User:Jneubert/GND person mapping

Mapping GND persons to Wikidata - currently implemented via query and script

type property pid datatype cardinality gndo transformation
Lde:Len :preferredNameForThePerson adjust_label (label_type=last_first)
Dde :professionOrOccupationAsLiteral (:biographicalOrHistricalInformation)
Den occupation string value (TBD)
I instance of P31 item 1.1 Q5 (fix)
P GND ID P227 string 1.1 :gndIdentifier
P date of birth P569 date 0.n :dateOfBirth format_date()
P date of death P570 date 0.n :dateOfDeath format_date()
P occupation P106 item 0.n :professionOrOccupation lookup via P227 (TBD)

type: L=label, D=description, P=property, I=implied property