Wikidata:Requests for deletions/Header/text/fa

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Requests for deletions/Header/text and the translation is 42% complete.
درخواست حذف
Items that do not meet Wikidata's notability policy can be deleted. لطفا آیتم‌هایی را که می‌خواهید حذف کنید، زیر بخش "درخواست" بنویسید. اگر به خاطر خرابکاری محض بود، در اینجا اضافه کنید. (gadget available موجود است) یا در #wikidataconnect به گوش یک مدیر برسانید.

Please use {{Q+}} the first time you mention an item. Unless you use the gadget, please also ping the item's creator in your request (or ping the bot operator, when appropriate) if the user is still active on Wikidata and the user has contributed the majority of information in that item.

برای نوشتن نام یک خصوصیت برای حذف لطفا به Wikidata:Properties for deletion بروید

Duplicate items should be merged, not deleted: see Help:Merge.

Do not blank items in anticipation of deletion. In particular, do not remove sitelinks, even if you have requested the deletion of the page in the sitelink's target wiki or if you think that sitelinks of this type should not have Wikidata items.

This is not the place to request undeletion. Please read Wikidata:Guide to requests for undeletion and either contact the deleting admin or use Wikidata:Administrators' noticeboard instead.

On this page, old درخواست‌ها برای حذف are archived, if they are marked with {{Deleted}}. An overview of all archives can be found at this page's archive index. The current archive is located at Wikidata:Requests for deletions/Archive/۲۰۲۴/۰۶/۰۶.