Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/US National Library Of Medicine (NLM)

Aim and Scope


The National Library of Medicine will look at authority records related to post cards we have previously cataloged and transfer the information to a Wikidata record. These authority records were not originally entered into the NACO database due to various reasons. These records will now be supplemented with Wikidata and then sent to the Library of Congress. We hope these Wikidata records will aid the shift to Linked Data and from authority control to identity management.

The current scope of the project includes 460 local authority records for both people and corporate bodies. The 692 bibliographic records that these authority records link to that can be found in NLM's digital repository will also be included in this project as needed for reference.

We also hope to create application profiles for each type of item we create including tracings from MARC to Wikidata.

As our project has grown we noticed a need to include Wikidata records of the postcards themselves. The application profiles are listed down below for the main types of records we are creating.



The postcards we will begin with can be found here: (Digital exhibition)

These postcards were digitized for an online exhibition and are part of our Zwerdling Postcard Collection.






  • Catalogers will work with authority records related to the NLM Postcards of Nursing collection that have not been sent to NACO. As well as the corresponding bibliographic records
  • Catalogers will create Wikidata items and link them in the MARC records in a 024 field
  • The authority records will then be sent to NACO
  • Link the MARC records to the Wikidata item with the LCCN property for authority records (P244) or the NLM ID property for postcards (P1055)

Application Profiles


Includes a MARC crosswalk

For Persons

Inspired by:
Bolded properties are considered core if the information is available. All others are optional according to cataloger's judgment and what else is known about the person.

Property Description MARC field Usage Note & Qualifier if applicable
Label Preferred form of name in direct order 100 include all parts of name (Jr. Sr. III etc.)
Description A phrase or two used to distinguish this person from anyone else with the same name e.g.
”nurse from WWI”
“princess from the British royal family”
“doctor who served at the Reservoir Hospital in the 1910s”
“Red Cross nurse from the early 1900s”
Also known as Variant names in direct order 400, 378 include middle names here; include fuller forms of name if not preferred; include versions of name with both full middle name and middle initial
Statements Include at least one reference for each statement unless otherwise noted.
On focus list of Wikimedia Project (P5008) Q100424907 = Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/NLM To track PCC Pilot Project; reference not required
Instance of (P31) human (Q5) Reference not required
Noble title (P97) 100 $c Can include qualifier start time (P580) if the title was awarded to them later in life
Military Rank (P410) 100 $c
Academic Degree (P512) 100 $c
Honorific Suffix (P1035) 100 $c
Honorific Prefix (P511) 100 $c
Date of Birth (P569) 046 $f if date is approximate:
include qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480), which used for qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source. Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Place of Birth (P19) 370 $a
Date of Death (P570) 046 $g if date is approximate:
include qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480), which is used for qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source. Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Place of Death (P20) 370 $b
Active Dates (P1317) floruit 046 $s $t start time (P580)
end time (P582)
if date is approximate:
include qualifier sourcing circumstances (P1480), which is used for qualification of the truth or accuracy of a source. Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Sex or gender (P21) 375 Property is required by Wikidata; ignore error message and do not include
Contributed to creative work (P3919) use to connect the person to the postcard item if needed; qualifier subject has role (P2868) must be used
Occupation (P106) Create new items for occupation if needed. Most will be nurse (Q186360) 374 If there is information that gives you the years they worked a specific job add “start time” (P580) and “end time” (P582) qualifiers
Work location (P937) The geographical location where they work 370 $f if known:
start time (P580)
end time (P582)
Affiliation (P1416) organization that a person or organization is affiliated with (not necessarily member of or employed by). Items will need to be created for them if they don't already exist. start time (P580)
end time (P582)
position held (P39)
within position held (P39):
start time (P580)
end time (P582); Different from member of (P463)
Member of (P463) organization, musical group, or club to which the subject belongs. Do not use for membership in ethnic or social groups, nor for holding a position such as a member of parliament (use P39 for that). This is a subproperty of affiliation.
Ethnic group (P172) Person's ethnicity Consensus is that a VERY high standard of proof is needed for this to be used. In general this means 1) the subject claims it themselves, or 2) it is widely agreed on by scholars.
Country of citizenship (P27) Do not surmise. If not definitively known, do not include.
Given name (P735) Must have an item of the type "given name" (NOT "family name" or "nickname") in Wikidata. If it doesn't exist and you want to include it, you must create an item for the given name. First and middle names are separate values. Can be just an initial if fuller form of name is not known. if multiple given names:
series ordinal (P1545) - position of an item in its parent series (most frequently a 1-based index).
Family name (P734) Must have an item in Wikidata. If it doesn't exist and you want to include it, you must create one. if multiple surnames:
series ordinal (P1545)
Name in native language (P1559) Use when person has name in non-Latin script. Don't guess. literal string; include language in parentheses
Birth name (P1477) Full name given at birth literal string
Married name (P2562) Full name after marriage literal string
Pseudonym (P742) literal string
Nickname (P1449) literal string
Different from (P1889) 667 Item that is different from another item, with which it is often confused. The reciprocal relationship will also be needed on the other item. Used when people have same or similar names.
Sibling (P3373) Must have an item for their sibling in Wikidata to connect this to
Award received (P166) point in time (P585)
with (P1706) - co-receiver(s) of the award
for work (P1686)
field of work (P101)
award rationale (P6208)
Nominated for (P1411)
Academic degree (P512) Can use qualifier “point in time” (P585)
Identifiers Identifiers do not need references; they are self-referencing.
Library of Congress Authority ID (LCCN) (P244) 010 Looking into this being automated
named as (P1810)
alternate names (P4970)
use for Authority control form of name

For Corporate Bodies

Inspired by:
Bolded properties are considered core if information is readily available. All others are optional according to cataloger's judgment.

