Wikidata:WikiProject Ethnicity

WikiProject Ethnicity on Wikidata aims to provide guidelines for ethnicity-related items.

Ethnic groups


An item is an instance of an ethnic group (Q41710) if it describes a social group with a common cultural identity, and often with an associated language or dialect.

Application to individuals, particularly modern individuals, should be applied only in well-documented cases.

Ethnic communities


An item is an instance of an ethnic community (Q28790362) if it describes an ethnic group in a particular region or (more commonly) country, and includes the properties ethnic group (P172) and country (P17). An ethnic community may be specified as an instance of an national minority (Q769696) or ethnic majority (Q2119322) in a given location if its status is clear.



An item is an instance of a diaspora (Q133004) if it describes the global distribution of ethnic communities, of a particular ethnic group. Some particular diaspora conceptions may include the ethnic group's homeland, and others may not; this can be done with qualifiers. The different ethnic communities have the property diaspora (P3833) to connect them globally.