Wikidata:WikiProject Performing arts/Data sources/Carnegie Hall

Example Items

SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel WHERE {
VALUES ?item1 { wd:Q50386450 wd:Q15632617 wd:Q52274147 wd:Q52272108 wd:Q52212596 wd:Q1486440 wd:Q5621150 wd:Q52288886 wd:Q52241789 wd:Q1344 wd:Q552067 wd:Q1344 wd:Q52242410 wd:Q52242199 wd:Q52242291 wd:Q177220 wd:Q52274136 wd:Q52272100}
VALUES ?item2 { wd:Q50386450 wd:Q15632617 wd:Q52274147 wd:Q52272108 wd:Q52212596 wd:Q1486440 wd:Q5621150 wd:Q52288886 wd:Q52241789 wd:Q1344 wd:Q552067 wd:Q1344 wd:Q52242410 wd:Q52242199 wd:Q52242291 wd:Q177220 wd:Q52274136 wd:Q52272100}
?item1 ?prop ?item2.
?edge ?dummy ?prop ; rdf:type wikibase:Property
OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!
SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel WHERE {
VALUES ?item1 { wd:Q52322098 wd:Q181885 wd:Q2722950 wd:Q7349 wd:Q182832 wd:Q52291294 wd:Q52322365 wd:Q52325341 wd:Q52326886 wd:Q6942562 wd:Q1818859 wd:Q52323103 wd:Q52326578 wd:Q1344 wd:Q52325938 wd:Q522408}
VALUES ?item2 { wd:Q52322098 wd:Q181885 wd:Q2722950 wd:Q7349 wd:Q182832 wd:Q52291294 wd:Q52322365 wd:Q52325341 wd:Q52326886 wd:Q6942562 wd:Q1818859 wd:Q52323103 wd:Q52326578 wd:Q1344 wd:Q52325938 wd:Q522408}
?item1 ?prop ?item2.
?edge ?dummy ?prop ; rdf:type wikibase:Property
OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Data Modelling Issues


This section contains a discussion of the modelling decisions that have been taken in view of the ingest of the Carnegie Hall Performance History database. In approaching the data modelling issues, we have drawn on the experiences of earlier ingests of performing arts production data from Switzerland. We have mainly followed the modelling decisions taken in that context and have listed here just the new issues encountered with the Carnegie Hall ingest.

The object of a first ingest are all the performances from the Carnegie Hall Performance History database which have been tagged with "opera", i.e. mainly recitals and concertante opera productions.

Source of the Data / References


The data was provided by Rob Hudson, archivist at Carnegie Hall, as an extract (as of 24 April 2018) from the Carnegie Hall Performance History database in CSV format). The data is supposed to be in line with the Carnegie Hall Linked Open Data Service and it was agreed with the archivist at Carnegie Hall to use as much as possible the LOD Service as a source of statements derived from the database extract (which for many data fields contains links to the LOD entries).

Most information contained in the database extract is also available through the LOD triple store, such as:

Thus, the respective URLs of the triple store are used as a reference of the statements.

However, some information contained in the database extract is presently missing in the LOD triople store (to be provided at a later point in time), such as the character roles played by the performers during a given sub-event. In this case, the Carnegie Hall Performance History database is given as the source; examples comprise:

Carnegie Hall IDs


At the outset of the ingest, only Carnegie Hall agent ID (P4104) had been created on Wikidata; two other types of Carnegie Hall IDs were created in addition:

The Carnegie Hall Production History Database also contains venue IDs. For the time being, no venue ID property was created; the number of venues in the Carnegie Hall Production History Database is rather small, and there is no 1:1 correspondence of the modelling of historical venue data between the database and Wikidata (for the modelling and the mapping of the venues, see below).

