preprint server (E193)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enpreprint serverentity schema of a preprint serveredit
esServidor de preimpresosEsquema para servidor de preimpresosedit
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

# Example SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q45787211 . } LIMIT 10

start = @<#preprint_server>

<#preprint_server>  EXTRA wdt:P31  {
 wdt:P31    [ wd:Q45787211  ] ; # instance of a preprint_server
 wdt:P856 IRI ? ; # official website
 wdt:P571 xsd:dateTime OR xsd:date * ; # inception date
 wdt:P101 @<field> * ; # field of work
 wdt:P98 @<editor> * ; # editor
 wdt:P123 IRI * ; # publisher

# Preprint servers do not seem to follow a uniform pattern. As preprint_server gets used in a more standarized way, this shape should be improved. The required fields are those used by all (18) but 1 preprint_server on the date of addition of this shape (2020.04.10).

<field> {

<editor> {

<publisher> {