User:Daniel Mietchen/Scholia/Examples/publishers

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?paper wdt:P1433 ?venue . ?venue wdt:P123 ?item . ?item wikibase:sitelinks ?linkcount. FILTER(?linkcount > 0) ?paper wdt:P50 ?author . ?author wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 ; wdt:P496 ?orcid ; wdt:P166 ?award . ?citing_paper wdt:P2860 ?paper . } LIMIT 10
Article inception headquarters location Commons category
World Health Organization 1948-04-07 Geneva United Nations World Health Organization
European Commission 1958-01-01 City of Brussels European Commission
Princeton University 1746 Princeton Princeton University
University of California Press 1893 Oakland University of California Press
Charles University 1348-04-07 Prague Charles University
University of Oxford 1096 Oxford University of Oxford
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden 1808-06-13 Rio de Janeiro Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro
Yale University 1701 New Haven Yale University
The MIT Press 1932 Cambridge MIT Press
University of Tartu Press 1632 Tartu

∑ 10 items.

End of automatically generated list.