Swedish Literature Bank Runestones (E290)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enSwedish Literature Bank Runestonesschema for runestones referenced in literature at the Swedish Literature Bankedit
svRunestenar Litteraturbankenschema för runstenar som kopplas till böcker i svenska Litteraturbankenedit
# Work in progress comments user:salgo60 or contact me Sweden 0705937579, Telegram salgo60
# see worksheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TraXcbQwSsysCfsTK5i0zECVFIw2OoIjRZ0nv64GX-M/edit#gid=1674185292
# GITHUB https://github.com/salgo60/Litteraturbanken_wd_runes

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>

# Example SPARQL query: https://w.wiki/yba
start = @<Rune>

<Rune> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P31   [ wd:Q7379880 wd:Q24566025]  ; # instance of
 wdt:P18 .      * ; # picture 
 wdt:P131 .    + ; # located in the administrative territorial entity 
 wdt:P276 .    + ; # location
 wdt:P155  @<Rune> + ; # follows see https://github.com/salgo60/Litteraturbanken_wd_runes/issues/13#issuecomment-800648741
 wdt:P156  @<Rune> + ; # followed by
 wdt:P17 [ wd:Q34] ; # country
 wdt:P625 .    + ; # coordinate location
 wdt:P1684 .    * ; # inscription
 wdt:P575 . +; # time of discovery
 wdt:P5816  [wd:Q62077203]   * ; # 	state of conservation
# ?!?!?
# Q62077203 Unknown location

 wdt:P1343 [ wd:Q10567910 wd:Q4162197 wd:Q61707459 wd:Q10500549 wd:Q59341385]    +; # described by source
# Alvin Q59341385
# Futhark: International Journal of Runic Studies Q10500549
# Fornvännen Q4162197
# Järvafältets Runristningar Q105981623
# Skansens runstenar / skrifter från Skansen Q61707459
# Swedish Literature Bank Q10567910
 wdt:P195  [ wd:Q3182302 wd:Q1726607 wd:Q4162197 wd:Q10727479 wd:Q20751277 wd:Q725108 wd:Q10712301 wd:Q10718178 wd:Q489175 wd:Q1142142 wd:Q10542121 wd:Q105593085 wd:Q1632115
wd:Q10667705 wd:Q636400 wd:Q5095323 wd:Q105950647 wd:Q61803667 wd:Q10572802]    *;  # collection
# Ashmolean Museum Q636400
# Gotlands museum Q3182302
# Gotlands fornsal Q20751277
# Jönköping läns museum Q10542121
# Lunds historiska museum Q105593085
# Lödöse museum Q10572802  
# Museum of Medieval Stockholm Q1632115
# Nordiska museet Q1142142
# Sigtuna museum Q10667705
# Skansen Q725108
# Sundbybergs hembygdsförening Museum Q61803667
# Swedish History Museum Q1726607
# Söderby-Karls museum Q105950647
# Sörmland Museum Q5095323
# Upplandsmuseet Q7899155
# Valby Friluftsmuseum Q10712301
# Västerås Länsmuseet Q10718178
# Västergötlands museum Q489175
# Örebro läns museum Q10727479

# wdt:P6104 [ wd:Q105978945]   + ; # maintained by Wikipedia:Projekt runstenar TBD

 wdt:P1261 . +; # Scandinavian Runic-text Database
 wdt:P1260 . *; # Swedish Open Cultural Heritage URI
 wdt:P7068 . *; # Gotlands museum
 wdt:P1435 . *; # heritage designation
 wdt:P407 . *; # language of work or name
 wdt:P282 [wd:Q1937113 wd:Q11981875] *; # writing system 
# Futhark Q1937113
# kortkvistrunor Q11981875
# langkvistruner Q11983176
# stavlösa runor Q105981720
# ??!??
 wdt:P2348 . *; # time period
 wdt:P1639 . *; # pendant of - other work in a pair 
 wdt:P443 . *; # soundfile 
 wdt:P571 . *; # date or point in time when the subject came into existence as defined
 wdt:P706 . *; # located on terrain feature
 wdt:P361 [wd:Q3903602 wd:Q1770639 wd:Q2022046]; # part of
# Baltic area runestones Q3903602
# Ingvar runestones Q1770639
# Strängnäs domkyrka - Runestones Q21582240  -  maybe should be location?!?!
# Sigtrygg Runestones  Q2022046
 wdt:P136 [wd:Q3481604 ]*;  # genre
# Q3481604 	Fornyrðislag
 wdt:P189 . *;  # location of discovery

# soundfiles (using P443) e.g. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:G-134-runsvenska.opus
# location in a church etc...
# connect with more museums than Gotlands
# The inscription is lost
# get a property for Evighetsrunor see https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Evighetsrunor --> we get easier for people understand how to
# connect e.g. Litteraturbanken with the app Evighetsrunor so we dont get another SILO
# How to define
## Varangian_runestones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangian_runestones
## Baltic_area_runestones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltic_area_runestones
## Greece runestones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greece_runestones
## Italy runestones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italy_runestones
## Ingvar runestones - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingvar_runestones