Property Description MARC field Usage Note and applicable Qualifiers
Label Name of organization 110 Name in direct order
Description A phrase or two about the organization to distinguish it from anything with the same name e.g.
“publishing company in Turkey established in 1876”
“hospital that also published postcards in the early 1900s”
“Red Cross hospital”
“publishing company”
Also known as Variant names. 410
Statements Include at least one reference for each statement unless otherwise specified.
On focus list of Wikimedia Project (P5008) Q100424907 = Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/NLM To track PCC Pilot Project; reference not required
Instance of (P31) The type of corporate body 368*
sometimes but not always
Most common will be: Publisher Q2085381; reference not required
Country (P17) Country where corporate body is located 370 $c
Located in administrative territorial entity (P131) The city the corporate body is located in 370 $e
Parent organization (P749) Next level up in hierarchy 510 add the reciprocal subsidiary (P355) to the item for the parent
Subsidiary (P355) Next level down in hierarchy 510 add the reciprocal parent organization (P749) to the item for the subsidiary
Street address (P6375) As found on the body's website; may just be a box number, city, state, zip code 371 literal string
Postal code (P281) 371 literal string
Official website (P856) relevant qualifiers:
language of work or name (P407)
retrieved (P813); reference not required
Inception (P571) 046 $s For approximate dates:
sourcing circumstances (P1480). Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Dissolved, abolished or demolished (P576) 046 $t For approximate dates:
sourcing circumstances (P1480). Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Date of official closure of a building (Property:P3999) Use for hospitals when they cease to operate instead of P576 For approximate dates:
sourcing circumstances (P1480). Values can include: circa (Q5727902), near (Q21818619), presumably (Q18122778), etc.
Follows (P155) 510 Used for predecessor of the body. Wikidata description: "immediately prior item in a series of which the subject is a part"
Replaces (P1365) 510 Used for predecessor of the body. Wikidata description: "person or item replaced. Use structure replaces (P1398) for buildings. Use follows (P155) if the previous item was not replaced or predecessor and successor are identical"
Founded by (P112) Only use if person already exists in Wikidata
Named after (P138) Person(s) or bodies the body was named after Only use if person already exists in Wikidata
Described at URL (P973) 856 qualifier: retrieved (P813) with the date you visited the website to pull the URL; Use qualifier "language of work or name" (P407) to indicate the language of the website (will always be English for this project); reference not required
Affiliation (P1416) Not the same as part of, parent organization, has part, or subsidiary. Only other bodies the corporation is affiliated with.
Official name (P1448) 410 literal string; language in parenthesis
Short name (P1813) 410 literal string; language in parenthesis
Name (P2561) Name the subject is known by. If a more specific property is available (e.g. official name), use that instead. Can be used for names other than official name. Literal string
Motto text (P1451) Mission statement literal string
Different from (P1889) 667 Item that is different from another item, with which it is often confused. The reciprocal relationship will also be needed on the other item. Used when corporate bodies have same or similar names.
Identifiers Identifiers do not need references; they are self-referencing.
Library of Congress Authority ID (LCCN) (P244) 010 optionally:
named as (P1810)
alternate names (P4970)
use for Authority control form of corporate body

Item with examples of “official name” and “short name”

For Postcards

This is a minimal record to try and reduce the time spent double cataloging.
Bolded properties are considered core. All others are optional according to cataloger's judgment.

Property Description MARC field Usage Note and applicable Qualifiers
Label Title of postcard 245
Description A phrase or two about the item to distinguish it from anything else with the same name e.g.
”postcard from the Zwerdling collection at US National Library of Medicine”
”postcard depicting a nurse holding a newborn baby”
“postcard showing five nurses standing on the balcony of a hospital”
"postcard depicting a nurse in the Zwerdling collection at NLM"
Also known as Variant titles the item is associated with. 130
Statements Include at least one reference for each statement unless otherwise specified.
on focus list of Wikimedia Project (P5008) Q100424907 = Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/NLM To track PCC Pilot Project; reference not required
Instance of (P31) Form of object 655 Postcard Q192425 or Portrait Q134307; reference not required
Publisher (P123) 264 Will probably be an authority we created in relation to this record
Described at URL (P973) 856 Put a link to the item in the digital repository here; make sure to use the permalink on the webpage qualifier: retrieved (P813) with the date you visited the website to pull the URL; Use qualifier "language of work or name" (P407) to indicate the language of the website (will always be English for this project); reference not required
Collection (P195) Use Q100706921 Zwerdling Collection
Publication date (P577) qualify with earliest date, latest date, circa, etc. as needed
Title (P1476) include with the language of the item if not in English; include with the qualifier nature of statement (P5102) with supplied title Q105564935 if the cataloger supplied the title
Identifiers Identifiers do not need references; they are self-referencing.
NLM Unique ID (P1055) 035 Currently links out to Primo

