Wikidata:Dataset Imports/ResearchGate publication IDs

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Overview edit

Dataset name edit

ResearchGate publication IDs

Source edit

dissemin (Q38197780), run by Committee for the Accessibility of Publications in Sciences and Humanities (Q47486318) (

Link edit

Dataset description edit

An index of ResearchGate's publications

Additional information edit

Progress of import edit

The table below is used to track the progress of importing this dataset. The suggested column headings are most applicable to data being imported from a spreadsheet - you can change some column headings or add new columns as required to best describe the progress of this import.

Wikidata item for the datasetMatch the dataset to WikidataImporting data into WikidataVisualisationsMaintainance queries and expected results
dissemin (Q38197780)Done via DOI (P356) Done (4M statments)NoneConstraint violation report

Edit history edit

Use the table below to list batches of edits that have been completed for this dataset. Ideally each entry should have all applicable columns filled out, but at a minimum please make to add a date and description to give an idea of what was added to Wikidata and when.

DateDescriptionMethodPropertiesQualifiersReferencesStatements addedStatements removedLink to import sheet
From September 2018 to January 2019adding the idsbot importResearchGate publication ID (P5875)4M0

Discussion of import edit

These headings are generally useful, please change this section to suit your needs.

Import completion notes edit

Visualisations edit

Maintenance edit

Queries and expected results edit

Query linkDescriptionExpected results

Schedule of new data released edit