Type of performance: concertante / semi-staged opera


According to the information received from the data provider, most opera-related performances taking place in Carnegie Hall were in concertante style. There have been some semi-staged operas though:

"Regarding the differentiation between concert/semi-staged/fully staged productions: unfortunately, we don’t have that type of production information in our database. It’s pretty safe to assume that the vast majority of these performances will be concert productions, with no staging. Anecdotally, I can tell you that the American Opera Society, which gave regular performances at Carnegie in the late 1950s and early 1960s, often presented semi-staged versions, but as you can see from the attached review from 1964 (their performance of Poulenc’s Dialogue des Carmelites), “semi-staged” is probably stretching things a bit, given the extreme space limitations here. In general, the closest you’d find to anything approaching “semi-staged” would be the rare occasions (like the Poulenc) when the first several rows of seats would be removed to create an ersatz “orchestra pit”, and extremely minimal scenery (e.g. a painted backdrop) might be employed, along with costumes. It would be an interesting project to try and determine which productions were mounted in this manner, but I’m afraid it’s not something we can contemplate in time to be of any use in this project." (email communication, 24.04.2018)

Decision: All opera performances are ingested as "concert performances".

Description level: single performances – how to deal with repeat performances?


The main description level in the database are single performances. There are however several series of performances included in the dataset (several performances of the same play belonging to the same performing arts production). Examples:

As these cases only represent a small minority, the performances will be ingested at the performance level and then assigned to the same series of performances (Q43100730), to be created manually.

How to deal with multi-part performances?


In the case of multi-part performances, a concert (Q182832) item is created which has several parts whose order is indicated (example: concert of the National Orchestral Association (Q52322098)). The parts of a concert may be of the following types:

How to describe concertante opera performances and opera recitals? – Like concerts or like theatre performances?


Although it can be argued that concertante opera performances are more like concerts than like theatre performances, they none the less share the characteristic of theatre performances of having cast members with specific character roles. Our modelling approach for concertante opera performances therefore follows the one for theatre performances. The work performed is indicated by means of the based on (P144) property.

In the case of recitals, the same approach is followed as long as character roles are indicated for the performers. Again, the work the recital is based on is indicated by means of the based on (P144) property. Specific pieces are indicated by means of the recording or performance of (P2550) property.

How are concerts described in Wikidata?


See SPARQL query:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?type ?typeLabel
  ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q182832.
  ?item wdt:P31 ?type
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

How to deal with historical venues?


Example: Carnegie Lyceum (

A full list of venues contained in the Carnegie Hall performance history database can be found here:

The data modelling issues are being addressed in the context of the WikiProject Cultural venues.

Venues contained in the opera data set are:

Some venues had their names changed over time, while their structure and purpose remained the same (Main Hall and Chamber Music Hall), while others underwent major transformations (Carnegie Lyceum and Zankel Hall). In the former case, only one WD item was created; in the latter a separate WD item is created for each major transformation.


Mapping Table


The mapping table below contains the data mapping between the "Carnegie Hall Performance Database" (opera-related performances only) on one hand, and Wikidata on the other hand.

The mapping table needs reviewing!

Class (SPA / Wikidata) Property (in datafile) Property Value (in datafile) Property (SPA / Wikidata) Refers to class (SPA) / possible values Remarks
Venue Venue Venue Len / Lde String
Work (implicit) (if only one work is indicated for a given event) instance of (P31) opera (Q1344) item to be created if it does not yet exist in WD
(if several works are indicated for a given event and a composer is indicated for the work) musical work (Q2188189)
Composer (missing information) <No information in Data File> See notes below regarding missing or untypical entries.
Composer Name composer (composer (P86)) Agent
WorkID Carnegiehall Work ID (URL) Carnegie Hall work ID (P5229) String (without path)
WorkTitle Work Name title (title (P1476)) String
Len String
(implicit) (if only one work is indicated for a given event) Den "opera by [FIRST NAME and NAME of composer]"
(if several works are indicated for a given event and a composer is indicated for the work) "musical work by [FIRST NAME and NAME of composer]"
Performance Event (implicit) (if only one work is indicated for a given event) instance of (P31) concert performance (Q1486440)
(if several works are indicated for a given event and a composer is indicated for the work) concert (Q182832)
EventType benefit instance of (P31) benefit concert (Q1850936)
competition competition (Q476300)
solo recital recital (Q1446621)
duo recital
joint recital
lecture lecture (Q603773)
student performance student performance (Q52314485)
tribute / memorial memorial concert (Q52314849) Can be used in combination with: commemorates (P547)
children's concert intended public (P2360) child (Q7569)
EventID Carnegiehall Event ID (URL) Carnegie Hall event ID (P5227) String (without path)
(implicit) (labels to be generated based on the PerformanceDesignation and possibly further data contained in the dataset) Len String See example items.
native label (P1705) (lang:en)
(implicit) (descriptions to be generated based on the PerformanceDesignation and further data contained in the dataset) Den String See example items.
PerformanceDesignation (if Len is different from PerformanceDesignation) Aen String
PerformanceDate Date of the Performance point in time (P585) Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Venue Venue location (P276)