List of Items


This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q100424907. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
name instance of description item
iron lung negative-pressure mechanically functioning respirator Q1313477
supplied title title used in a catalog when the author did not title the work Q105564935
Pastilles Zan advertisement
trade card
Illustrated trade card advertising Zan Pastilles with soldiers running on the battlefield with backpacks labeled "Pastilles Zan" Q105749438
Rango felt the approach of a hunter advertising postcard Advertisement for laxative Grains de Vals. Card features a color illustration of a monkey climbing up a palm tree. Q109302763
"Looking for Santa Claus" : why don't they get a Richmond gas-fire? advertising postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of three small children and a nurse (nanny) in a children's room with a bed and a fireplace Q111741230
Croatian Red Cross Central Office aid agency
nonprofit organization
central office of the Croatian Red Cross Q106518966
German Red Cross Landesstelle X aid agency
nonprofit organization
Regional office X of the German Red Cross Q113407405
Nationalsozialistisches Reichsbildarchiv archive
postcard publishing company
German illustrations archive Q113407724
European Military Press Association association
Association of European military press and journalists Q107452689
Armour and Company business American meatpacking company Q2862799
Morphy Richards business brand of electrical appliances Q6913476
Axel Eliassons Konstförlag business
postcard publishing company
publishing house in Stockholm, Seeden Q10423689
G. Ballerini & Co. business
postcard publishing company
business organization Q85723877
Driver's Nurses Registry business
recruitment agency
nurse staffing agency Q106262595
Budget Uniform Center business Philadelphia company that sold uniforms for various occupations Q106814060
William Gossage & Sons business Soap manufacturer in Widnes, England Q110165416
Nightingale Uniform Co. business manufacturer of work uniforms in Georgiana, Alabama Q111046603
North Middlesex Gas Company business gas company located in Finchley, London, England Q111741199
Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Home children's hospital
rehabilitation center
convalescent hospital owned by the Florida State Elks and devoted to the rehabilitation of indigent disabled children in the state of Florida Q106603855
E. W. Savory, Ltd. chromolithographer
postcard publishing company
Bristol, England printer and fine art publisher in chromolithography and of artist-signed postcards Q106327627
Orthopädische Klinik München clinic
Orthopedic clinic in Munich, Germany Q105990135
Thomas Originals company company founded by Thomas O'Brien that specializes in accessories and costumes for fashion dolls Q104905993
Brend'amour, Simhart & Co. company graphic art company in Munich Q111741111
Silberne Sales, Inc. distributor wholesale souvenir distributor in the Washington, D.C. area Q111770716
Abtheilung Armour's Fleisch-Extract food manufacturer meat extract division of Armour and Company Q109286740
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Historical Society historical society historical society in San Jose Q106488286
Hardin Memorial Hospital hospital
hospital in Elizabethtown, Kentucky Q106512168
Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital hospital
Seventh-day Adventist medical facility in Nashville, Tennessee that treated African-American patients Q111749092
Princess Maria Josepha of Saxony human Archduchess of Austria (1867-1944) Q58016
Astrid of Sweden human queen consort of the Belgians (1905-1935) Q230238
Mary, Princess Royal and Countess of Harewood human Princess of the United Kingdom, daughter of King George V and Queen Mary Q233913
Jules Girardet human French painter (1856-1938) Q643303
Delphin Enjolras human French painter (1857-1945) Q733576
Hans Schweitzer human Nazi propaganda artist Q879145
Henry Tenré human French painter (1854-1926) Q886504
Franz Xaver Setzer human Austrian photographer Q1449736
Paul Rieth human German draughtsperson (1871-1925) Q1453170
Georges Desains human French illustrator Q1993036
Amélie Rigard human French nun Q2844768
André Spitz human French painter (1883-1977) Q2848660
Peggy Hyland human British actress (1884-1973) Q7160667
Bernhard Dittmar human (1865-1939) German photographer Q30302284
Tito Corbella human Italian visual artist Q43128771
Olive Morrell human English actress Q56256476
Louise Ibels human French artist Q58490507
Fred Spurgin human British illustrator and postcard artist Q62075859
Louis Maîtrejean human French illustrator (1882-1955) Q64138651
Prince Luitpold, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria human Bavarian Royal (1901-1914) Q75382015
Arthur Butcher human British illustrator and postcard artist Q97593257
Alfred Noyer human A photographer who supervised a photo studio, Noyer Studio, Paris, France Q103821382
Marthe Buhl human German artist Q103825577
Xavier Sager human French illustrator, painter and prolific postcard artist (1870-1930) Q104099772
Thomas O'Brien human Designer of miniature clothing and accessories for dolls Q104905271
A. G. Bliss human British postcard artist Q105299632
F. Vecchi human Italian artist Q105304350
Eva Hahmeyer human postcard illustrator in Germany Q105324649
Moe Turner human Portrait and figure painter Q105749661
Alfred Grohs human German photographer Q105763844
Luis Usabal human Painter, illustrator and sculptor Q105766591
Glenn Durham human Photographer and postcard publisher in Kentucky (1926-2019) Q106512273
Carl E. Wartman human publisher in Florida Q106604121
A. Hartmann human photographer in Bamberg, Germany in the early 1900s Q106604922
Debbie Cook human English illustrator Q106813297
D. Dmitriev human Russian artist Q109289251
Taylor human British postcard artist working for Bamforth & Co Q109301115
Manuel Aries human photographer Q110445958
Fred W. Rochelle human Philadelphia area photographer and postcard publisher Q111046505
E. Preuss human German artist Q111732343
Ettore Ragozino human Italian stamp dealer in Naples who also had shops for the sale of postcards and published postcards Q111741272
George Warren Lawlor human American painter Q111741462
Evgenie Richards human artist Q113384293
Alan Mills human photographer and postcard publisher in Exeter, England Q113389014
F.J. Weidinger human photographer and postcard publisher Q114868695
Carl Bauer human photographer in Karlsruhle Q115702472
Betty Hicks human English actress born 1904 to Sir (Edward) Seymour George Hicks and Ellaline Terriss Q115702527
Charles Kuchel human artist Q117314512
National Bankers Life Insurance Co. insurance company life insurance company in Dallas, Tex. Q105395741
Reserve Life Insurance Company insurance company life insurance company located in Dallas Texas from 1938 to 1990 Q109240274
"Omna" Baby Home and Nurses' Training Centre maternity hospital
nursing school
maternity home and nurse training center in Haifa, Israel Q117320985
Arrow Entertainment media distributor
postcard publishing company
sales agent of feature films and documentaries Q117466550
Ospedale militare di Torino military hospital Military hospital in Turin, Italy Q107453875
