104    anatomical metaclass

Non-third-order-class direct subclasses of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 16
Defects Example      Instance     Label
1	Q6256        Q104098715   territorial entity type       
16	Q103995117   Q103994247   medical metaclass             

Non-third-order-class indirect subclasses of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 175
Defects Example      Instance     Label
2	Q29430681    Q99469810    type of fixed-size set        
Cannot retrieve non-second-order instances of Q110402867 classification system of knowledge TimeoutException
18	Q103812671   Q103997133   indirect anatomical metaclass 
40	Q103812529   Q94945104    anatomical metaclass          
5	Q3183364     Q15617994    designation for an administrative territorial entity
5	Q3183364     Q104098715   territorial entity type       
56	Q103812529   Q103994247   medical metaclass             
22	Q103812529   Q103997018   direct anatomical metaclass   

Potentially second-order class direct subclasses of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 16
Q115722011   integrated circuit model
Q115673666   vacuum tube model
Q1375130     type class
Q111722634   rocket series
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104098715 territorial entity type TimeoutException
Q116053282   transistor model or series
Q116845793   air purifier model
Q117384805   spacecraft family
Q118017625   engine series
Q120451300   integrated circuit series
Q109542585   rocket family

Potentially second-order class direct subclasses of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 16
Q115722011   integrated circuit model
Q115673666   vacuum tube model
Q1375130     type class
Q111722634   rocket series
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104098715 territorial entity type TimeoutException
Q116053282   transistor model or series
Q116845793   air purifier model
Q117384805   spacecraft family
Q118017625   engine series
Q120451300   integrated circuit series
Q109542585   rocket family

