
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Eighth Birthday and the translation is 47% complete.

Wikidata's distributed birthday | October 2020 | #WikidataBirthday


24-hours online meetup

Run an event

Presents & messages

維基數據於2012年10月29日上線。在2020年10月下旬至2020年11月上旬,我們組織了一個巨大的「 全球維基數據周年慶」的活動。 鼓勵所有在地社群舉辦自己的線上活動:聚會、工作坊,新手培訓、黑客松、編輯實況等各式活動。到2020年10月底,帶動您的在地社群,與新參與者互動並慶祝八歲生日! 在社交媒體上將圖片、禮物和各式訊息以“#WikidataBirthday'作為共同標籤。


對於籌備活動有興趣嗎? 你可以在 這裡找到更多資訊.

🗓 日期與時間 ☀️ 活動名稱 👥 組織 💬 簡述 🌐 語言 🕑 活動時長 📽️ 是否提供直播或錄影 📍 位置
Format TBD with TZC 活動名稱與詳細資訊連結 組織或組織者名稱 至多2-3句話 歡迎各式語言 如:兩小時 如果有提供,請在此提供對應連結 是否為線上活動?
October 11, 2020 12:30 UTC Sum of all paintings WikiProject India 2 hours webinar to be conducted by Jane023 who will introduce Sum of all paintings to Indian Wikidata community and describe the workflow with a hand-on session. The webinar will followed by 16 days long online data-thon on Indian paintings, the output of which will be gifted to Wikidata on 29th October as birthday gift. 英语 2小时 https://meet.google.com/geo-huvx-paf 虚拟
October 12, 2020 00:01 IST to October 28, 2020 23:59 IST Sum of all Indian paintings data-thon WikiProject India 16 days long online datathon on Indian paintings, the output of which will be gifted to Wikidata on 29th October as birthday gift. Any language 16天 NA 虚拟
October 17 2020 13:30 UTC Abstract Wikipedia WikiProject India 2 hours webinar to be conducted by DVrandecic (WMF) who will introduce Abstract Wikipedia to the Indian Wikidata community. 英语 2小時 https://meet.google.com/cmr-wwzc-bcy 虛擬
October 18 2020 13:30 UTC 維基數據詞位 WikiProject India 2 hours webinar to be conducted by Mahir256 who will demonstrate Wikidata Lexeme to the Indian Wikidata community. 英語 2小時 https://meet.google.com/ktm-fxzs-wif 虛擬
October 22 2020 17:00-21:00 UTC Wikidata Lab XXV Wiki Movimento Brasil User Group 4 hour event, through YouTube and Facebook Livestream, about APIs and ways to perform data extraction for Wikidata. 葡萄牙語 4小时 Live on YouTube + other social media. Recording uploaded to Commons afterwards 虚拟
Saturday, October 24 2020, 13:00 - 18:30 UTC+8 維基數據跨領域論壇 Wikidata Cross-Domain Forum Wikidata Taiwan (Q65555605) Wikidata 今年八歲了!

自 Wikidata Taiwan 在2019年創立以來,Wikidata 在台灣的推動工作與跨領域的合作有著相當密切的關係。

從最初在用於 metadata 紀錄上,到社群成立之初與 OpenStreetMap 的資料交互索引,再到河川、環境資料的結構化收錄,還有在當代藝術領域的資料收存研究等等;各領域工作者的交會,促成了 Wikidata 在臺灣的蓬勃發展。

維基數據跨領域論壇就是一個連結各式領域工作者的交流平台,以 Wikidata 為中心出發,透過各界的觀點去對於「鏈結資料」、「結構化資料」–這樣的資料型態做多面向的討論與詮釋,並期待從中創造更多的跨領域對話與不同的資料想像。

不是維基人、不懂 Wikidata 也可以來參加,本論壇歡迎各領域工作者前來,帶著對於該領域對資料的想法與觀點,到論壇與我們一起討論、激盪,或許能夠創造一種新的可能性。

Standard Taiwanese Mandarin (Q262828)Taiwanese Hokkien (Q36778) 5小時 YouTube Wikidata Taiwan 頻道播出 中央研究院 資訊科技創新研究中心

中央研究院 資訊科技創新研究中心

Saturday, October 24 2020, 14:00 - 17:00 GMT+1 Wikidata Eighth Birthday Celebration in Ulm, Germany local group We want to edit items and properties related to our hometown Ulm. 德语 3小时 bbb.ulm.dev/b/wikidata_ulm 虛擬
Saturday, October 24 16:30-20:30 UTC Wikidata Party in São Paulo, Brazil Wiki Movimento Brasil User Group The event includes interactive presentations and Wikidata editing activities! It will also be integrated to the Abre-te Código hackathon. To wrap up the day, we'll give Wikidata birthday presents! 葡萄牙語 4小时 WMB's YouTube channel on site and virtual
Sunday, October 25th 2020, 19:00 - 21:00 GMT+5:30 Wikidata+OSM: Its use cases WikiProject Kerala Talk and demonstration of the use cases of Wikidata + OpenStreetMap across Wikimedia projects and non Wikimedia projects by naveenpf Malayalam 2小时 https://meet.google.com/zmj-gcjb-tpx 虛擬
Sunday 25 October Wikidata+Wikipedia+OpenStreetMap workshop in Rennes local group Workshop "Wikidata, Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap", improvements of interconnection between these three projects 法语 ~4 hours Rennes (Q647), France (Q142)
Monday 26-Wednesday 28 October WikiCite 2020 Virtual conference Liam Wyatt The 2020 edition of the WikiCite conference – held virtually. All about open citations and linked bibliographic data. Streaming presentations over three days in blocks of time. Each will be curated by different pairs of coordinators, with different focus topics, timezones, and languages. Primarily English (Also sessions in German, French, Portuguese...) Several periods of ~3 hours Live on Youtube + other social media. Recordings uploaded to Commons afterwards 虛擬
Monday 26-Friday 30 October Wikidata Education Week Education team, Wikimedia Foundation