with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)

Conductor (if the Performance Event consists of only one part, cf. ProgramOrder) musical conductor (P3300)with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)


(CharacterRole, ContributorType, VoiceType)

cast member (P161), performer (P175) or similar

with the qualifiers:

subject named as (P1810)

character role (P453)

name of the character role (P4633)

object has role (P3831)

instrument (P1303)

voice type (P412)

Agent For details, see the table below.

See the table in the Typology section for a list of voice types.

OrchestraName performer (P175)with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)

Genre dance genre (P136) concert dance (Q1020618)
opera opera (Q1344)
pop music pop music (Q37073)
rock music rock music (Q11399)
world music world music (Q205049)
theater (ignore) n/a handle manually (only one instance)
musical theater (ignore) n/a "musical theater" is a super-property of "opera"
WorkTitle (if the Performance Event consists of only one part, cf. ProgramOrder) based on (P144) Work

with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)



(if the Performance Event consists of several parts, cf. ProgramOrder) has part(s) (P527) Performance

with the qualifier:

series ordinal (P1545)

Performance (implicit) (if the Composer field contains "Play") instance of (P31) performance (Q35140)
(if the Composer field contains one of the following:

- "Remarks"

- "Awards Presentation"

- "Introduction/ Opening Remarks"

- "Welcome"

- "Address"

- "Greetings"

- "Presentation")

instance of (P31)

with the qualifier: subject named as (P1810)

oration (Q861911)
(if the Composer field contains "Reading") recitation (Q1680700)with the qualifier: subject named as (P1810)
(if WorkTitle does not contain a colon and if the entry contains CharacterRoles) instance of (P31) concert performance (Q1486440)
(else) musical performance (Q6942562)
(implicit) (labels to be generated based on data contained in the dataset) Len String
(implicit) (descriptions to be generated based on data contained in the dataset) Den String
PerformanceDate Performance Date point in time (P585) Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Venue Venue location (P276)

with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)

Conductor (if the Conductor field is not empty) musical conductor (P3300)with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)


(CharacterRole, ContributorType, VoiceType)

Name of the Performer cast member (P161), performer (P175) or similar

with the qualifiers:

subject named as (P1810)

character role (P453)

name of the character role (P4633)

object has role (P3831)

instrument (P1303)

voice type (P412)

Agent For details, see the table below.

See the table in the Typology section for a list of voice types.

OrchestraName (if instance of concert performance or musical performance) performer (P175)with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)

Agent This may produce some false positives as the orchestra is indicated for the Performance Event and not for the single Performance.
WorkTitle (if instance of concert performance) based on (P144) Work

with the qualifier:

subject named as (P1810)

(if instance of musical performance) Aen String For musical works (and their expressions) that already have entries on WD, recording or performance of (P2550) can be used.
(implicit) part of (P361) Performance Event

