Wikidata:CopyClear/CollectieGelderland/instelling/Museum Slot Loevestein

Museum Slot Loevestein
military museum, national museum
Inception31 December 1994 Edit
CountryNetherlands Edit
Located in the administrative territorial entityZaltbommel Edit
Located on streetLoevestein Edit
LocationLoevestein Castle Edit
Coordinate location51°49′0″N 5°1′17″E Edit
Member ofGelderland heritage Edit
Location of formationGorinchem Edit
Partnership withGelderland heritage, Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed Edit
Headquarters locationPoederoijen Edit
Award receivedregistered museum Edit
Payment types acceptedMuseumkaart Edit
Street addressLoevestein 1, Loevestein 1 Edit
Postal code5307TG Edit
Phone number+31-183-447-171 Edit
Official website Edit
Described at URL Edit
UsesLoevestein Castle Edit
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