Flemish Reserve Unit of the Armed Protection Forces military unit Belgian unit of the Waffen SS Q111730382
Croatian Red Cross national Red Cross and Red Crescent society Q5187150
České srdce non-governmental organization charitable social organization established at the end of World War I to support starving children, orphans and widows Q28563862
Comité international d'aide au peuple espagnol non-governmental organization French organization supporting the anit-fascist movement (Republicans) during the Spanish Civil War Q115730756
German Red Cross Sachsen-Anhalt nonprofit organization
aid agency
German state-level organisation
regional branch of German Red Cross Q91939647
Bayer. Landeskomitee vom Roten Kreuz nonprofit organization
aid agency
Bavarian State Committee of the Red Cross Q106160947
Foothill Acres Rehabilitation & Nursing Center nursing home nursing home located in Neshanic, New Jersey Q110509768
Lega contro la tubercolosi organization Italian organization fighting tuberculosis Q111434936
Proveinase Midy pharmaceutical company French pharmaceutical company Q111038941
Laboratorios Robert pharmaceutical company pharmaceutical company in Barcelona, Spain Q111731547
Instituto de Biología y Sueroterapia pharmaceutical company pharmaceutical organization in Madrid, Spain Q111740750
Photopress photographic studio Photographic studio and Fleet Street press photo agency Q85724045
Vandyk photographic studio photographic studio London photographic studio Q86838060
Karrer & Mayer photographic studio Photographic establishment in Munich, Germany Q105748548
Luff's Hornchurch photographic studio
postcard publishing company
photography studio Q121789151
Baby Betty Hicks & nurse: (daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Hicks) portrait
postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a nurse with a young girl, Betty Hicks. Q115485876
Pacific Mail Steamship Co portrait
postcard featuring a black and white photograph of an Asian nurse with a red cross on her sleeve Q115914439
Hurrah! It's a boy. postcard birth announcement postcard featuring a color image of a nurse standing between two sliding doors. She is wearing a blue bow on her uniform and has one hand on her hip and the other resting on the door Q103093356
More than thanks he expressed when parting postcard postcard depicting a young soldier in dress uniform kissing a nurse next to a hospital bed Q103104083
She gently helped the new patient postcard postcard depicting a nurse helping a patient with a crutch sit on a chair next to the hospital bed Q103770918
Peggy Hyland, Fox Picture star postcard Postcard featuring a color photograph of Peggy Hyland dressed as a nurse Q104030845
"Well protected" postcard Postcard featuring a color illustration of a painting by Hal Hurst of a Red Cross nurse and a wounded soldier with a Red Cross symbol in the background. Q104031796
They grew fond of each other postcard postcard depicting a nurse and a male patient in a hospital bed Q104119716
Time passed quick while she read stories postcard postcard depicting a nurse sitting in a chair next to a male patient lying in a hospital bed Q104119717
Balsam for the heart postcard postcard depicting a nurse kissing a male patient lying in a hospital bed Q104119718
Tout pour la patrie postcard Postcard featuring the image of a nurse with four wounded soldiers dressed in Zouave style uniforms and playing cards. Q104904642
N'envoyez pas trop de blessés de France, O mon doux Jésus, dans notre ambulance postcard postcard featuring a French nurse praying that there will be few wounded troops arriving by ambulance Q104904715
Lya de Putti postcard Postcard featuring Hungarian silent film star Lya de Putti dressed as a nun or nurse Q104904918
Yes, doctor, I gave him figs as you directed, but he keeps asking for dates postcard Humorous postcard using a play on words of dates (food) and dates (romantic engagement) Q104905059
1920's bedside nurse (outfit only for 15.5" fashion dolls), 1920's student nurse (outfit only for 15.5" fashion dolls) postcard Postcard featuring color illustrations of nurse outfits for 1.5" fashion dolls Q104905442
Démonstrations pratiques : Ecole des infirmières de l'assistance publique postcard Postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a group of nurses watching a demonstration of how to make a bed at the Ecole des infirmières de l'assistance publique Q105277199
Nurse carrying a tray postcard French postcard featuring a color illustration of a nurse carrying a tray; title supplied Q105278377
Königin Eleonore von Bulgarien in der Tracht einer bulgarischen Krankenschwester postcard
black and white portrait of Queen Eleonore of Bulgaria in a nurse's uniform Q105299135
The big push! postcard black and white pencil sketch of a patient in a hospital bed having two nurses attending him Q105299982
Nurse holding a letter postcard color painting of a young Red Cross nurse wearing a dark head scarf and a light coat; title supplied Q105304424
"Frauen schaffen für euch" postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt nurse handing over a young girl to her mother Q105324212
La seconde mère postcard Postcard featuring a black and white illustration by Camille-Félix Bellanger of a nurse holding a baby. Q105395300
Red Cross V.A.D. postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a girl in Red Cross nurse uniform standing with some papers in her hands Q105426872
Blue Seal : hospital expense and doctor's bills covers sickness accidents childbirth. postcard advertising postcard for the National Bankers Life Insurance Company Q105532220
Besuch des Führers in der Orthopädischen Klinik München postcard Postcard featuring a black and white photograph of Adolf Hitler visiting the Orthopedic Clinic in Munich in July 1937 Q105748600
Just a "line" or two to say "I think of you" postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a bust portrait of a young blond woman Q105762238
Sesquicentennial, Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland, 1840-1990 postcard Postcard featuring a color illustration of Saint Apollonia, patron saint of dentistry Q105763807
Unser Kaiserpaar im Kaiser Wilhelm-Kinderheim zu Ahlbeck postcard black and white postcard featuring Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany and his wife at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kinderheim Q105764050
Heldenkreuze postcard Color illustrated postcard of a nurse shaking hands with a soldier based, on the artwork of Luis Usubal Q105767047
Place where the condemned to death were shot postcard Black and white postcard showing Director M. Colinet of the Tir National shooting range in Brussels, Belgium, posing in the place where condemned prisoners and civilians were put to death by firing squad Q105769376
Two nurses pose before a skeleton and female anatomical manikin postcard postcard published by R. Guilleminot, Boespflug et Cie Q106114577
American Red Cross : merry Christmas postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a lady dressed in white holding up a red cross in her right arm and an American flag with her left arm Q106115319
