SVT Play (E279)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enSVT Playis the brand used for the video on demand service offered by Sveriges Television,edit
svSVTplayär Sveriges Televisions webb-tvedit
# Early draft see

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>

# Example SPARQL
#SELECT ?program ?programLabel WHERE {
#  VALUES ?SVT {wd:Q292996 wd:Q741376 wd:Q215363  }
#  ?program wdt:P449 ?SVT.
#  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv,en". }}
# Project see

start = @<SVTPlay>
<SVTPlay> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P31   [ wd:Q15416 wd:Q21191270 wd:Q1259759 wd:Q5398426] ;
 #wdt:P6104 [ wd:????]   + ; # maintained by Wikipedia:SVTplay
 wdt:P921 .      * ; # main subject
 wdt:P371 .      * ; # presenter
 wdt:P449 .      + ; # original broadcaster SVT
 wdt:P495 .      + ; # country of origin 
 wdt:P364 .      + ; # original language of film or TV show 
 wdt:P577 .      + ; # publication date 
 wdt:P2047 .      + ; #  duration 
 wdt:P710 .      * ; #   participant
 wdt:P8546 .      * ; #  recording location
 wdt:P5030 .      * ; #  Talk show guest
 wdt:P57 .      * ; #  director
 wdt:P345 .      * ; #  IMDb ID
 wdt:P856 .      * ; #  official website
#* we need a new property for SVTplayid