Wikidata:Dataset Imports/Number of out-of-school children for countries and geographical regions

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Getting help edit

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Overview edit

Dataset name edit

Number of out-of-school children for countries and geographical regions

Source edit

UNESCO Institute of Statistics

Link edit

Dataset description edit

Combined total number of out-of-school children, adolescents and youth of primary and secondary school age for most countries and geographic region. This import includes historical values going back to 1999, but some countries actually have data available as far back as 1970. Gender and age group breakdown also available but not used yet.

Additional information edit

To avoid cluttering up country items with very large numbers of date qualified statements, available data has only been imported from 1999 onward (available from 1970 for many countries and regions). For the same reason, data has not been added with any breakdown by gender or age group (this is available from the source). It is expected we will need to switch to using a Data Table on Wikimedia Commons in the future, as this would give access to all breakdown available and the full record of historical values. This has not been done at this stage because it is not yet possible to query Data Tables on Commons using the Wikidata Query Service.

Progress of import edit

The table below is used to track the progress of importing this dataset. The suggested column headings are most applicable to data being imported from a spreadsheet - you can change some column headings or add new columns as required to best describe the progress of this import.

Wikidata item for the datasetImport data into spreadsheetFormat the spreadsheet to import the dataStructure of data within WikidataMatch the dataset to WikidataImporting data into WikidataVisualisationsMaintainance queries and expected results
UIS Number of out-of-school children dataset (Q63033235)  Done (Link)  Done  Done   Done  Done (1999 - 2016)  Done  Not done

Edit history edit

Use the table below to list batches of edits that have been completed for this dataset. Ideally each entry should have all applicable columns filled out, but at a minimum please make to add a date and description to give an idea of what was added to Wikidata and when.

DateDescriptionMethodPropertiesQualifiersReferencesStatements addedStatements removedLink to import sheet
31 Dec 2017Main import of data for both sexes combined for years 1999 - 2016QuickStatementsnumber of out-of-school children (P2573) 19990QuickStatements Import sheet
8 Jan 2018Fixed errors from incorrect matching, and added from new matchesQuickStatementsnumber of out-of-school children (P2573) 7339QuickStatements Import sheet

Discussion of import edit

These headings are generally useful, please change this section to suit your needs.

Structure of data within Wikidata edit

Field nameWikidata propertyUsageNotes
Number of out-of-school childrennumber of out-of-school children (P2573)Main statement
Year of statisticpoint in time (P585) (Qualifier) Qualifier
Method of recording statisticdetermination method (P459) (Qualifier) Qualifier
URL of whole datasetreference URL (P854) ReferenceSame reference used for all statements -
stated in (P248) = UNESCO Institute for Statistics (Q3152127) Reference

Important note: As yearly stats can really clutter up items, it is expected that we will move towards using Data Tables on commons for recording the yearly breakdown. This will need to wait until it's possible to query this data though. Once this is done we should remove the yearly breakdown for the main number of out-of-school children (P2573) property, and just store most recent values only.

Match the dataset to Wikidata edit

Only countries and geographic regions needed matching for this dataset (see matching sheet)

Import completion notes edit

Completed for years 1999 - 2016

Visualisations edit

Maintenance edit

Schedule of new data released edit

New data released annually