hospital (E187)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enhospitalentity schema of hospitaledit
asthospitalesquema para hospitalesedit
deKrankenhausEntity-Schema für ein KrankenhausKlinikedit
eshospitalEsquema para hospitalesedit
ko병원병원을 설명하는 스키마edit
pt-brhospitalEsquema para hospitaisedit
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX geo: <>

# Example SPARQL query: select ?hospital where { ?hospital wdt:P31 wd:Q16917 } limit 5

start = @<Hospital>

<Hospital>  EXTRA wdt:P31  {
  wdt:P31   [ wd:Q16917 wd:Q7257872 ] ;# instance of a hospital
  wdt:P17   @<Country>          {1} ; #country
  wdt:P131  @<AdminTerritory>   {1} ; #located in the administrative territorial entity
  wdt:P625  @<Coordinates>      +   ; # coordinate location
  wdt:P6801 xsd:decimal         ?   ; # number of hospital beds
  wdt:P856  IRI                 *   ; # official website
  wdt:P1705 .                   *   ; # native label
  wdt:P6375 @<Address>          *   ; # street address

<Address> {}

<Country> { 

<AdminTerritory> {} 

<Coordinates> geo:wktLiteral