Contributor Types

ContributorType Property Qualifier object has role (P3831) Qualifier instrument (P1303) Qualifier character role (P453) Qualifier voice type (P412)
(empty, but CharacterRole is indicated) cast member (P161) yes See the table in the Typology section for a list of voice types.
Accordion performer (P175) accordion (accordion (Q79838))
Acrobatic team performer (P175) acrobat (acrobat (Q11957145))
Actor cast member (P161) actor (actor (Q33999)) yes
Alto saxophone performer (P175) alto saxophone (alto saxophone (Q445275))
Archlute performer (P175) archlute (archlute (Q1633881))
Ballet dancer cast member (P161) ballet dancer (ballet dancer (Q805221))
Bass clarinet performer (P175) bass clarinet (bass clarinet (Q8345))
Bass guitar performer (P175) bass guitar (bass guitar (Q46185))
Bassoon performer (P175) bassoon (bassoon (Q159998))
Baton twirler performer (P175) baton twirler (baton twirler (Q53868331))
Boys chorus performer (P175) boys chorus (boys' choir (Q1776834)) yes
Celesta performer (P175) celesta (celesta (Q320341))
Cello performer (P175) cello (cello (Q8371))
Chamber ensemble performer (P175) chamber ensemble (chamber orchestra (Q2470540))
Chamber orchestra performer (P175) chamber ensemble (chamber orchestra (Q2470540))
Childrens chorus performer (P175) children's chorus (children's choir (Q1753063)) yes
Choir performer (P175) choir (choir (Q131186)) yes
Clarinet performer (P175) clarinet (clarinet (Q8343))
Comedian cast member (P161) comedian (comedian (Q245068)) yes
Concert band performer (P175) concert band (concert band (Q762048))
Conductor musical conductor (P3300)
Dance group performer (P175) dance troupe (dance troupe (Q2393314)) yes
Dancer cast member (P161) dancer (dancer (Q5716684)) yes
Dombra performer (P175) dombra (dombra (Q1236973))
Double bass performer (P175) double bass (double bass (Q80019))
Drums performer (P175) drum (drum (Q11404))
Flute performer (P175) flute (flute (Q11405))
Folk dancer cast member (P161) folk dancer (folk dancer (Q53869196))
French horn performer (P175) French horn (horn (Q163759))
Girls chorus performer (P175) girls chorus (girls' choir (Q53869202)) yes
Guitar performer (P175) guitar (guitar (Q6607))
Harp performer (P175) harp (harp (Q47369))
Harpsichord performer (P175) harpsichord (harpsichord (Q81982))
Host presenter (P371)
Keyboard performer (P175) musical keyboard (musical keyboard (Q901207))
Kobyz performer (P175) Kobyz (kobyz (Q1778051))
Koto performer (P175) koto (koto (Q289037))
Mens chorus performer (P175) men's chorus (men's chorus (Q1684352)) yes
Mime cast member (P161) mime artist (mime artist (Q674067))
Narrator cast member (P161) narrator (narrator (Q755070))
Novelty act cast member (P161) novelty act (novelty act (Q19776580))
Oboe performer (P175) oboe (oboe (Q8377))
Opera company performer (P175) opera company (opera company (Q20819922))
Orchestra performer (P175) orchestra (orchestra (Q42998))
Organ performer (P175) organ (organ (Q1444))
Percussion performer (P175) percussion (percussion (Q1661583))
Piano performer (P175) piano (piano (Q5994))
Piccolo performer (P175) piccolo (piccolo (Q83509))
Pipa performer (P175) pipa (pipa (Q6685124))
Puppeteer cast member (P161) puppeteer (puppeteer (Q2629392)) yes
Puppeteers performer (P175) puppeteer (puppeteer (Q2629392))
Reader performer (P175) reader (reader (Q1433533))
Reciter performer (P175) reciter (reciter (Q23037330))
Sampler performer (P175) sampler (sampler (Q320002))
Singer cast member (P161) singer (singer (Q177220))

May be omitted if the voice type is indicated.