Potentially second-order class indirect subclasses of Q19478619 "metaclass"@en out of 175
Q386468      World car
Q507313      Zilog Z800
Q115722011   integrated circuit model
Q3965272     mineral subclass
Q110218430   ATV model
Q91151218    Idflieg aircraft type designation
Q10429663    Q10429663"
Q63040754    multiple unit class
Q115673666   vacuum tube model
Q115793813   561 series integrated circuits
Q909200      Konami SCC
Q1375130     type class
Q3268251     precipitation type
Q108822776   excavator model
Q5411847     Typhoon variant
Q21546143    truck model
Q213446      2102
Q23866334    motorcycle model
Q23867828    scooter model
Q1002754     Buick GL8
Q11833142    RV12P4000
Q23868001    moped model
Q2395381     Zilog Z380
Q2654996     4000 series
Q100710213   combat vehicle model
Q111722634   rocket series
Q104840663   Shuttle-derived vehicle
Q115793033   564 series integrated circuits
Q3565408     Walkera
Cannot determine second-order status of Q15617994 designation for an administrative territorial entity TimeoutException
Q5684968     Hurricane variant
Q42319471    trolleybus model
Q113546394   set of anatomical entities class
Q113865068   Jeep Recon
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104098715 territorial entity type TimeoutException
Q293885      AISA I-115
Q2166659     Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
Q110055303   rocket model
Q111941996   crane model
Q55725952    tractor model
Q9249829     EF80
Q265899      7400 series
Q790829      ATL-90 Accountant
Q106913618   item by localization
Q2665687     78xx
Q106937074   Voisin C3
Q60847751    Rolling stock of the ELRT
Q55902242    combine harvester model
Q116053282   transistor model or series
Q1495859     Gattung (Schienenfahrzeug)"@de
Q116845793   air purifier model
Q117384805   spacecraft family
Q118017625   engine series
Q63040753    rail motor coach class
Q120451300   integrated circuit series
Q8071928     Zilog Z16C01
Q19334621    buildings by dedication to persons (religion)
Q203284      Zilog Z80000
Q963609      Caproni Campini N.1
Q1749138     Buick Verano
Q5277522     Dimitriadis 505
Q5531853     F-16 Fighting Falcon model
Q102234498   bicycle model
Q55407666    model year of a specific car model
Q83809828    Buick Velite 6
Q109732509   road roller model
Q50319430    tender class
Q113659133   Buick Envista
Q106617684   Talgo 230
Q106639633   Pontiac Six
Q106959402   item by data
Q109542585   rocket family
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException
Q1469089     Q1469089"
Q114782248   FS 218
Q2066970     Albatros Dr.I
Q97365571    T12 Massimo
Q6138000     Q6138000"
Q5051934     Caterpillar 345C L
Q112859321   aircraft operator-model class
Q60996773    Yamaha Niken
Q10588007    Q10588007"
Q15128870    Vimy I
Q109943307   Space Launch System Block 1B
Q18689230    Q18689230"
Q1269396     Dywa
Q3630557     FS Class 213.4000
Q110243259   FS Class 216
Q17501776    CE.16 Typhoon
Q17501730    Typhoon GT
Q115626603   FS Class 206
Q97386319    ABRA Viaggio
Q3554413     Van Hool ExquiCity
Q3630555     FS Class 211
Q3630559     FS Class 215
Q26234095    OmegA
Q6713831     M4 Sherman model
Q17501715    Typhoon Tranche 2
Q17501721    Typhoon T1
Q113459497   electric motorcycle model
Q115222824   FS Class 208
Q182544      RS09
Q21449807    F-16 Fighting Falcon model sub-block
Q49098717    Q49098717"
Q3630558     FS Class 214
Q7643937     Spitfire model
Q7925343     Viscount model
Q23034867    bus chassis model
Q23038372    bus bodywork model
Q13162009    Bedford Y-Series
Q15126161    prototype aircraft model
Q3630553     FS Class 208.4000
Q109947926   Space Launch System Block 2
Q110919569   Ringtrambus"@fr
Q17501829    Typhoon T3
Q17501845    Typhoon AS
Q115626732   FS Class 210
Q21451552    F-16 Fighting Falcon model block
Q1995029     Kuban-Black Sea Oblast
Q3630556     FS Class 213
Q56808153    sportsperson with relation to this place
Q118965688   aircraft upgrade model
Q118984909   unique aircraft model
Q64127       Space Launch System
Q16931728    P-40 Warhawk model
Q17447455    license-built model
Q17447449    sans suffixe model
Q17501725    Typhoon GT Block 1
Q17501814    Typhoon T
Q3607913     Albatros D.X
Q3630550     FS Class 207
Q6665639     P-3 Orion model
Q17501712    Typhoon Tranche 1
Q17501736    TF-2000A Typhoon
Q12169009    Etalon T12110
Q16986328    Constellation variant
Q17501717    Typhoon Block 1
Q17501819    Typhoon F2
Q60789561    Kondor D 1
Q60789564    Kondor D 2
Q9247974     Dywa 010
Q98207872    Type 500 tram of the l'ELRT
Q11430407    outer castle system
Q60223819    type of administrative division of the Republic of Cyprus
Q20687178    type of administrative division in the United States
Q20687176    type of administrative division of one U.S. state
Q65648446    type of administrative division of Luxembourg
Q109943270   Space Launch System Block 1
Q110153317   FS 218.6098
Q112972684   electric bicycle model

