Wikidata:Wikiztegia/Datu-ereduen adibideak

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Wiktionary/Data model examples and the translation is 50% complete.

Beheko zerrendan adibide batzuk ikusiko dituzu azalduz nola gorde ahalko diren Wikidatan Lexemak, Formak eta Adierak etorkizuneko datu-eredua erabiliz. Adibide hauek kontzeptuzko datu-eredua dute oinarri.

Disclaimers: These examples have been created by the developers to show some possibilities to model data and make it easier to understand where we are going. There are many others, and the community will still be free to organize the data as they think it is the best. Especially the properties and items used to model these examples are up to the editors to decide on.

These examples are displayed in wikitext, but that's not how they will actually be displayed in the future. Once the new entity type will be available, we will use an interface similar to the one you already use with items, to read, modify and create Lexemes.