yes See the table in the Typology section for a list of voice types.
Saxophone performer (P175) saxophone (saxophone (Q9798))
Shamisen performer (P175) shamisen (shamisen (Q241337))
Soprano saxophone performer (P175) soprano saxophone (soprano saxophone (Q1463985))
Speaker speaker (P823)
Storyteller narrator (P2438)
String quartet performer (P175) string quartet (string quartet (Q207338))
Tenor saxophone performer (P175) tenor saxophone (tenor saxophone (Q1414932))
Theater group performer (P175) theatre troupe (theatre troupe (Q2416217))
Theorbo performer (P175) theorbo (theorbo (Q840920))
Trombone performer (P175) trombone (trombone (Q8350))
Trumpet performer (P175) trumpet (trumpet (Q8338))
Tzouras performer (P175) Tzouras (tzouras (Q7861991))
Unspecified performer (P175)
Vibraphone performer (P175) vibraphone (vibraphone (Q206987))
Viol performer (P175) viol (viol (Q40125))
Viola performer (P175) viola (viola (Q80284))
Viola pomposa performer (P175) viola pomposa (viola pomposa (Q595730))
Violin performer (P175) violin (violin (Q8355))
Vocalist performer (P175) vocalist (vocalist (Q2643890))
Vocal ensemble performer (P175) vocal ensemble (vocal group (Q120544))
Wind ensemble performer (P175) wind ensemble (wind ensemble (Q11288436))
Womens chorus performer (P175) female choir (women's chorus (Q1451652)) yes
Xiao performer (P175) xiao (xiao (Q1394795))

Notes Regarding the Interpretation of the Data in the Source Data File


Missing Contributor Type

  • VoiceType = soprano, etc. --> singer
  • VoiceType = vocalist --> vocalist
  • VoiceType = unspecified voice --> singer

Persons listed only with Last Name


The following persons are listed only with their last name:

  • Composer (the Carnegie Hall ID is missing as well)
  • Conductor (the Carnegie Hall ID is listed – from there, both the first and the last name can be derived).

[Check with the data provider whether this information can be completed.]

Missing composer / unusual entries in the Composer field

The composer field may contain one of the following entries, sometimes complemented by the information given under the WorkTitle or in the Remarks field:



Sometimes, the field PerformanceDesignation just mentions the producer of the concert or concert performance (e.g. "Opera Orchestra of New York" or "Columbia University Musical Society"), sometimes the title of the concert is given, along with some description (e.g. "The Gift of Music, a Benefit for the American Red Cross), and sometimes the PerformanceDesignation could be directly used as a label in Wikidata (e.g. "La Traviata" or "Gala Opera Concert: Pablo Elvira in Arias and Duets"). This means that the labels and the descriptions need to be redacted specifically for the Wikidata ingest. [To do]

Issues / Potential Errors in the Source Data


The second work (Malediction) is a theatre play (without music) by Joseph Aloysius Lyons (1838- )[1]; thus, Lyons is the "author" of the play, and not the composer; also the statement regarding the conductor and the orchestra does not apply to this second work.

It is unclear why this performance is tagged as a "lecture".

It is unclear why this performance is tagged as genre "opera". Many of the works performed are not indicated, so it cannot be excluded that some of the works are related to opera. At the same time, Sophie Tucker does not seem to have had a career as an opera singer.

"EventType/Genre Code" / "EventType/Genre Label"


It is unclear whether the information contained in the columns "EventType/Genre Code" and "EventType/Genre Label" applies to the entire event or just to the parts for which they have been declared. Note that the entries in the spreadsheet are multiplied if several tags have been applied.

  • - tags: "eventType: tribute/memorial"; "eventType: chorus and orchestra"; "genre: opera". – Strictly speaking, "eventType: tribute/memorial" applies to the entire concert, while "genre: opera" only applies to its last part, i.e. the performance of Zöllner's opera "Bei Sedan" (yet the tag has been applied to all the parts). Similarly, "eventType: chorus and orchestra" has also been applied to the reading part.
  • - tags: "eventType: benefit"; "eventType: chorus"; "genre: opera". – Not problematic, as it contains only one work.
  • - tags: "genre: opera". – Not problematic, as it contains only one work.
  • - tags: "eventType: radio broadcast"; "genre: opera". – Not problematic, as it contains only one work.
  • – tags: "genre: opera"; "eventType: symphony orchestra". – The concert consists of several parts, mostly relating to operatic works, except for two, "Arianna a Naxos" by Joseph Haydn and "Feu d’artifice" by Igor Stravinsky.

