Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Location/Paintings in United States collections by state

This is an overview of the number of paintings in United States collections by state of the sum of all paintings in United States.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(DISTINCT ?painting) AS ?count) WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q35657. ?loc wdt:P131+ ?item. ?painting wdt:P195 ?loc. ?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213. } GROUP by ?item ORDER by DESC (?count) LIMIT 60
label Number of painting items
New York 23426
Massachusetts 12670
Connecticut 9931
Pennsylvania 9393
Ohio 8513
California 7290
Michigan 4125
Texas 3842
Minnesota 3672
New Jersey 3388
Illinois 3153
Missouri 3099
Oklahoma 2351
Washington 2303
Indiana 2218
Rhode Island 1893
Florida 1487
Georgia 1393
Maryland 814
Tennessee 584
Virginia 515
Arkansas 484
Arizona 468
North Carolina 262
Wisconsin 255
Alabama 249
Colorado 152
New Hampshire 127
Oregon 119
Hawaii 113
Louisiana 93
Vermont 92
Kentucky 88
South Carolina 75
Maine 71
Utah 71
Iowa 65
Nebraska 64
Delaware 42
New Mexico 41
Wyoming 35
Kansas 35
West Virginia 17
Mississippi 11
End of automatically generated list.