
Merge candidates in jawiki and wuuwiki based on same sitelink name.

Found 24 merge candiates, excluding 19 candidates from the list of knowlingly non-duplicates leads to 5 remaining candidates.

Update: 2024-05-28 00:20 (UTC)

Merge candidates edit

  1. Q6261071 (ja:Category:流体力学) and Q7138878 (wuu:Category:流体力学)
  2. Q10899238 (ja:副将) and Q7925008 (wuu:副将)
  3. Q3253281 (ja:池塘) and Q24895084 (wuu:池塘)
  4. Q64553921 (ja:男色) and Q122663390 (wuu:男色)
  5. Q125903974 (ja:羊肉) and Q123122627 (wuu:羊肉)