Wikidata:Eleventh Birthday

Wikidata's distributed birthday | October 2023 | #WikidataBirthday

Wikidata turns eleven! The project went live on 29 October 2012. Just like every year, we're celebrating its birthday together in late October. On this page, you can discover how to contribute to the anniversary and participate in the celebrations.

Prepare a birthday present


The birthday presents is a tradition to celebrate Wikidata and its community by preparing a gift to be offered to all editors, data reusers and everyone involved with Wikidata. At this occasion, some people develop new tools, add features to existing tools, create logos or templates. But a birthday present can be a lot of other things! You can be creative and produce a piece of art, a song, a poem... anything that is celebrating Wikidata or that is useful for its community is very welcome.

You can participate! Now is a good time to start working on a birthday present. You're encouraged to find other people to create something with you, but you can also work on your own project. If you're looking for inspiration, you can check what was done for the previous anniversaries in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

When your birthday present is ready, you can add it to this page. Don't forget to add the relevant links, and your username.

If you would like to present your gift to the community, you also have the opportunity to present it during the birthday celebration at WikidataCon 2023. See more information in the section below.

Attend the online WikidataCon 2023


The WikidataCon 2023 will take place online and in Taiwan on October 28-29, and gather the Wikidata community around its theme, "across boundaries".

Sign up for the WikidataCon 2023 (online or onsite)

Check out the conference schedule

Birthday presents at WikidataCon 2023


You prepared a present for Wikidata's birthday and would like to present it to the community? You can sign up for the birthday presents lightning talks session that will take place online during the WikidataCon 2023, on Day 2.5, October 29, at 14:15 UTC.

To register for a slot, please read the instructions and add your project to this page. You can add a project until 1 hour before the session takes place.

Please make sure that you are registered for the WikidataCon 2023 in order to access the session.

Join or organize other events


You can organize a birthday event with your community or in your area: if so, feel free to add details on this page. To connect with other people organizing Wikidata-related events, feel free to join the Wikidata Events Telegram group.

Please note that there is no support or funding program available for birthday/WikidataCon satellite events this year. However, if you need support, you can reach out to your local chapter or user group, or consider applying to WMF's rapid fund.

Leave a birthday wish


To add a birthday message and send love to the Wikidata community, feel free to add it to this page.

See also
