
Indian Independence 2018 Wikidata Edit-a-thon


Hello, we are heading towards the 72nd Indian Independence Day (Q56106)      . A Wikidata edit-a-thon has been planned on 14–17 August to improve Wikidata content-related to India. Please join the edit-a-thon here. You may also suggest tasks (the final task list will be ready by 13 August). If you have questions, you may ask on Wikidata India noticeboard.

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India Independence Day 2018 - Label-a-thon has started!


Hello Titodutta/sandbox,
Happy Independence Day. Many thanks for joining the label-a-thon. The event started today 12:00 midnight. This label-a-thon will continue till 19 August 2018 23:59 pm IST. You may visit the event page here.

This is a special moment. We would be really grateful if you kindly contribute to this event and add labels and descriptions in your language. In first 12 hours we have seen more than 720 edits from communities like Bengali, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Telugu.

If you need help or have question, please feel free to contact here. I (Tito) will be available on Facebook and mobile also most of the time, if you need quick help, please contact. Thanking you. -- User:Mahir256 and User:Titodutta using

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Hello Titodutta/sandbox,
Happy Independence Day. 😃 Many thanks for joining the label-a-thon. The event started today 12:00 midnight. This label-a-thon will continue till 19 August 2018 23:59 pm IST. ⏰ You may visit the event page here.

This is a special moment. 💡 We would be really grateful if you kindly contribute to this event and add labels and descriptions in your language. In first 12 hours we have seen more than 780 edits from communities like Bengali, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi, Telugu.

If you need help or have question, please feel free to contact here. I (Tito) will be available on Facebook and mobile also most of the time, if you need quick help, please contact. Thanking you. 👧 -- User:Mahir256 and User:Titodutta using

Note: A live tracker is available here and a fork is here (in case the first one is not updated)

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Indian independence data-thon: Halfway


Thanks for joining the Indian independence day data-thon (15-22 August 2019). We are at the middle point, and three and a half days to go before we end this year's iteration. This year we tried adding a variety of tasks, please see here: Wikidata:WikiProject India/Events/Indian Independence Day 2019. If you have questions, please let us know in the event talk page, or at India noticebaord.

Prizes: We are elated to see your enthusiastic participation. This year we are planning to gift some small token of appreciations (such as Wikidata stickers etc.) to the top-performing contributors during the event. The exact details will be announced after the edit-a-thon. For logistical reason, we may not send these items outside India at this moment.

Thanks once again, and all the best.

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Thanks for joining the Indian independence day data-thon (15-22 August 2019). We are at the middle point, and three and a half days to go before we end this year's iteration. This year we tried adding a variety of tasks, please see here: Wikidata:WikiProject India/Events/Indian Independence Day 2019. If you have questions, please let us know in the event talk page, or at India noticebaord.

Appreciation/Prizes: We are elated to see your enthusiastic participation. This year we are planning to gift some small token of appreciations (such as Wikidata stickers etc.) to the top-performing contributors during the event. The exact details will be announced after the edit-a-thon. For logistical reason, we may not send these items outside India at this moment.

Thanks once again, and hope to see enthusiastic participation. Regards. -- Data-thon organisers using Titodutta (talk) 07:04, 19 August 2019 (UTC)

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