Wikidata:WikiProject Biography/Curate













Curation is any activity which edits the data to improve it.

General advice

  1. If you are new to Wikidata then take a tour of the project starting at Wikidata:Community portal.
  2. Perhaps the single most important skill an editor can have is the ability to join conversations and ask questions. Be familiar with the forum at Wikidata:Project chat.
  3. Wikidata:Be bold in making edits.
  4. Routinely and publicly show edits and ask other community members for feedback
  5. The data here is complicated and editors will identify many challenges and content gaps. If an issue is important to you then log it in this project's talk page.

Disambiguation of people


There is no easy standard process for personal disambiguation in Wikidata, although many editors do this in many contexts. Wikidata's most developed tool for disambiguation of people is the "Author Disambiguator" which has the intended use of uniquely identifying the authors of scholarly publications. While that tool does not assist with anyone except the authors of research papers, use of this tool has led to early discussions about Wikidata biographies.

Wikidata properties that may violate privacy

Wikipe-tan says, "If you are collecting large amounts of data then start an ethical discussion first!"

Wikidata only collects public information. However, even by only collecting public information, a range of social and ethical issues arise when Wikidata aggregates this information and makes it public. Anyone concerned with a particular issue should raise it on the talk page of this WikiProject.