Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/BrandeisUniversity

Aim and Scope


Brandeis University Library Brandeis University Library is participating in the PCC Wikidata Pilot Project with the following aims and scope:

  • Align with the PCC Strategic Directions, especially “SD4: Accelerate the movement toward ubiquitous identifier creation and identity management at the network level”
  • Create an inclusive environment for catalogers and non-catalogers to contribute to authorized access points
  • To strengthen our understanding of other methods of contributing to the wider scholarship community
  • To understand how WikiData can support the scholarship that is conducted at Brandeis University and how it connects to the wider community




  • Creation of WikiData for the institution--creating items for all academic units of Brandeis University
  • Authority control relating to academic departments and faculty:
  • Develop and understanding of Wikidata and how it can be used together with NACO
  • Time permitting, looking at unique collections held at Brandeis University