Wikidata:Requests for comment/Same name for different taxa and different authors

An editor has requested the community to provide input on "Same name for different taxa and different authors" via the Requests for comment (RFC) process. This is the discussion page regarding the issue.

If you have an opinion regarding this issue, feel free to comment below. Thank you!

I found a problem with Salvia microphylla, incorrectly assigned to Sessé & Moc., 1893. The name currently belongs to a taxon identified by Carl Sigismund Kunth, in IPNI ( known as Salvia microphylla Kunth, but IPNI also has Salvia microphylla Sessé & Moc., but this second taxon is a synonym of Salvia melissodora Lag., see Plants of World Online ( It seems impossible to add a second record with the same name and the modification of the existing one is not allowed.