Wikidata:Wikidata for Education/Get involved

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The project is at a phase where new properties have been requested. Visit the data model document WD4E Data Model Document v1.0 to understand the data model and why we are requesting for these properties.

However, we need the community to provide enough support of at least more than 10 supporters under the property request proposals found below. We encourage all community members who come across this page to visit the links below, take a look at the properties, and more importantly, show your support. However, if you have any comments or questions do not hesitate to leave them so that we can build a better product.

Properties Under Request

Let Your Contributions Be Known

The project needs the support of the community in order for us to achieve the goal of inclusive and accessible education - #LearningNeverStops. We do not have all the answers, neither are we not the only experts here. Your contributions in the discussion section, your engagement in the various social groups and email will go a long way to build a robust system around the impact of digitized curricula data.

Contribute on the discussion page [WD4E Discussion Page]

There are more topic areas that you can contribute to. Find some below. However, make time to go through the rest of the pages to understand the scope of the project and the expected outcomes.

Some topic areas to consider:

  • Data model: The data model for the project is found here. Your comments are most welcome.
  • Property request: There are 13 properties under request now. Visit the property proposal pages and give your support and comment where necessary. Your support here will get the project up to speed so that we can digitize the curriculum content onto Wikidata. The properties we are requesting are terminologies used in the education sector for curricula data and hence will get educators, students and Wikimedians to associate with information on Wikidata about curricula.
  • Campaigns: The property request is one of our major campaigns because the creation of the items on Wikidata heavily depends on it. You can support us push this campaign to your network of administrators and contributors so that we can get most of them approved.

  • We are open to your ideas: Can this type of data help you in your work on Wiki or otherwise? Use where you can discuss with your peers about using the data in different fields like GLAM, EdTech, Research, Campaigns, etc.

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How This Solves the Problem

Placeholder file for the National Curriculum of Ghana

Every country has a national curriculum. For the sake of the scope of this project centered on Ghana, the examples stated refer to Ghana and its curriculum.

The Wikidata for Education Project (WD4E) seeks to get the national curriculum available on Wikidata as a machine readable document. The model adopted for this project ensured that, all aspect of the curriculum is represented such that each country can specify their Items and Properties that is unique to them. With this in mind, the image above represents a Wikidata Item Q213631 (label: National Curriculum of Ghana) which is an instance of curriculum Item Q223774, belongs to the country item Ghana Q193995 and has part the Mathematic curriculum of Ghana of senior high school for 3rd grade item Q223773. The granularity of the statements, where the country is identified as expressed here: "the National Curriculum of Ghana" ensures that each country is represented fully on Wikidata whiles the specific properties that is connected to it are also unique to it. This way, the extraction of information and queries related to specific countries or a comparison of countries will be possible.