interstellar object (E127)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
eninterstellar objectschema for interstellar objectsedit
frobjet interstellaireedit
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

# Query Map: SELECT ?item WHERE {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q2441216. } LIMIT 10

start = @<#interstellar_object>

<#interstellar_object> EXTRA wdt:P31 {

 # instance of
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q2441216 ] ;

 # video
  wdt:P10 [ <>~ ] * ;
 # image
  wdt:P18 [ <>~ ] * ;
 # discoverer or inventor
  wdt:P61 [ <>~ ];
 # site of astronomical discovery
  wdt:P65 [ <>~ ] + ;
 # named after
  wdt:P138 [ <>~ ] ;
 # Commons category
  wdt:P373 xsd:string * ;
 # pronunciation audio
  wdt:P443 [ <>~ ] * ;

# time of discovery or invention; 
  wdt:P575 xsd:dateTime ;

# JPL Small-Body Database ID
    wdt:P716 xsd:string ;

# IPA transcription
    wdt:P898 xsd:string ;

# orbital eccentricity
    wdt:P1096 xsd:decimal ;

# absolute magnitude
    wdt:P1457 xsd:decimal ;

# orbital inclination
    wdt:P2045 xsd:decimal ;

# rotation period
    wdt:P2147 xsd:decimal ;

# longitude of ascending node
    wdt:P2213 xsd:decimal ;

# periapsis
    wdt:P2244 xsd:decimal ;

# argument of periapsis
    wdt:P2248 xsd:decimal ;

# mean anomaly
    wdt:P2325 xsd:decimal ;

# diameter
    wdt:P2386 xsd:decimal ;

# albedo
    wdt:P4501 xsd:decimal ;

# Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia exoplanet ID
    wdt:P5653 xsd:string ;

# Minor Planet Center body ID
    wdt:P5736 xsd:string