Wikidata:WikiProject Country subdivision/Ghana/L3 (Communities in Ghana)/Northern Region/Nanton District

Communities in Ghana/Northern Region/Nanton District


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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } { SELECT DISTINCT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P31 ?statement0. ?statement0 (ps:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q486972. ?item p:P131 ?statement1. ?statement1 (ps:P131/(wdt:P131*)) wd:Q65121881. } } }
en_label description dag_label ?dagDescription alias/dag District start time coordinate location image locator map image Commons category elevation above sea level shares border with detail map area population population/female population population/male population population/point in time Commons category locator map image official website geoshape different from category for people born here category for people who died here category of associated people authority head of state head of state/start time head of state/end time
Afayili community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Afayili Gbumgbum-Afayili Nanton District Afayili
Afa Yili
Balishei community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Balishei Nanton District 9.5004/-0.7759
Batangyili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Batangyili Bataŋyili Nanton District
Bogilini A suburb of Nanton Boɣilini Kulashe Nanton District
Chahiyili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Chahiyili Nanton District
Chankpem community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Chankpem Nanton District 9.643260401523923/-0.750272316091641
Digu community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Diɣu Nanton District
Dingoni Community in the Nanton District, Northern Region, Ghana Dingoni Nanton District 9.5261/-0.7557
Dohi community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Dohi Nanton District 9.4918/-0.6935
Dohi, Ghana Dohi, Ghana
Fazihini community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Fazihini Nanton District 9.5072/-0.7854
Gbumgbum community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Gbumgbum Nanton District
Gbungnayili community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Gbuŋnaayili Nanton District 9.5092/-0.7029
Goluri community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Goluri Golori Nanton District 9.4931/-0.7075
Guno community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Guno Nanton District 9.597036931649246/-0.73824265375758
Guntingli a settlement in Ghana Guntingli Nanton District 9.4999/-0.6996
Jagun community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Jagun Nanton District
Jagun Kukuo community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Jagun Kukuo Nanton District
Jana a community in northern Ghana Jana Nanton District 9.4777/-0.8066
Janakpeng community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Janakpeng Nanton District 9.4831/-0.79
Janjori Kukuo community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Janjori Kukuo Nanton District
Kadua community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Kadua Nanton District
Kambonyanga An area for warriors in Nanton Kabonyaaŋa Kambonyanga Nanton District
Kpachiyili a settlement in Ghana Kpachelo Nanton District 9.5578/-0.7746
Kpano a settlement in Ghana Kpano Nanton District 9.56741455731517/-0.7444678277066369
Kpanya community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Kpanya Nanton District 9.666021932668272/-0.7809800100720375
Kparigulanyili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Kparigulanyili Nanton District
Kpukpaligu community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Kpukpaligu Nanton District
Kpunduli community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Kpunduli Nanton District 9.5239/-0.706
Kufadua community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Kufadua Nanton District
Kunkundanyili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Kunkundanyili Nanton District
Loni a settlement in Ghana Loni Nanton District
Looni community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Looni Nanton District
Manguli community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Manguli Nanton District 9.4766/-0.7807
Manguli yapala community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Manguli yapala Nanton District
Moya community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Moya Nanton District
Nagadigu community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Naɣadiɣu Nagadigu Nanton District
Nanton District capital of Nanton District in Northern Region of Ghana Nantɔŋ Nanton Nanton District 9.55/-0.7305 5710 5710 — 2939 5710 — 2771 5710 — 2010
Nanton Kurugu This community is within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nanton Kurugu Nanton District 9.6163/-0.7407 2450 2450 — 1286 2450 — 1164 2450 — 2010
Nanton Yapalisi community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nanton Yapalisi Nanton District
Naprisi community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Naprisi Nanton District
Niollogu a settlement in Ghana Niollogu Nanton District
Nyamandu community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nyamandu Nanton District 9.5047/-0.721
Nyerigiyili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nyerigiyili Nanton District 9.626901431131524/-0.751766933804332
Nyoligu community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nyoligu Nanton District 9.6365/-0.6303 1527 1527 — 834 1527 — 693 1527 — 2010
Nyoligu Botingly community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Nyoligu Botiŋli Nanton District
Nyolugu community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Nyolugu Nanton District
Sahakpaligu community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Sahakpaligu Nanton District
Sahanayili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Sahanayili Nanton District
Sahani community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Sahani Nanton District
Sakpali community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Sakpali Sakpali Nanton District
Sandu This community is within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Sandu Nanton District 9.6311/-0.7415 1857 1857 — 978 1857 — 879 1857 — 2010
Sanvilli community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Saanvuli Sanvili Nanton District
Tahakpamo community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Tahakpamo Nanton District 9.5272/-0.7145
Tampe- kukuo It is a community located in Nanton district, Northern Ghana Tampe- kukuo Nanton District
Tampion A settlement in Nanton District of Northern Region of Ghana Tampiŋ Tampiŋ Nanton District 9.5804/-0.6769 Tampion 4997 4997 — 2552 4997 — 2445 4997 — 2010 Tampion
Tampion Gushei community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Tampion Gushei Gusheinaayili Nanton District
Tigu community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Tiɣu Tigu Nanton District
Tinkurugu village in the Nanton District, Northern region, Ghana Tinkurugu Kamshɛm yili Nanton District 9.568876214758964/-0.6981313627982434
Tinkurugu Nanton
Tampion Gushei
Tumahi community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Tumahi Nanton District 9.5675/-0.7976
Zali community in Nanton District, Northern Region of Ghana Zali Nanton District
Zion A village in the Nanton District, Northern Region, Ghana Ʒiɛŋ Zieng Nanton District 9.5259/-0.7405 2062 2062 — 1029 2062 — 1033 2062 — 2010
Zogaw a settlement in Ghana Zogaw Nanton District
Zoggu This community is within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Zoggu Nanton District 9.6679/-0.7175
2285 2285 — 1249 2285 — 1036 2285 — 2010
Zogoga a settlement in Ghana Zokuga Nanton District
Zoonayili community within Nanton District in the Northern Region of Ghana Zoonayili Nanton District 9.5004/-0.9275 tribal chief
Zuozugu An area in Nanton township Zoozuɣu Zuozugu Nanton District

∑ 66 items.

End of automatically generated list.

