Runic inscription (E276)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enRunic inscriptionedit
svruninskriftinskription på en runaedit
# Early draft see

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>

# Example SPARQL query:
# SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q7379880. }
# Project see
# Description of metadata see

start = @<RunicInscription>
<RunicInscription> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P31   [ wd:Q7379880 ] ;
 wdt:P18 .      + ; # picture 
 wdt:P17 . + ; # country 
 wdt:P131 . + ; # located in the administrative territorial entity
 wdt:P625 .      + ; # coordinate location 
 wdt:P10 .      * ; # video 
 wdt:P6104 [ wd:Q104118700]   + ; # maintained by Wikipedia:Project Runic inscription
 wdt:P1435 .      * ; # heritage designation 
 wdt:P3596 .      * ; # Danish ancient monument ID
 wdt:P1261 .      * ; # Scandinavian Runic-text Database
 wdt:P276 .      * ; # location
 wdt:P706 .      * ; # located on terrain feature
 wdt:P170 .      * ; # creator = carver
 wdt:P186 .      * ; # material used
 wdt:P1260 .      * ; # Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI

#* Signum
#* naming schemas
#* crossform
#* profile style
#* artefact
#* Rune row maybe title or wdt:P1922 first line
#' Completeness
# Measurements = P2048  height , P2049 width, P4511 vertical depth
# Method of dating
# age estimated by a dating method P7584
# time of discovery or invention P575 
# discoverer or inventor P61
# time of earliest written record P1249
# theorised by P8403
# described by source P1343
# stated as P1932 use as qualifier to indicate how the value was given in the source
# Completeness = The state of completeness of the inscription / runic entry. P????
# Brakteattyp
# Method of dating see also
## arch. archaeological
## arch./typ. archaeological typological
## arch./dendro. archaeological dendrochronological
## arch./strat. archaeological stratigraphical
## numismat. numismatical (for coins)
## palaeograph.  palaeographical (for manuscripts)
## iconograph. iconographical (for bracteates and objects with iconographic elements)
## hist.    historical
## ling.  linguistic
## self-dating
# Runtyp