Non-second-order-class direct instances of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 481
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
1	Q42329       Q161         fiber                             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
268	Q193391      Q28640       profession                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q744296      Q32880       architectural style               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q36161 set TimeoutException
2	Q1221033     Q36161       set (direct instances only)
1	Q50963       Q190652      Central Committee                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q223393 literary genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q223393 literary genre TimeoutException
42	Q155930      Q334166      mode of transport                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q483394 genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q483394 genre TimeoutException
6	Q578868      Q659563      video game genre                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1940784     Q864866      type of biotope                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q28733284    Q951437      level of measurement              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q619671      Q999234      scientific term                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
90	Q101401      Q1254773     family of musical instruments     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
39	Q123432      Q1307214     form of government                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q3244112     Q1371849     filmography                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
22	Q1651237     Q1406161     artistic theme                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q1792379 art genre TimeoutException
47	Q93184       Q1792379     art genre (direct instances only)
42	Q222466      Q1792644     art style                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q157957      Q2355817     plant life-form                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q3381576     Q3100808     photography genre                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q334911      Q3546112     insurance type                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q1411808     Q3546121     type of cheese                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q2526255     Q4220920     filmmaking occupation             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q145806      Q5151404     comedic genre                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
16	Q944671      Q7777573     theatrical genre                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q1075179     Q7810129     title of authority                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q2583965     Q12104030    epic literary genre               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q484692      Q12119802    lyric poetry genre                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q1366112     Q12343431    television series genre           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1074090     Q12806886    tea culture of an area            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q736311      Q12933353    Buddhism of an area               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q151384      Q15056993    aircraft family                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q192152      Q15729598    coachwork type                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q846662      Q15961983    radio genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q2566458     Q16743958    genre of painting                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q3244112     Q17438413    videography                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
53	Q167328      Q17524420    aspect of history                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q815554      Q18195680    shoe style                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q179700      Q18783400    genre of sculpture                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
65	Q182940      Q19861951    type of food or dish              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
16	Q645917      Q19958368    culture of an area                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q24925       Q20076756    speculative/fantastic fiction genre    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q8274        Q20087698    comic genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q14121147    Q20488450    mobile phone series               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q785479      Q20643324    opera genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q34228       Q20829075    type of language                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q22675015 type of quantum particle TimeoutException
12	Q3459735     Q23719064    yearly prize                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q194258      Q23755142    periodic prize                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q40800432    Q24017852    pottery style                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q919348      Q25550763    visual arts of an area            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q919348      Q25621246    painting of an area               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q919348      Q25679497    art of an area                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q506139      Q28149961    type of fruit                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
49	Q34770       Q28923954    languoid class                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
35	Q3247351     Q33027691    fictional analog of a type of organism    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q1362251     Q34030194    sculpture of an area              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q39725049 type of publication TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q39725049 type of publication TimeoutException
19	Q193979      Q45971958    performing arts genre             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q55983715 organisms known by a particular common name TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q55983715 organisms known by a particular common name TimeoutException
22	Q638         Q56055944    type of arts                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q96575315    Q56116950    film award category               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q23622       Q58901077    publication format                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q3052382     Q59211454    level of description              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q55754272    Q63718619    type of law                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q1056672     Q66374263    religion of an area               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q131030      Q66786238    mathematical term                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q39631       Q66811410    medical profession                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
175	Q130436      Q74817647    aspect in a geographic region     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
6	Q2785096     Q75054287    music by country or region        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q190429      Q77330535    geologic term                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
7	Q1402508     Q78088984    study type                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q322948      Q81941037    product distribution method       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q34467       Q82036085    physical media format             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q483501      Q88789639    artistic profession               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96116695 type of system TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96116695 type of system TimeoutException
61	Q1335818     Q96247293    type of management                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q181648      Q96251375    type of policy                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96251598 type of object TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96251598 type of object TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q96253971 type of property TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q96253971 type of property TimeoutException
5	Q3510521     Q96264607    type of security                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
26	Q27318       Q96273743    type of test                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q18387795    Q96634632    psychology term                   Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q228502      Q96758092    type of regulation and control    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q376799      Q98374631    transport by country or region    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q65293638    Q99527323    architecture of geographic location    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
19	Q73984       Q100434640   class of chemical substances by use    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q166005      Q100912473   type of bias                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q3433179     Q101208084   type of risk                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q102110916   Q102110916   electromechanical device          Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1567764     Q102116514   variation                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q988343      Q103812529   organ type                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q103813670   Q103997133   indirect anatomical metaclass     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q23622       Q104624828   book form                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q25379       Q110013851   type of theatrical work           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q116476516   Q110169000   type of literary work             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q484692      Q110220157   poetry genre                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q6607        Q110295396   type of musical instrument        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q186150      Q110314665   type of error                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q1651597     Q110401222   religion type                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
21	Q9134        Q110401282   type of world view                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q1047113     Q110402867   classification system of knowledge    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q110403031 knowledge type TimeoutException
5	Q205961      Q110403031   knowledge type (direct instances only)
5	Q7243147     Q110430875   type of legislation               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q431102      Q110562117   form of television program        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q11483816    Q110610843   form of event by occurrence       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q24862       Q110900120   type of cinematic work            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q111475422   Q111360549   object genre                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
3	Q2785096     Q111676757   aspect in a historical period     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q836133      Q111796904   type of equilibrium               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q111972893 type of structure TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q111972893 type of structure TimeoutException
13	Q329864      Q112057532   type of technology                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q5982983     Q112121531   jurisdictional scope              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1344        Q112248470   type of dramatico-musical work    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
29	Q38723       Q112872396   type of educational institution    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q191924      Q113145171   type of a chemical entity         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q20085850    Q115580828   fictional analog of an occupation    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
36	Q138679      Q116474095   type of work of art               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
18	Q4006        Q116479606   two-dimensional visual artwork genre    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
20	Q187432      Q116481801   type of programming language      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q116505632 type of process TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q116505632 type of process TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q116518880 narrative genre TimeoutException
1	Q1076513     Q117021501   music by instrument               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1650727     Q117422294   type of book                      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
16	Q944671      Q117422360   drama genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q4563817     Q119520394   type of writing system            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
8	Q222466      Q120400477   art by ethnic group               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q548478      Q120870093   culture by ethnic group           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
12	Q732744      Q121344523   type of classification            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
25	Q120544      Q105756498   type of musical ensemble/group    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q134556      Q106043376   music release type                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q16679594    Q106537557   music by ethnic group             Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q207601      Q106592862   annual music awards ceremony      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
10	Q548478      Q106727146   aspect by ethnic group            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q2785096     Q106834231   music by period of time           Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
68	Q155658      Q106839123   means of transport                Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q128093      Q107124887   digital media format              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1542343     Q107317889   type of record label              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
15	Q484692      Q107356781   song type                         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
24	Q152450      Q107359024   class of election                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
206	Q4220917     Q107467117   type of award                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q107478770 document genre TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q107478770 document genre TimeoutException
7	Q7366        Q107487333   type of musical work/composition    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q96575315    Q107547436   theatre award category            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
18	Q13698       Q107551175   game genre                        Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
27	Q18614948    Q107649491   type of Wikidata property         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
5	Q34467       Q108037652   audio release format              Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q4132319     Q108040090   music release type by format      Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
1	Q1230584     Q108169568   sociology term                    Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q192239      Q108317211   novel genre                       Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q108329096 art genre by arts form TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q108329096 art genre by arts form TimeoutException
4	Q37484       Q108368282   literary genre by form            Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
9	Q44342       Q108465955   fiction genre                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q15706467    Q108466143   non-fiction genre                 Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
35	Q132241      Q108586636   form of event                     Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
4	Q106833      Q108676140   audio content genre               Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
11	Q220505      Q108680062   form of festival                  Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass
2	Q49297       Q108788952   ethnic group by residency         Q19361238    Wikidata metaclass

