Wikidata:WikiProject Ancient Greece

Purpose edit

This project aims to improve items related to Ancient Greece.

Properties edit

Ancient Greek mythology edit

Ancient Greek Gods edit

Ancient Greek people edit

Ancient Athenians edit

Ancient Greek architecture edit

Ancient Greek literature edit

Ancient Greek topography edit

Showcase items edit

Lists edit

Queries edit

Graphs edit

Ancient philosophers tree
SELECT DISTINCT ?philosopher ?philosopherLabel ?rgb ?student ?studentLabel 
  SERVICE gas:service {
    gas:program gas:gasClass "";
    gas:in wd:Q913;
    gas:linkType wdt:P802;
    gas:traversalDirection "Undirected";
    gas:out ?philosopher ;
    gas:out1 ?depth ;
    gas:out2 ?student . 
   ?philosopher wdt:P106 wd:Q4964182 . #restricts the query to students that ended up philosophers themselves
   ?philosopher wdt:P135 ?school .
        BIND (
          IF(?school = wd:Q193589, "FF1700", 1/0),     # platonism
          IF(?school = wd:Q194414, "33FF3B", 1/0),     # peripatetician
          IF(?school = wd:Q1126340, "BEFAFF", 1/0),    # pyrrhonism
          IF(?school = wd:Q179541, "C2CFFF", 1/0),     # epicurism
          IF(?school = wd:Q1395219, "134d83", 1/0),    # scepticism
          IF(?school = wd:Q48235, "57FFD2", 1/0),      # stoicism
          IF(?school = wd:Q1145454, "19A2A2", 1/0),    # megarism
          IF(?school = wd:Q750192, "F5FE66", 1/0),     # cyrenaism
          IF(?school = wd:Q485459, "D69A00", 1/0),     # cynism
          IF(?school = wd:Q1350056, "35A219", 1/0),    # eretrian school
          IF(?school = wd:Q191359, "976031", 1/0),     # pythagorism
          IF(?school = wd:Q214577, "913194", 1/0),     # eleatics
          IF(?school = wd:Q178540, "140714", 1/0),     # presocratics (same as pluralists)
          IF(?school = wd:Q1275113, "140714", 1/0),    # pluralists (same as presocratics
          IF(?school = wd:Q178668, "d8a31c", 1/0),     # atomists
          IF(?school = wd:Q3345153, "1c51d8", 1/0),    # New Academy
        ) AS ?rgb 
 SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
Try it!

Statistics edit

Maintenance reports edit

  • ...

Participants edit

The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|Ancient Greece}}

Navigation edit