User:Daniel Mietchen/ECSA 2018

Logos of Wikimedia projects, all of which have some level of engagement with citizen science. Clockwise, starting on top: Wikimania, Wikibooks, Meta-Wiki, Wikiquote, Wikispecies, MediaWiki, Wikimedia Incubator, Wikivoyage, Wikidata, Wikiversity, Wiktionary, Wikinews, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia. Most of them exist in multiple languages (e.g. Wikipedia in ca. 300) — together, they form an ecosystem of about 1000 wikis, each with their own community.
Citizen Science and Open Science would benefit from closer interaction - an ECSA 2018 poster available through Wikimedia Commons
New species of cranefly in the genus Megistocera discovered on Wikimedia Commons
Map of localities where frog species of the genus Paedophryne have been found.
Map of humanitarian support to the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake.
Wiki loves Music. usage of related image
Disaster response, even 20 years after

About edit

This file hosts a submission to the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) conference on 3-5 June 2018 in Geneva. It was submitted by the deadline on 21 January 2018 under the "Empowering (individual) citizens" theme and the sub-theme "Empowered citizens – Case studies and lessons learned in collaborative Citizen Science projects".

On March 28, I was notified that this session had been accepted, albeit in a format (a discussion session) that differed from what I had proposed (a workshop). I had until April 4 to confirm, which I did.

Title edit

Wikimedia projects and citizen science

Abstract edit

Wikimedia projects and their communities interact with citizen science in multiple ways. Specifically, they

  • provide information about citizen science, including on some specific projects or actors
  • collect information about topics that are - or could be - the subject of citizen science projects
  • integrate information across languages, domains of knowledge, geographic location and time scales
  • expose their information in a variety of open ways to both humans and machines, which facilitates the use in citizen science projects
  • bring lay people and experts together to collaborate on all aspects of the projects
  • develop and maintain software that can be used by citizen science projects
  • provide a whole ecosystem of different ways to contribute
  • nurture a global network of volunteer-driven subcommunities that work together towards shared goals.

This session is intended as a guided tour around citizen science activities taking place in the framework of Wikimedia projects. It will be organized on the basis of , which will provide further information ahead of the event. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops, as they will be invited to actively engage with Wikimedia-based information in their domain, as well as to entertain and share ideas on how they could integrate it with their own activities.

Examples edit

See also the media files embedded on the right.

See also edit