Bohemian heart postcard postcard featuring a portrait by Mucha, showing a lady in a white dress holding a boy's head in her arms, title supplied Q106134431
Transport of a wounded soldier postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a nurse and military medics helping a wounded soldier who is lying on a stretcher Q106162826
A Japanese girl with Red Cross dolls postcard Japanese postcard featuring an illustration of a girl in kimono holding a male doll in kimono with his right arm in a sling and a hat with a Red Cross symbol Q106261379
Driver's Nurses Registry postcard
promotional postcard for the registry featuring a black and white photograph of the profile of a female nurse Q106262996
Sanität postcard Postcard featuring a color illustration of a young girl dressed as a nurse with two soldier dolls Q106289663
Training for the Red Cross postcard Postcard featuring a color illustration of a young girl bandaging a teddy bear. She has a Red Cross emblem on her hat and sleeve Q106327507
Nurse Cavell's grave, Norwich Cathedral postcard Postcard featuring a black and white photograph of the grave site of Edith Cavell at Norwich Cathedral, Norwich, Norfolk (England) Q106382142
H.R.H. Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles, wearing the uniform of the Royal Red Cross postcard
Postcard featuring a black and white portrait photograph of Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles, in a dark uniform, including a coat, necktie, hat, and white gloves Q106413447
In quietness shall be your strength postcard postcard of three nurses in the Phillips Chapel of the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, New York Q106489684
Hamburg-Amerika-Linie, Amerika, Kinderzimmer postcard postcard showing a nurse in the nursery of the Hamburg-America Line's Amerika ocean liner Q106511144
Mural, the hospital postcard postcard depicting one of the murals in the lobby of the Hardin Memorial Hospital. It shows a family leaving the hospital with a newborn baby. Q106512210
Pomozite hrvatski crveni križ postcard "Help Croatian Red Cross" illustrated postcard Q106519357
La bonne partie postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a nurse in a Red Cross uniform sitting at a table together with a wounded soldier, playing a board game. Q106574674
Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Sweden at the children's nursery (Stockholm 1926) postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of Princess Astrid of Sweden standing at a stove at a children's nursery Q106575020
Nurse washing dishes postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a nurse washing dishes. Title supplied. Q106602914
Iron lung at the Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Home Umatilla, Fla. postcard
advertising postcard for the Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Home, Umatilla, Florida, featuring a child in an iron lung being watched over by a nurse Q106603845
Shelter for sunstroke victims : the Merry Widow and her hat, on "hospital detail" postcard postcard features a color drawing of a nurse taking care of a tiny soldier who suffers from sunstroke Q106604776
Aus dem Leben unseres Erbprinzen Luitpold postcard
black and white photographic postcard featuring a nursemaid holding baby Prince Luitpold of Bavaria (1901-1913) Q106604856
That's the kind of red nurse I'd like postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a young boy and two nurses Q106635033
Recovered? postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a soldier kissing a nurse's hand Q106752144
St. John Ambulance 1887-1987 - First Aid at Events 1965 postcard Illustrated postcard of a postage stamp depicting an attendant of the St. John Ambulance providing aid to a woman on a stretcher Q106813367
Budget's pretty professionals are the perfect Graduation Uniforms! postcard
postcard advertising nursing uniforms from the Budge Uniform Center, Philadelphia, Pa. Q106814007
An Indian dispensary postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of some people outside a dispensary in India, including two nurses dressed in white tending to a patient lying in a bed. Q106834431
Bolʹshi sei li︠u︡bve niktozhe izhi︠a︠tʹ da kto dushu svoi︠u︡ polozhitʹ za drugi svoi︠a︡ postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a nurse caring for a soldier on a battlefield. The nurse is wearing a brown dress, a white apron with a red cross, and a white headcloth. Q106834723
Ospedale militare-Torino postcard Postcard commemorating the 160th anniversary of the Ospedale militare-Torino Q107452798
Fairland Nursing Home postcard Postcard advertisement for Fairland Nursing Home in Silver Spring, Maryland Q107456642
From a dear hand postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a nurse and two soldiers Q107718513
Cette infirmière boit toute notre teinture d'iode! postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of three girls. 2 are dressed as nurses. Q108285917
La sentimentale postcard Postcard with an illustration of a nurse holding flowers Q108331304
Miss Olive Morrell postcard
postcard depicting English actress Olive Morrell as a nurse Q108765455
It's a boy postcard Circa 1910 postcard of a nurse announcing the birth of a baby boy Q108904602
New hospital and surgical expense plan for the whole family postcard
Advertising postcard featuring a photograph of a nurse looking at a chart from the Reserve Life Insurance Company Q109240686
The Middlesex Hospital London, W. : the electrical department. postcard black and white photograph of doctors, nurses, two young patients, and electrical equipment at the Middlesex Hospital in London Q109246362
Esposizione d'Igiene in Napoli, Aprile-Settembre 1900 postcard postcard featuring a drawing of the sun rising over a lake and mountain on one side and the Goddess Hygeia on the other Q109265203
Mabel Taliaferro postcard postcard depicting actress Mabel Taliaferro as a nurse for a part in the play titled "Springtime" at the Liberty Theatre, N.Y. Q109266128
I'll be your light postcard illustrated postcard, part of the Tommy Catkins series by W. Ellam, depicting a WWI Red Cross nurse cat lighting the cigarette of a soldier cat Q109266786
Aiutateci!, soprattutto l'infanzia dobbiamo salvare dalla tubercolosi postcard illustrated postcard of kneeling mother holding her infant with Red Cross of Lorraine in the background Q109268956
Easton Hospital, Easton, Pa. postcard color illustrated postcard of the soon to be built Easton Hospital in Easton, Pennsylvania Q109271337
Mit Armour's Fleisch Extract erhält man eine Tasse ausgezeichneter Fleischbrühe postcard
postcard advertisement for Armour and Company meat extract product Q109286689
Weltkrieg 1914, Ihre kais. Hoheit Frau Erzh. Maria Josefa als Samariterin in ihrem Palais postcard black and white photographic postcard depicting Austrian Archduchess Maria Josefa attending to a wounded soldier in the palace that had been converted to a hospital Q109287405
Tenth Annual Meeting of the Kyoto Branch of the Voluntary Nurses Association, S. Iida, "Takashimaya" postcard Postcard featuring photographs of three female executive members of Tokushi Kango Fujinkai Kyōto Shikai with an image of the Red Cross symbol Q109287488
Princess Gundelinde of Bavaria postcard black and white postcard showing Princess Gundelinde of Bavaria working as a nurse Q109289179
