Wikidata:Bots/Import bot features

This is a list of recommended features for all import bots. Some of these are requirements, and others are merely recommended.

Originally from Wikidata talk:Bots#Import bot feature list
No. Feature Required for botflag MerlIwBot Sk!dbot BeneBot* ZaBOTka Choboty Legobot ValterVBot
wikidata version
1.1 wbgetitems/wbsetitem (deprecated) ✓ OK (automatic version detection) ✓ OK ✓ OK ✓ OK ✓ OK ✓ OK
1.2 wbgetentities/wbeditentity (current API module) YesY ✓ OK (automatic version detection) ✓ OK ✓ OK
sitelink import
2.1 supported wikis all wmf wikis except wikivoyage location Database (including incubator testwiki), but currently limited to [1] all wikipedias all wikipedias all wikipedias all wikipedias anything supported by Pywikipediabot (all wikipedias) all wikipedias
2.2 interwiki conflict checking YesY yes, by creating strong connected components and testing for uniqueness checks every interwikipage, if there is an interwiki conflict the site will be skipped, if there are to many new interwikilinks which are not on de-wikipedia the site will be skipped too ✓ OK (see User:BeneBot*/conflicts) in process Run interwiki bot before importing in progress
label import
3.1 source for label displaytitle and if not set page title page title edited page title page title page title page title page title
3.2 removing disambig title part ✓ OK could be possible if there are fixed rules only brackets only brackets for all wikis except ruwiki, where I know rules ✓ OK Fixed + manual(based on the naming conventions) in progress only brackets
3.3 variant support (e.g. sl-ec/sl-el or zh-hans/zh-hant) ✓ OK (uz-latn is added as uz) waiting for consensus Partly. zh-hans/hant conversion
3.4 langcode used for a label
(wiki code (e.g. alswiki=als)/iso language(e.g. alswiki=gsw)/page content language(e.g. incubator:Wp/kiu=kiu))
page content language wiki code wiki code wiki code, do not add labels for simple Do not add labels for simple, *-old, als. wiki code
3.5 label conflict handling
(import includes to two wikis using the same language like simplewiki, enwiki, commonswiki, specieswiki)
all further titles in this language are added as aliases imho not needed not needed Do not add labels based on simplewiki.
3.6 automatical label creation de-ch if de label contains ß no no zh-hans/hant using a conversion library.
alias import
4.1 import redirects as aliases yes, but excluding simplewiki, enwiki, huwiki and mkwiki yes, but excluding simplewiki, huwiki and mkwiki currently working on not supported not supported not supported
4.2 automatical aliases creation based on label ru:ё⇒e no no Custom rule. no
4.3 removing disambig title part ✓ OK yes for dewikipedia see above
4.4 does not add aliases which differ only in lower/upper case ✓ OK ✓ OK ✓ OK
description import
5.1 source for description  not supported might be supported if there are clear rules waiting for consensus based on wiki category with some exceptions Based on wiki category not supported Based on wiki category, Infobox, Template or off line file