Non-second-order-class indirect instances of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 5
Defects Example      Instance     Label                             Subclass     Label
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q27043950 anatomical entity TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q1047113 specialty TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q1047113 specialty TimeoutException
191	Q376680      Q2465832     branch of science                 Q110402867   classification system of knowledge
Cannot retrieve non-first-order instances of Q11862829 academic discipline TimeoutException
Cannot retrieve non-first-order direct instances of Q11862829 academic discipline TimeoutException

Non-third-order-class direct subclasses of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 6
Defects Example      Instance     Label
Cannot retrieve non-second-order instances of Q110402867 classification system of knowledge TimeoutException

Non-third-order-class indirect subclasses of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 7
Defects Example      Instance     Label
Cannot retrieve non-second-order instances of Q110402867 classification system of knowledge TimeoutException

Potentially second-order class direct subclasses of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 6
Q3268251     precipitation type
Q106913618   item by localization
Q19334621    buildings by dedication to persons (religion)
Q106959402   item by data
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException

Potentially first-order class  indirect  instances of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 5
INSTANCE ['Q27043950', 'anatomical entity', 'Q104054982', 'ontological root']
CURL returned error - retrying
Q27043950    anatomical entity
INSTANCE ['Q178161', 'a priori and a posteriori', 'Q110402867', 'classification system of knowledge']
Q178161      a priori and a posteriori
INSTANCE ['Q1047113', 'specialty', 'Q110402867', 'classification system of knowledge']
INSTANCE ['Q2465832', 'branch of science', 'Q110402867', 'classification system of knowledge']
INSTANCE ['Q11862829', 'academic discipline', 'Q110402867', 'classification system of knowledge']

Potentially second-order class direct subclasses of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 6
Q3268251     precipitation type
Q106913618   item by localization
Q19334621    buildings by dedication to persons (religion)
Q106959402   item by data
Cannot determine second-order status of Q104054982 ontological root TimeoutException

Potentially second-order class indirect subclasses of Q19361238 "Wikidata metaclass"@en out of 7
Q3268251     precipitation type
Q106913618   item by localization
Q56808153    sportsperson with relation to this place
Q19334621    buildings by dedication to persons (religion)
Q106959402   item by data
CURL returned error - retrying
Q104054982   ontological root