Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/LC-BIBFRAME-Wikidata-Project

LC-BIBFRAME-Wikidata-Project edit

Background edit

Library of Congress (LC) BIBFRAME Pilot participants are breaking new bibliographic ground by describing resources in BIBFRAME. Because BIBFRAME resources do not constitute a "database of record" for LC, Pilot participants must also create MARC descriptions for the same resources they describe in BIBFRAME.

This duplicative workflow is compounded when it comes to authority work. LC bibliographic descriptions must use authorized access points for agents; the LC/NACO Authority File, a MARC-based file, is used for this purpose. The LC Linked Data Service, ID.LOC.GOV, includes a linked data version of the LC/NACO Authority File. BIBFRAME Pilot participants access the LC/NACO Authority File through ID.LOC.GOV.

This workflow is relatively straightforward when there is already an authority record representing the agent in the LC/NACO Authority File. But when there is not an authority record representing the agent, the workflow becomes much more complicated. LC is participating in the PCC Wikidata Pilot to explore an improved workflow in this situation, one that takes advantage of Identity Management principles, and relies less on traditional authority control concepts.

General Workflow edit

LC BIBFRAME Pilot participants must create authority records for new agents in the MARC-based LC/NACO Authority File. The MARC file is the "master" LC/NACO Authority File, used for distribution and ongoing maintenance. The linked data version of the LC/NACO Authority File in ID.LOC.GOV is synchronized with the MARC file through daily updates from MARC to ID.LOC.GOV.

Pilot participants also create BIBFRAME descriptions for resources before creating the MARC description for the same resource. If an agent is not represented in the LC/NACO Authority File at the time the pilot participant is creating the BIBFRAME description, the search to ID.LOC.GOV will result in a non-match. The participant is then required to put the BIOBFRAME description on "hold," create the MARC authority record, and then wait for the MARC authority record to distribute to ID.LOC.GOV overnight. Then, the next day, the pilot participant must go back to the BIBFRAME description, search for the new authority record, and capture the URI for the record in the BIBFRAME description. This is a very convoluted workflow.

The LC-BIBFRAME-Wikidata Project will radically change this workflow.

When an LC BIBFRAME Pilot participant does not find a LC/NACO Authority File record for the agent, the participant will search Wikidata, and if there is a Wikidata item for the agent, the Wikidata URI will be used in the BIBFRAME description. If there is not a Wikidata item for the agent, the participant will create a new Wikidata item, and use the Wikidata URI in the BIBFRAME description. This will allow the BIBFRAME description to be completed without waiting for a MARC description for the agent to distribute.

Since the MARC bibliographic and authority file are still the databases of record, BIBFRAME Pilot participants must still create a LC/NACO Authority File record for the agent. The MARC record will be a minimal record, with only the Core RDA requirements, and nothing more. An 024 field with a link to the Wikidata item will be added to the MARC record. The Wikidata item will become the "hub" for the description of the agent, and the MARC authority record will be a "spoke."

Wikidata Resources edit

Stanford University's WikiProject page

MARC Authority Format -- Wikidata Mappings edit

New document! November 19, 2020: This document is an attempt to facilitate data mapping between MARC21 Authority Format and Wikidata. It serves as a quick reference and as a starting point for PCC Wikidata Pilot participants and should not be seen as comprehensive, exhaustive, or prescriptive. If you have any comments, suggestions, or corrections, please contact Lucas Mak (, Chair of PCC Standing Committee on Applications

LC MAP for Persons

Participants edit

Name Location
Kristin Anderson Library of Congress, US Arts, Sciences, and Humanities Division
Nancy Cooey Library of Congress, Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Paul Frank Library of Congress, Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Chris Holden Library of Congress, Music Bibliographic Access Section
Elaine Kim Library of Congress, Asian and Middle Eastern Division
Matt Miller Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office
Karen Peters Library of Congress, National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, Recorded Sound Section
Melanie Polutta Library of Congress, Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division
Elsie Ramirez Library of Congress, African, Latin American and Western European Division
Tammy Wong Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division
Jessica Zieman Library of Congress, U.S./Anglo Division

Participant Workflow edit

  • Create/link to Wikidata items for agents when there is no NACO record for the agent
  • Add the Wikidata link in the BIBFRAME description but create the NACO record for the MARC record
  • Suppress the MARC bibliographic record with the 985 field
  • Create a minimal NACO record (code Full) with only RDA Core elements
  • Add an 024 field linking to the Wikidata item
  • In cases where there is a NACO record for the agent, evaluate the fullness of the record and check to see if there is a Wikidata item for the agent. If so, link the two records if they are not already linked – provide the LCCN in Wikidata and add an 024 field to the NACO record
  • Optionally, consider only linking to the Wikidata item in the BIBFRAME description

Batch process workflow edit

Wikidata to MARC conversion process

Instructions for adding required elements

Tasks edit

You can add tables of properties for your project: edit
Property Value Usage note
Label Person's name as given on university website language = English
Description "academic" language = English
instance of (P31) human (Q5)
occupation (P106) academic (Q3400985)

Property Value Value may be new entity? Usage note
instance of (P31) human (Q5) no
occupation (P106) film director (Q2526255) no
sex or gender (P21) sex or gender identity of subject: male (Q6581097), female (Q6581072), intersex (Q1097630), trans woman (Q1052281), trans man (Q2449503) no
ISNI (P213) International Standard Name Identifier for an identity yes
has works in the collection (P6379) Harvard Film Archive (Q14715515) no
on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) Harvard Film Archive Project; to do: create/add Q number no
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