Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms/Asturian

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Nome común masculín asturianu edit

Each template has the following parts:

An identifier
A label
nome común masculín asturianu
The item ID of the language
Asturian (Q29507)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item
The item ID of the lexical category.
Example: noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)masculine (Q499327)
Form 1:
A label, which is used on the template page
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets
Esti ye un [perru].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs
singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label, which is used on the template page
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets
Estos son unos [perros].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs
plural (Q146786)

Nome común femenín asturianu edit

Each template has the following parts:

An identifier
A label
nome común femenín asturianu
The item ID of the language
Asturian (Q29507)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item
The item ID of the lexical category
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional).
grammatical gender (P5185)feminine (Q1775415)
Form 1:
A label
An example sentence
Esta ye una [perra].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs
singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label
An example sentence
Estes son unes [perres].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs
plural (Q146786)

Axetivu asturianu edit

Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Preferably English, all lowercase, hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
axetivu n'asturianu
The item ID of the language.
Asturian (Q29507)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
adjective (Q34698)
Form 1:
A label.
masculín singular
An example sentence.
Un neñu [roxu].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
masculine (Q499327), singular (Q110786)
Form 2:
A label.
masculín plural
An example sentence.
Unos neños [roxos].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
masculine (Q499327), plural (Q146786)
Form 3:
A label.
femenín singular
An example sentence.
Una neña [roxa].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
feminine (Q1775415), singular (Q110786)
Form 4:
A label.
femenín plural
An example sentence.
Unes neñes [roxes].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
feminine (Q1775415), plural (Q146786)
Form 5:
A label.
An example sentence.
El ganáu [roxo].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
neuter (Q1775461)