Wikidata:WikiProject Norse/Queries/4

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { { ?Metaclass wdt:P361+ wd:Q24175569 . } UNION { ?Metaclass wdt:P2596 wd:Q24175569 . } ?item wdt:P31+ ?Metaclass . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . } }
Item Description Instance of
Af Upplendinga konungum Norwegian tale saga
Alateivia Common Germanic deities
Arinbjarnarkviða skaldic poem by Egill Skallagrímsson skaldic poem
Athena Pierce Fictional character from MapleStory fictional human
Barlaams saga ok Jósafats Legend of Barlaam and Josaphat in Old Icelandic Norse sagas
Bergelmir Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Berlingr dwarf in Norse mythology Norse dwarves
Bestla Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Bishops' sagas group of narratives concept about Norse culture
Brjáns saga saga
Brokkr Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Norse dwarves
Brynhild Valkyrie in Norse mythology valkyrie
Buddenbrooks 1901 novel by Thomas Mann literary work
roman à clef
Cançons per a la Paula saga by Blue Jeans saga
Codex Regius Icelandic manuscipt of Old Norse poems codex
Norse cultural artifact
Decorative chain garnish Kedjegarnityr
Decorative chain garnish decorative chain garnish in the collection of the Swedish History Museum with object number 885240_HST Kedjegarnityr
Eitri Dwarven smith from Norse mythology Norse mythical character
Norse dwarves
Estes video game character
Fenrir monstrous wolf in Norse mythology warg
mythical character
Foundation of Norway saga
Freyr Norse deity Norse deity
nature deity
fertility deity
Frá Fornjóti ok hans ættmönnum saga
Fáfnir figure in Germanic heroic legend Norse mythical character
mythological serpent
Gandalf Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Goll valkyrie
Great oak (Finnish mythology) World tree
Grega saga Old Norse chivalric saga known only from a manuscript that survives as a single leaf chivalric saga
Grottasöngr Old Norse poem eddic poem
Norse myth
Hati Hróðvitnisson Wolf in Norse mythology warg
mythical character
Hauksbók 14th-century Icelandic manuscript in three parts, divided between Copenhagen University Library and the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies dismembered codex
Norse cultural artifact
Haustlöng skaldic poem skaldic poem
Heimskringla collection of kings' sagas, written by Snorri Sturluson literary work
Hildr Norse mythical character valkyrie
Hlaðajarla saga saga of Icelanders Sagas of Icelanders
Hlaðguðr svanhvít valkyrie valkyrie
Hlóra Æsir
Hlökk valkyrie in Norse mythology valkyrie
Holda legendary figure, possibly a Germanic goddess Common Germanic deities
Hrafnsmál skaldic poem about King Harald literary work
skaldic poem
Hrist valkyrie
Hróars saga Tungugoða Sagas of Icelanders
Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar Icelandic saga saga
literary work
Hversu Noregr byggðist account of the origin of various legendary Norwegian lineages saga
Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar Norse saga saga
Háleygjatal skaldic poem skaldic poem
Höfuðlausn skaldic poem by Egill Skallagrímsson written work
skaldic poem
Hökunótt a Norse religious concept Norse religious concept
Höyheneukko Emuu
Inga saga Sagas of Icelanders
Járnsaxa Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Játvarðar Saga Icelandic saga about the life of English king Edward the Confessor saga
Jóns saga leikara Icelandic romance saga chivalric saga
Kedjegarnityr Viking art
King Laurin South Tyrolean saga literary work
mythical character
Krodo Saxon God Common Germanic deities
Legendary Saga of St. Olaf legendary saga
legendary sagas
Lemmes Emuu
Lokasenna Old Norse poem from the Poetic Edda eddic poem
Norse myth
Louhi wicked queen of the land known as Pohjola in Finnish and Karelian mythology Emuu
Lucid Fictional character from MapleStory fictional human
Lýtir Norse gopd Common Germanic deities
Mammen style art movement of Viking Age Scandinavia art movement
concept about Norse culture
Mars Thingsus Common Germanic deities
Mercedes playable character from the game MapleStory fictional human
Mercurius Cimbrianus Mercury god of Germanic tribe of Cimbri Common Germanic deities
Mist valkyrie
Miya video game character
Mokkurkalfe jötunn Jötnar
Nabbi dwarf
Nikulás saga leikara saga
Njord one of the Vanir, a group of gods within Norse mythology water deity
Norse deity
Norse cultural artifact cultural artifact believed to be of Norse provenance concept about Norse culture
Norse culture historical culture of Northern Europe concept about Norse culture
