German lexeme (E335)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enGerman lexemeedit
en-gbGerman lexemeedit
#query: select * { ?l dct:language wd:Q188 }

PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX ontolex: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>

start = @<de>

<de> {
  dct:language [ wd:Q188 ] ;
  wikibase:lemma rdf:langString /^[A-ZÄÖÜa-zäöüß-]+$/ AND [ @de ] ;

  wikibase:lexicalCategory [
    wd:Q1084 # noun
    wd:Q34698 # adjective
    wd:Q380057 # adverb
    wd:Q36484 # conjunction
    wd:Q4833830 # preposition
    wd:Q147276 # proper noun
    wd:Q24905 # verb

    wd:Q34793275 # demonstrative pronoun
    wd:Q956030 # indefinite pronoun
    wd:Q54310231 # interrogative pronoun
    wd:Q468801 # personal pronoun
    wd:Q1502460 # possessive pronoun
    wd:Q1050744 # relative pronoun

    wd:Q2865743 # definite article
    wd:Q3813849 # indefinite article

    wd:Q126473 # contraction
    wd:Q184511 # idiom
    wd:Q134830 # prefix
    wd:Q83034 # interjection
    wd:Q63116 # numeral
    wd:Q184943 # particle
    wd:Q102047 # suffix
  ] ;

  # No statements allowed for properties which belong on forms
  wdt:P51 . {0} ; # audio
  wdt:P443 . {0} ; # pronunciation audio
  wdt:P898 . {0} ; # IPA
  wdt:P5279 . {0} ; # hyphenation

  # No statements allowed for properties which belong on senses
  wdt:P5137 . {0} ; # item for this sense
  wdt:P6084 . {0} ; # location of sense usage
  wdt:P9970 . {0} ; # predicate for

  # TODO: No statements allowed which use sandbox properties

  # At least one form
  ontolex:lexicalForm . + ;