Komsomol youth going to the war postcard postcard featuring a nurse and soldier saying goodbye to each other with text from a popular song about the Russian civil war Q109289278
As-tu songé, France chérie postcard hand-tinted French real photo studio postcard depicting a nun who is no longer allowed to serve as a nurse at the front in WWI Q109289286
Für das Deutsche Rote Kreuz postcard illustrated postcard depicting three German Red Cross workers Q109289420
Kʺ sobytīi︠a︡mʺ na Dalnemʺ Vostoki︠e︡. Gruppa sesterʺ miloserdīi︠a︡ 4 letuch. otri︠a︡da Krasnago Kresta. postcard black and white postcard featuring a group of Russian Red Cross nurses in front of a train Q109289559
Is this your baby, sir? postcard Humorous postcard featuring a maternity nurse holding a dark-skinned newborn baby and talking to a distressed-looking father, who is white. Q109301346
It is said that human is never enough postcard
French postcard about an exhibition on nursing during the age of HIV/AIDS Q110446044
Nurse of Red Cross : the 75th anniversary of the Japanese Red Cross Society. postcard Postcard Postcard featuring a color illustration of a bust portrait of a Japanese Red Cross nurse, recreated from the stamp which had been issued to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Japanese Red Cross Society on May 1, 1952. Q110446802
The little sister postcard postcard showing a girl dressed as a Red Cross nurse from the artwork of Raphaël Kirchner Q111038781
Troubles congestifs chez la femme postcard pharmaceutical advertising postcard Q111038975
Foothill Acres Nursing Homes, Amwell Road, Neshanic, N.J. postcard postcard showing a nurse and patient in room in the nursing home Q111046496
Nurse's uniform for students and graduates postcard postcard showing two models in uniforms Q111046626
Early bird breakfast postcard advertising postcard showing a nurse pushing a food cart with coffee-related supplies from the Seco Company Q111073217
Nurse displaying a Morphy-Richards Astral mini-refrigerator postcard
advertising postcard showing a nurse with medical supplies in a Morphy-Richards Astral mini-refrigerator Q111074475
Beware of chemical castration postcard Postcard warning that child sexual assault could lead to chemical castration Q111397969
Viribus unitis postcard postcard issued for the Giornata del fiore e della doppia croce per la lotta antitubercolare MCMXXXI-IX Q111434606
Cartolina ufficiale della Lega contro la tubercolosi sotto l'alto patronato di S.M. la Regina d'Italia postcard postcard of the Lega contro la tuberculosi Q111434994
Vlaamsche Jeugd treedt aan! : Waffen-SS D.R.K. postcard postcard urging Flemish youth in Belgium to join the German Red Cross during World War II Q111730444
Nachbehandlung von Kriegsverwundeten postcard color postcard featuring an illustration of a nurse administering a faradic treatment for muscle rehabilitation to a soldier. Q111732397
Liberty bonds guarantee protection for Red Cross postcard WWI illustrated postcard urging the purchase of liberty bonds Q111741661
L'infirmière française postcard postcard of a Red Cross nurse with artwork by Jules Girardet Q111748939
Female nurse praying at the bedside of a man postcard
advertising postcard for Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital featuring a color illustration of a female nurse kneeling at a patient's bedside with her fingers interlocked and her eyes closed in prayer Q111770629
Vietnam Women's Memorial postcard postcard depicting the Vietnam Women's Memorial in Washington, D.C. Q111770726
International health and nutrition company seeks nurses interested in working from home. postcard postcard advertising employment for nurses Q111863342
This will keep Jack a going postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a young girl pouring castor oil into a glass Q113340290
Forget-me-not postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a young girl dressed as a nurse. Q113384359
Schwesterchen postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a young girl dressed up as a nurse Q113389120
Girl dressed as a nurse standing next to a boy with a bandaged head postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a girl dressed as a nurse standing next to a boy with a bandaged head Q113403871
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz postcard WWII-era postcard featuring German Red Cross nurse bandaging a soldier's head Q113407430
Nurse holding a young child postcard Postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a nurse holding a young child Q113407739
Kriegshilfe der Fraue postcard illustrated postcard showing women sewing together created to aid the Red Cross, Office of War Aid, Department of War Relief Q113409912
Three children caring for a doll postcard postcard featuring a color (hand colored) photograph of three children caring for a doll Q114764468
S.M. la Regina Elena, l'angelo della carità postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of Elena of Montenegro dressed as a nurse Q114796990
Portrait of a German Red Cross nurse postcard
postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a German Red Cross nurse. Q114868455
Grossherzogin Luise von Baden: aufgenommen im Vereinslazarett Luisenschule postcard
postcard featuring a black and white photograph of an elderly woman, Grand Duchess Luise Q115142653
S.A.R. la Principessa di Piemonte di ritorno dall'Africa Orientale postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of Marie-José, the Princess of Piedmont dressed as a nurse, accompanied by a man in a military uniform Q115143810
Leopold III of Belgum and his wife, Princess Astrid, together with a nurse holding a baby postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of Leopold III of Belgum and his wife, Princess Astrid together with a nurse holding a baby Q115144413
Sensen no hana (hakui no tenshi) postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of Japanese Red Cross nurses riding on the back of a military truck Q115486379
Nossa Senhora do Bom Parto postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of Mary holding the baby Jesus and standing above a bed with a woman in it, attended by two nurses Q115486490
Ayuda a los hospitales de sangre suscribiendote, adquiriendo numeros para esta rifa popular postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a red cross nurse in the foreground, with soldiers engaged in battle in the background Q115512426
Aidons les blessés de l'Espagne républicaine postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a female Red Cross nurse bending over a wounded soldier sleeping in a bed Q115559547
Two girls in a bathroom postcard postcard oriented horizontally featuring a color illustration of two girls with their backs to the viewer, standing in a room with a bathtub, curtains, a folding dressing screen, and dining chairs Q115698793
Moetzet hapoalot - pioneer women postcard postcard featuring a color photograph of a female nurse seated, holding a baby and feeding the baby with a bottle of milk Q115698957
