Wikidata:WikiCite/Researchers in Switzerland/Statistics

Comparison edit

Background level and distribution of items at the beginning and during the project

  • beginning: 2021-11-10.
People with affiliation 1114980 in total in the world (Swiss are 1,56%)
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 6235 (M:5303 F:930 X:2)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 10012 (M:8253 F:1757 X:2)
  • update: 2021-11-26.
People with affiliation 1117581 in total in the world (Swiss are 1,57%)
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 6347 (M:5390 F:955 X:2)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 10282 (M:8450 F:1830 X:2)
  • update: 2023-03-27.
People with affiliation [missing] in total in the world (Swiss are [missing])
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 8213 (M:6840 F:1371 X:2)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 12352 (M:9993, F:2356, X.3)
  • update: 2023-08-20.
People with affiliation 1297305 in total in the world (Swiss are 1,59%)
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 8847 (M:7319, F:1526, X:2)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 13080 (M:10530, F:2547, X:3)
  • update: 2023-11-29.
People with affiliation 1315884 in total in the world (Swiss are 1,59%)
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 9117 (M:7529 , F:1586 , X:2)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 13355 (M:10729 , F:2623 , X:3)
  • update: 2024-04-12.
People with affiliation 1409971 in total in the world (Swiss are 1,70%)
People with sex/given name/surname/at least 1 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: 10175 (M: 8206, F:1826, X:3)
People with sex/at least 2 ID/affiliation to some institution in Switzerland or Liechtenstein: (M:11733, F:3055, X:4)

Project metrics edit

people with employer (P108) related to Switzerland or Liechtenstein
Date Total M F X unassigned created by A.M.[1]
2021-11-10 17401 9123 2128 2 6148 3
2021-11-26 17535 9324 2207 2 6002 150
2023-03-27 20108 11149 2908 3 6048 365
2023-08-20 20687 11607 3103 3 5974 518
2023-11-29 20943 11767 3173 3 6000 631
2024-04-12 23937 12882 3704 5 7346 1082

Please consider also 74 items (both UNINE and non-UNINE researchers) created by User:Jahl de Vautban[2] for a small side-project (ca 250 UNINE ID connected, including existing items)

  1. metrics and 6 items by mistake done with another account. Figures are indicative within 98-99% because of creation of items not related directly to those people, such as items of people with similar names.
  2. query, the project started after November 7th and before November 10th