Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/New Mexico State Library Projects

The New Mexico State Library is undertaking the following projects for the PCC Wikidata Pilot:

Project Objectives edit

Participating in the PCC Wikidata Pilot allows us meets two goals in the New Mexico State Library 2020-2022 strategic plan. The first goal is to increase awareness and access to New Mexico history and culture. We believe that we can work towards achieving this goal by contributing New Mexico related metadata to Wikidata, therefore making it accessible across the world. The other goal is to celebrate and support New Mexico literature. We can meet this goal by contributing metadata about New Mexican authors and literary works. Participating in the Pilot is enabling us to allocate time and resources for learning how to work with linked data and become a part of the Wikidata community. Because of its New Mexico specific collections and focus, our library is well positioned to provide authoritative information on New Mexican topics. Our participation in PCC has allowed us to contribute this information in a library centered environment. We welcome the opportunity to contribute our knowledge to an open linked data context.

Project Related Items edit

The New Mexico State Library is using Q102024112 (Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/New Mexico State Library) to track its work during the PCC Wikidata Pilot.

When adding a record to the Library of Congress Name Authority File in conjunction with a Wikidata item, insert a 667 field with the text: Record created as part of PCC Wikidata Pilot. Please do not edit or remove the Wikidata information. into the Name Authority Record.

Project Dashboard edit

Contributors edit