Wikidata:WikidataCon 2017/Submissions/Wikidata for resource mapping

 This is an Open submission for WikidataCon 2017 that has not yet been reviewed by the members of the Program Committee.

Submission no. 91
Title of the submission
Wikidata for federated resource mapping

Author(s) of the submission
Jon Richter, Maxime Lathuilière
E-mail address
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Transformaps, server (Q32844021)

Type of session
Workshop as Round table with Discussion

This session blends in the contexts of the presenters with those of the attendees and develops socio-technical answers to the questions, which are neither strictly technical, nor soley social.

Length of session
Ideal number of attendees

Flows of Resources

In the recent years, many communities build softwares that allow to register and track resources for sharing with others. Two prominent examples linked with the Wikidata universe are server (Q32844021) and Transformaps. Where the first decidedly focuses its scope on books, building a database extending books and authors data in Wikidata, the latter provides the Wikibase instance to collectively build ontologies of alternative economies.

When we represent economic networks in data, its metadata reveals the human enlivenment from where it stems, encoded in structured data. These more or less controlled vocabularies, may they be folksonomically derived or otherwise socially standardised into ontologies, then describe only a certain domain. Developing and stabilising them in self-controlled environments and linking them to a collaborative database with facts of the world promises very diverse nichesourcing of economic activity, only loosely-coupled with the universalist mainstream.

One aspect in using Wikidata/-base is being able to dynamically generate multilingual surfaces to the respective communities without an effort. But also other qualities (or scale niveaus) of economic network's data may be more easily represented by a collaborative graph of knowledge, rather than by intransparent expert systems. The challange is to find coupling points between heterogenous depictions of reality, without enforcing a globel consensus, or say a neutral point-of-view. Learning from working examples tells us this is possible within a set of polycentric namespace authorities which federate their content within a wider ecosystem of nodes.

In this workshop, we aim at bringing the experiences of the last four years of development on these projects together and conclude a broader frame wherein both (inter)act. This will include, but not only, an introspection of existing vocabularies and means to link them plus an exploration of the current state of the technical and organisational discussions around a Federated Wikibase.

What will attendees take away from this session?
  1. A basic understanding about offer-request networks.
  2. An introductory scoop onto social and solidarity economies, commons, degrowth, altgrowth, gift economy, and many more alternative approaches to the scarcity-based, profit-oriented economy.
  3. Knowing there is actual interest in the Wikibase community for federation extra to Wikimedia's needs.
Slides or further information

Research sources:

  1. WikidataCon 2017 / Submissions / Inventaire: tale of a Wikidata-centered linked open contributive database on resources/books
  2. OpenStreetMap Wiki - Proposed features / TransforMap / Proposed Tags
  3. Pages linking to 'TransforMap Taxonomy'

Inspirational sources:

Special requests

Please bring your devices.

Interested attendees edit

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  1. Daniel Mietchen (talk) 08:29, 31 July 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Frank.gerhardt (talk) 21:50, 9 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  3. ...