Wikidata:WikiProject Biodiversity/Wikipedia missing articles/botanic garden meise

This page lists those observations in iNaturalist observed by members of the iNaturalist project "botanic garden meise" that (potentially) lack a (English) Wikipedia article (support for other languages will follow soon). Potentially, because sometimes a species is listed, while a Wikipedia articles exists. This is due to inconsistent modelling of taxa in Wikidata. If you either create the missing wikipedia article, or the Wikipedia article exists, please add a link to the "Exists as..." colomn.

Potential missing Wikipedia articles
Taxon iNaturalist Exists as...*
Aglais io 207977 Aglais io Wikidata schema does not align
Rhinophora lepida 625003
Nomada flavopicta 484617
Cucullia scrophulariae 477033
Avenella flexuosa 288069
Tranzschelia anemones 542337
Jacobaea vulgaris 62498
Pediaspis aceris 546522
Mononychus punctumalbum 464843
Aceria macrochela 487527
Stenacis euonymi 464757
Jaapiella veronicae 354937
Aceria macrorhyncha 565885
Cornu aspersum 480298
Helichrysum luteoalbum 209711
Phytomyza lappae 773422
Tellima grandiflora 51655 Tellima
Hesperomyces virescens 362821
Urocystis anemones 703677
Aceria cephalonea 466995
Trachyzelotes pedestris 507471
Calvia decemguttata 326207
Oudemansiella radicata 383374
Bartheletia paradoxa 624886
Puccinia lagenophorae 200848
Phytomyza syngenesiae 417350
Andricus callidoma 549184
Aculops macrotrichus 886304