Red Cross: those who work for the Red Cross, help to heal wounds, alleviate poverty and combat disease, work for all humanity and fulfill one of the most beautiful and noblest patriotic duties. postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a solider with a bandage around his head and a woman holding his head in her hands. Q115700028
Nos "lapins": et ça finira par un mariage! postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of two rabbits walking together with arms linked, one dressed as a soldier with a cane and the other as a nurse in a white outfit with a red cross on the headcloth and armband. Signed by Gritt. Q115700426
Ne bougez pas surtout, laissez-les approcher postcard postcard featuring a tinted photograph of a nurse with a flag and two soldiers, one aiming his gun and one kneeling while reaching his arm back for the nurse Q115730534
Ambulancies per al front postcard postcard featuring a black, white and red illustration of a woman above a vehicle with "Socors roig internacional" written on the side, a barbed wire fence, and the interior side view of another vehicle Q115903024
Taxol postcard
postcard featuring a color illustration of a male doctor lifting the chin of a woman who is sticking out her tongue while a female nurse watches in the background. In the foreground is a black bottle labelled Taxol Q115903114
Was fehlt dir denn, Kleiner, was heulst denn so sehr? postcard postcard featuring a black, white and red illustration of a female nurse kneeling by a cupid Q115903145
And I gotta get shipwrecked wid de only nurse wot can't cook! postcard postcard signed by R. Seale featuring a color illustration of a shipwrecked sailor and a woman in a tattered red dress on a beach Q115913304
La cicatrice est bien, pour la dégager mieux postcard postcard featuring a tinted photograph of a nurse cutting a soldier's hair Q115913410
Dieu est avec vous! postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of two nurses and two soldiers, with Jesus Christ in the background Q115913634
Madame à 10 heures du matin, madame à 10 heures du soir postcard postcard featuring a color illustration showing the activities of a nurse at two different times in the day, assisting a soldier in the morning and getting ready for an event in the evening Q115913757
Group of men and women sitting together in rows on the deck of a ship postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a group of Asian men and women sitting together in rows on the deck of a ship. The men are wearing suits and ties or uniforms and the women are wearing nursing uniforms, many with medals Q115914270
Farmacia Centrale Militare postcard postcard signed by R. Contini featuring a black and white illustration of Hygieia sitting atop eight stars and holding a snake Q115914549
Nurse who is knitting postcard
postcard featuring a black and white photo of a nurse in a white uniform knitting while seated Q115914643
Boer War postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of four nurses in long, dark dresses Q115929697 postcard
black and white postcard of Princess Josephine -Charlotte dressed as a nurse Q117288664
Belgian Red Cross postcard Belgian postcard featuring a nurse bandaging a soldier's head wound with a Belgian flag behind them Q117314557
Diaper service postcard postcard advertising a made up film mentioned in the 2000 mocumentary comedy film the Independent Q117466746
Pozdrav ze Sokolského lazaretu postcard postcard featuring a color illustration of a wounded soldier treated by a male doctor Q121768271
Angel of Antwerp postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a nurse dressed in a white uniform with a cross on her headcloth standing outside Q121789271
Nurse and two girls postcard postcard featuring a black and white photograph of a nurse and two girls. The nurse is wearing a dress with a white apron, white cuffs, a white collar, and a large white bow under her chin. Q121791738
Hospices of Beaune postcard French postcard featuring a black and white photograph of seven young girls dressed as nurses. Q121792556
J. Picot postcard publisher postcard publisher in Paris, France Q105278056
All-British Picture Co. postcard publisher postcard publisher in London, England Q106834375
Aalebenson postcard publisher postcard publisher in Moscow, Russia Q106834631
Grand Didier & C. postcard publisher postcard publisher in Turin, Italy Q111861491
Postcard Kingdom USA postcard publisher postcard publisher located in Florida Q111862742
Paul Favresse postcard publisher postcard publisher Q115356656
Photochrom Co Ltd postcard publishing company publisher and printer of tourist albums, guide books, and postcards Q85724850
Nels Bruxelles postcard publishing company former postcard publisher in Bruxelles Q88359373
Wohlgemuth & Lissner postcard publishing company
art publisher
private company
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
1935 liquidated german art publishing company and postcard publisher in Berlin Q95612656
Lilywhite Ltd. postcard publishing company British photo printers Q104030753
E. Le Deley postcard publishing company Postcard publishing company founded in 1900 by Ernest Louis Desire Le Deley in Paris, France. Q104602921
Revanche postcard publishing company French studio that published postcards Q104904698
Rotograph Co. postcard publishing company
publisher of postcards from 1904 to 1911 Q104906184
Gustav Liersch & Co. postcard publishing company
postcard publisher in Berlin, Germany Q105298724
Inter-Art Co. postcard publishing company
publishing company Q105762202
Photo F. MAT postcard publishing company Belgian publisher Q105768999
R. Guilleminot, Boespflug et Cie postcard publishing company Postcard publisher in Paris, France Q106114492
Nihon Sekijūji Hakkōjo postcard publishing company Japanese postcard publisher Q106261340
Hayward Kidd postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Norwich, England Q106382053
Go-Card postcard publishing company
organization that specializes in postcard campaigns and distribution of printed matter Q106496078
Kunst-Anstalt H.A.J. Schultz & Co. postcard publishing company Postcard publisher in Hamburg, Germany Q106510947
Ed. Stevens postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Brussels, Belgium Q106574881
H. Sollott postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Q106604798
J. Plichta postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Prague, Czech Republic) Q106751722
Namffoh Corporation postcard publishing company Postcard publisher in Mount Vernon, New York Q107456502
Verlag der Lustigen Blätter postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Berlin, Germany Q107718481
Samson Brothers postcard publishing company Printer and publisher of postcards in Germany and the United States between 1909-1919 Q108904314
Photographic Tourists Association postcard publishing company postcard publisher in London, England Q109246257
Officina D'Arti Grafiche Napoletana postcard publishing company post card publisher in Naples, Italy Q109265160
Garraways, Ltd. postcard publishing company postcard publisher in New York City Q109266165
G. Ajelli & Co. postcard publishing company postcard publisher in London, England Q109266888
Editrice "salute e igiene" postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Rome Q109269137
Leo Meyer postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Easton, Pennsylvania Q109271675
