Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Catalog/Catalogue of paintings and sculpture in the collection of Charles T. Yerkes, esq., New York

Charles Yerkes died a year after publishing his 1904 "deluxe edition" of his collection, with a photo of each painting. In two volumes (one for old masters and one for modern art), it was reused by his heir when she sold the collection in 1910 with a reprint & concordance. The entire list of volume 1 was included in the 1910 sale, but twelve paintings were missing from volume 2 in the 1910 sale, and 17 new lot numbers were included (without photographs) in the 1910 sale that had not been published in 1904.

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & catalog code (P528) -> # -> catalog (P972) -> Catalogue of paintings and sculpture in the collection of Charles T. Yerkes, esq., New York (Q54666833).

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?cat1910 ?catV1 ?catV2 ?rkd WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213. ?item wdt:P127 wd:Q1066292. OPTIONAL { ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q54666833 ; ps:P528 ?catV1]. } OPTIONAL { ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q122293200 ; ps:P528 ?catV2]. } OPTIONAL { ?item p:P528 [ pq:P972 wd:Q122307578 ; ps:P528 ?cat1910].} OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P350 ?rkd.} SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,nl" } . } ORDER BY xsd:integer(?cat1910)
image label description cat. 1910 cat. 1904 v1 cat. 1904 v2 creator inception collection inventory number RKDimages ID Joconde work ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID Art UK artwork ID
The Music Lesson painting by Gerard Terborch Gerard ter Borch 1670 Art Institute of Chicago
Demidov collection
The Little Pouter painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1888 Rahr West Art Museum
A Wood near the Waters Edge painting by Jacob van Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael 1650 No/unknown value
Low Tide at Les Petites-Dalles Painting by Claude Monet Claude Monet 1884 Hasso Plattner Collection MB-Mon-16
Pygmalion and Galatea painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme (MET, 27.200) Jean-Léon Gérôme 1890 Metropolitan Museum of Art
European Paintings
The Silent River painting by Gustave Courbet Gustave Courbet 1868 Brooklyn Museum 41.1259
Man in a boat rowing through a forest painting by Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 18th century Fop Smit collection 300743
The Pig-Killers painting by Jean Francois Millet Jean-François Millet 1869 National Gallery of Canada 18963
The Bride of Abydos painting by Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863), The Fitzwilliam Museum Eugène Delacroix 18th century Fitzwilliam Museum
Keynes Collection
PCF10 the-bride-of-abydos-5873
Portrait of Lady Mary O'Brien, later Countess of Orkney painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds Joshua Reynolds 1772 Philadelphia Museum of Art 1948-95-1
Portrait of a Bearded Man in Black painting by attributed to Corneille de Lyon Corneille de Lyon
Hans Holbein the Younger
16th century Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hollingworth Magniac Collection
European Paintings
Hermit painting by Gerard Dou Gerrit Dou 1660 No/unknown value
Head of an old woman painting by Balthasar Denner (Yerkes) Balthasar Denner 1720 Charles Sedelmeyer collection
Portrait of Hans Gunder painting by Hans Suess von Kulmbach Hans von Kulmbach
Albrecht Dürer
1509 Gemäldegalerie 1234C 02556071
Village on the River painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1640 No/unknown value
Portrait of a woman said to be Hylck Boner painting in the Frick Collection Frans Hals 1635 The Frick Collection 1910.1.72 134182
Man with a glass and a woman with a jug in an interior painting by Pieter de Hooch Pieter de Hooch 1669 Bavarian State Painting Collections 15279 248240
A Glass Of Lemonade painting by Gerard ter Borch (II) and workshop Gerard ter Borch 160s Walters Art Museum 37.341
The False Players painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen 1665 No/unknown value
Cavaliers in a Landscape painting by Aelbert Cuijp Aelbert Cuyp 1660 Adolphe Schloss collection
A Flute-player outside a House painting by Isaac van Ostade Isaac van Ostade 1650 No/unknown value
Peasants in an Interior painting by Adriaen van Ostade (Yerkes) Adriaen van Ostade 1675 No/unknown value
Dancing in the Barn painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 1652 No/unknown value
A woman stopping to talk near a tree and animals painting by Adriaen van de Velde Adriaen van de Velde 160s No/unknown value
Cattle with Breastfeeding Woman and Child Playing with a Dog painting by Adriaen van de Velde Adriaen van de Velde 1672 No/unknown value
Market Day in Rotterdam painting by Jan van der Heyden Jan van der Heyden 1670 No/unknown value
The Village painting by Emanuel Murant Jan van der Heyden
Emanuel Murant
1652 No/unknown value
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Still life with fruit and animals in a wooded landscape painting by Abraham Mignon Abraham Mignon 160s
16th century
Wallraf–Richartz Museum WRM 2838 201208
End of automatically generated list.