The Education Team hopes to participate in the birthday celebration by raising awareness of the educational value of Wikidata.

  • Hosting a Wikidata in Education meetup
  • Sharing a Communications Tool-kit with messaging the community can share on their social media channels
  • Hosting live interviews with Wikimedians who have used Wikidata in education
  • Launching a consultation with key influencers on how Wikidata can be used for curriculum digitization
英语 Wikimedian and affiliates staff sharing their experience live on Facebook page. 虛擬
16:00 UTC 10月27日,星期二 Wikidata & Wikibase office hour Léa Lacroix During the office hour, the Wikidata and Wikibase development team presents what has been worked on during the previous three months, and what's coming next. The second part is dedicated to questions from participants. The office hour takes place on Telegram, and the notes are archived onwiki (see previous sessions). 英语 1小时 Wikidata Telegram group 虚拟
October 28th, 17:00 UTC 24-hours online meetup Léa Lacroix 24-hours online call, where people can jump in at any time, discuss with community members they may or may not know, and chat about everything that makes them enthusiastic about Wikidata! So many things can happen during this call: discussions, games, watching one of the online birthday events together, live-editing... feel free to jump on and off at any time that is convenient for you. 主要为英语 24小时 Please register here (free of charge, a valid email address is needed). The link to the call will then be sent to you. 虚拟
10月29日,星期四 BIOCURATION 2020 ONLINE WORKSHOPS: Gene Wiki: how to synchronize and curate primary sources with and in Wikidata Andra Waagmeester During this virtual workshop we will present the workflow as followed in the Gene Wiki project. Driven by a selected public data set we will demonstrate how this data set is added in Wikidata. 英语 2小时半 registration and other details 虚拟
Thursday 29 October Eighth Birthday in Rennes local group 🎂 Informal talk and celebration 法语 2小时 Rennes (Q647), France (Q142)
Thursday 29 October Eighth Birthday Celebration at Kochi, Kerala, India Wikimedians of Kerala 🎂 Informal talk and celebration English and Malayalam 2小时 Event Page, Kochi (Q1800)
Thursday 29 October Wikidata Query Contest Wikimedia Eesti Competition for Estonia-related Wikidata queries 爱沙尼亚语 1周 虛擬
October 29, 2020 12:30 UTC Espacio de edición Wikidata en español Wikimedia Argentina Informal editing space 西班牙语 4小时 meet.jit.si/CumpleWikidata 虛擬
October 29, 17:00 UTC Wikidata Eighth Birthday Celebration putnik 🎂 Informal talk and celebration 俄语 2小时 Zoom 虛擬
Saturday, October 30 2020, 10:00 - 04:00 GMT+1 Wikidata Eighth Birthday Celebration in Nigeria Kaizenify Wikimedians in Nigeria will celebrate Wikidata birthday on Friday 30th of October with a meetup/training for 6 hours hours and the followed by practical sessions and awarding of prizes for best contributors. 英语 5小时 Yes, on Facebook Lagos, Nigeria
Friday, October 30, 2020 starting at 9:00 Wikidata @ UniSa: libraries & LOD Remo Rivelli, Alessandra Boccone, Tania Maio

Wikidata introduction for interested students, staff and faculty.

Courses "Produzione e gestione dei documenti digitali" and "Progettazione e gestione delle biblioteche e degli archivi digitali"

意大利语 3小时 Online on Microsoft Teams (University of Salerno (Q1633215), Fisciano (Q80944)) Italy (and virtual)
Saturday, October 31 2020, 10:00 - 13:30 UTC Wikidata 8th Birthday Celebration in Ghana Sadik Shahadu

Join us let's celebrate Wikidata's eighth birthday in Accra, Ghana.

On October 31, 2020 Wikimedians in Ghana will organize a birthday to celebrate the birth of Wikidata - the structured database that powers Wikipedia and sister projects. Wikidata was born on October 29, but we are throwing a belated birthday party on the first Saturday that follows. Join us to discover Wikidata resources and helpful tools, and the cool projects we're working on. This will be a perfect moment to celebrate the achievements of the Wikidata community Ghana and get to meet fellow Wikidatians.

英语 4小时 Link to the call TBD 虚拟
31st of October Festojme ditelindjen e 8te te Wikidatas Wikimedians of Albanian Language UG We will host on offline event with max 10 people. 阿尔巴尼亚语 2.5小时 待定 地拉那