Saint-Just postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Paris that specialized in artistic cards with bromide Q109289344
Verlag "Die neue Scholle" postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Berlin Q109289564
Birn Brothers, Ltd. postcard publishing company
post card publisher located in London, England Q110165848
Teishin Kyōkai, Yūbin Bunkabu postcard publishing company Japanese organization promoting postal and cultural maters by publishing postcards and stamps Q110446682
Delta Fine Art Company postcard publishing company Publisher in London, England Q111017810
Piaget Studio postcard publishing company defunct postcard publisher based in St. Louis, Missouri Q111072560
Quantity Postcards postcard publishing company postcard publisher in San Francisco, California Q111074067
Boomerang Free Cards postcard publishing company Postcard publisher Q111397887
Grafia postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Rome, Italy Q111434478
Imp. Studium postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Paris Q111748905
Graphique de France postcard publishing company
stationery shop
postcard publisher and stationary company based in Woburn, Massachusetts Q111881298
X.L. Comics postcard publishing company publisher in the United States Q113340118
Schlesinger Bros. postcard publishing company postcard publisher in New York City Q113384700
M. Barré & J. Dayez postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Paris, France Q113386947
Gesellschaft für volkstümliche Bildkunst postcard publishing company Postcard publisher in Berlin Q113389055
Komitee Bildender Künstler im Dienste der Kriegshilfe postcard publishing company Group of Austrian artists who created and published works to support the war effort in WWI Q113409290
Mallett & Sons postcard publishing company
photographic studio
photography studio and postcard publishing firm in Tewkesbury, England, founded by Alfred Mallett Q113411983
CEKO postcard publishing company French postcard publisher Q114764578
E. Sborgi postcard publishing company postcard publisher Q114869290
Portrait Atelier Bauer postcard publishing company postcard publisher Q115142921
Istituto editoriale nazionale postcard publishing company postcard publisher Q115144143
Kaiheisha postcard publishing company Japanese postcard publisher Q115486424
Lit. Valério postcard publishing company Portuguese postcard publisher Q115486547
Lit. S. Dura postcard publishing company postcard publisher Q115512440
Sago-Konst A.B. postcard publishing company postcard publisher Q115698882
Brocherieux postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Paris Q115700450
R. Marchand postcard publishing company Belgian postcard publisher Q117288576
Grégra a syna postcard publishing company postcard publisher located in Prague, Czech Republic Q121767924
Barrett's Photo Press postcard publishing company postcard publisher located in London, England Q121791480
Ronco Ainé postcard publishing company postcard publisher in Beaune, France Q121792470
Tichnor Quality printer
postcard publishing company
printer Q89815755
F. Appel printer Lithographic printer in Paris Q105749351
Hélio-Lorraine printer printing company in Nancy, France Q106519664
E. Monzein, imp. printer
postcard publishing company
postcard printer in Paris, France Q106574483
Azémard Cousins printer
postcard publishing company
printer in Nimes, France Q109302734
Saint-Simon Cross Hospital private mansion Paris hospital Q16642760
Ross-Verlag publisher
postcard publishing company
Publishing company in Berlin, Germany Q1573306
Theodor Eismann publisher
postcard publishing company
printing/publishing business in Saxony Q103088553
Reinthal & Newman publisher
postcard publishing company
Publisher of lithographic prints and postcards in New York City between 1905 and 1928, created by Alfred E. Reinthal and Stephen L. Newman Q103821570
A. Vivian Mansell & Co. Ltd. publisher publisher in London, England Q104664498
Millar & Lang Art Publishing Co. publisher publishing company based in Glasgow, Scotland and London, England Q104677856
Alfred Mainzer Inc. publisher publishing company in Long Island New York in the mid-1900s Q104677857
Erich Gutjahr Bildverlag publisher postcard publisher in Berlin, Germany Q105324119
Stab. A. Marzi publisher publisher in Rome, Italy Q106114912
Howard Schubert Co. Inc. publisher publisher in New York City Q106489616
Verlag J. Windhager publisher
postcard publishing company
publisher in Munich, Germany Q106605344
Art and Humour Publishing Co. publisher publishing company that existed in England in the early 1900s Q106634581
Davidson Brothers publisher
postcard publishing company
postcard publisher from England Q108801819
Kilophot G.m.b.H. publisher
postcard publishing company
photographic paper manufacturer and lithography printing company in Vienna, Austria between 1905 and 1930 Q109287433
Izd. D. P. Efimova publisher Russian publisher Q109289424
C. W. Faulkner & Co. publisher publisher of postcards, games, souvenirs and children's books in London, England Q110416128
Haufler & Lehmann publisher postcard publisher Q115700074
G. Piprot publisher
French postcard publisher Q115730608
Cooperativa Obrera "Avant" publisher Catalan publisher Q115903060
I.G. Viladot publisher Spanish publishing company Q115903096
Commissions-Verlag Philanthrop publisher German publishing group Q115903129
Baxter Lane Company publisher company based in Amarillo, Texas Q115913322
J. Courcier publisher Parisian publishing company Q115913451
Chambre syndicale française des editeurs de la carte postale illustrée publisher
French postcard publisher Q115913600
O. Chaubert-Gamboni publisher Swiss publishing company Q115913701
Kahn-Klein & Cie publisher French postcard publisher Q115914229
Tamamura publisher Japanese publisher Q115914413
G. Mattinati publisher Italian publisher Q115914494
Asti Studios publisher Australian publisher Q115914613
Picture Postcard Co publisher London postcard company Q115914829
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kinderheim recreation home
residential child care community
Summer resort on the Baltic for children of working class families and from deprived circumstances Q105764151
Diakonessenhuis religious hospital hospital in Suriname Q25248038
École des infirmières de l'assistance publique de Paris school building nursing school in Paris Q105276711
Rotary photographic series series of creative works series of postcards published by Rotary Photo Q104968412
Bliss series postcards series of creative works series of postcards designed by artist A.G. Bliss and published by W.P. Spalding Q105301490
Artistique series series of creative works series of postcards published by Inter-Art Co. Q105762198
Infirmières series of creative works series of postcards of nurses created by Louis Maitrejean. Q108285635
Comic series series of creative works postcard series from Bamforth & Co, Ltd. Q109301465
USS America ship Ocean Liner built for Germany by Harland and Wolff shipyards. Transferred to the United States after World War I Q468032
Esposizione d'Igiene temporary exhibition National Hygiene Exposition held in 1900 in Naples, Italy Q109266009

∑ 341 items.

End of automatically generated list.