trail (E114)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
entrailschema for trailshiking trailedit
vecsentierocain | cavin | trozo | trodo | paso a pieedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

# query map: SELECT ?item WHERE {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q628179. } LIMIT 10 

start = @<#trail>

<#trail> EXTRA wdt:P31 {

  # instance of
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q628179 ] ;

  # country
  wdt:P17 IRI * ;

  # located in the administrative territorial entity
  wdt:P131 IRI * ;

  # Commons category
  wdt:P373 xsd:string ? ;

  # coordinate location
  wdt:P625 geo:wktLiteral ? ;

  # image
  wdt:P18 [ <>~ ] ? ;

  # located in protected area
  wdt:P3018 IRI * ;

  # named after
  wdt:P138 IRI ? ;

  # inception
  wdt:P571 xsd:dateTime ? ;
  # locator map image
  wdt:P242 [ <>~ ] ? ;

  # OSM relation ID
  wdt:P402 xsd:string ? ;

  # mountain range
  wdt:P4552 IRI ? ;

  # offers view on
  wdt:P3173 IRI ? ;

  # highest point
  wdt:P610 IRI ? ;

  # National Recreation Trails Database ID
  wdt:P3353 xsd:string ? ;

  # AllTrails trail ID
  wdt:P7127 xsd:string ? ;

  # Hiking Project trail ID
  wdt:P7116 xsd:string ? ;