culture by ethnic group
Norse law historical legal system legal system
concept about Norse culture
Norse lore spoken and written traditions of the Norse tradition
concept about Norse culture
Norse mythology the body of myths belonging to the North Germanic peoples mythology
concept about Norse culture
Norse picture stone class of picture stones concept about Norse culture
Norse poems group of poems concept about Norse culture
Norse religious concept class of concepts that are part of Norse religion concept about Norse culture
Norse rituals traditional religious rituals practiced by Norse pagans in Scandinavia concept about Norse culture
Norse sagas group of narratives concept about Norse culture
Old Norse poetry range of verse forms written in Old Norse concept about Norse culture
Old Norse religion historical religious tradition belonging to the North Germanic peoples concept about Norse culture
Poetic Edda collection of Old Norse poems poetry collection
Norse cultural artifact
Prologue to King John Prologue
Prose Edda 13th-century Norse work of literature written in Iceland literary work
Norse cultural artifact
Ringerike style art style from Scandinavia art movement
concept about Norse culture
Rosendala pier small harbour in lake Vättern in Huskvarna, Sweden hamr
Ríg Norse deity Norse deity
Rígsþula poem from the Poetic Edda narrative poetry
eddic poem
Norse myth
Seaxnēat National god of the Saxons Common Germanic deities
Sigi deity Common Germanic deities
Sigrun Main antagonist of the game God of War valkyrie
fictional human
Sigrún valkyrie in Norse mythology valkyrie
mythical character
Sindri Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Norse dwarves
Skaði Norse deity Norse deity
Skeggjold valkyrie, Norse mythical character valkyrie
Sköll animal in Norse mythology warg
mythical character
Smoothing board Norse cultural artifact
Smoothing board Smoothing board
Smoothing board Smoothing board
Smoothing board Smoothing board
Smoothing board Smoothing board
Snæbjörn saga galti saga of Icelanders Sagas of Icelanders
Sonatorrek skaldic poem by Egill Skallagrímsson literary work
skaldic poem
Stuffo Common Germanic deities
Sturlunga saga Norse contemporary saga contemporary saga
Old Norse literature
Isländska sagor
Surtr Norse mythical character Norse mythical character
Svipul valkyrie from Norse Myths valkyrie
Sváfa valkyrie valkyrie
Sögubrot af nokkrum fornkonungum Icelandic text saga
Sörla saga sterka saga
Tapiotar Emuu
The second Bagler war part of the civil war era in Norway Civil war era in Norway
Thors hammer Scania silver pendant Mjölnir
Tiwaz god of war in Germanic ages Common Germanic deities
Trollkyrka secluded butte-like rock hill
Vidrack saga
Viking art term for art of Scandinavia and Viking settlements of 8th-11th centuries CE art movement
concept about Norse culture
art by ethnic group
Vingólf place in Norse mythology Norse mythical location
Vist the giant giant acording to legend Jötnar
Völundarkviða eddic poem eddic poem
Völuspá poem from the Poetic Edda eddic poem
Wasp bead bead
Norse cultural artifact
Woman of the Chatti alleged Germanic seeress of the Chattian tribe seeress
Worg Dwarf of Scandinavian folklore dwarf
Wuotis-Heer Norse mythology
Ymir primeval being born of primordial elemental poison and the ancestor of all Jötnar Hrimthurs
Yngvi Germanic deity Common Germanic deities
contemporary sagas group of narratives concept about Norse culture
eddic poem class of Norse poems concept about Norse culture
eddic poems group of poems concept about Norse culture
family tree of the Norse gods Wikimedia list article Wikimedia list article
concept about Norse culture
ganding Norse religious concept Norse religious concept
gyðja Norse religious concept
hamr shape in norse magical shapeshifting (hamr-shifting) Norse religious concept
history of the Norse aspect of medieval history aspect of history
concept about Norse culture
hörgr type of altar or cult site, possibly consisting of a heap of stones Norse religious concept
húgr Norse religious concept
legendary sagas group of narratives concept about Norse culture
skaldic poem class of Norse poems concept about Norse culture
skaldic poems group of poems concept about Norse culture
Äio mythological creature in Estonia dwarf
Ölrún valkyrie valkyrie
Þorgils saga Höllusonar Sagas of Icelanders
Þorsteins saga Víkingssonar Icelandic saga saga
Þrúðr valkyrie valkyrie
Þórðar saga hreðu Icelandic saga Sagas of Icelanders
literary work
útiseta Norse religious concept
End of automatically generated list.