Outdoor gym (E280)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enOutdoor gymSchema for an outdoor gym in Wikidataedit
elΥπαίθριο γυμναστήριοedit
fréquipement de fitness en extérieuredit
plsiłownia zewnętrznaedit
svUtegymBeskrivning av ett Utegym i WIkidataedit
trAçık spor salonuedit
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>

#Notebook  https://github.com/salgo60/open-data-examples/blob/de99fe8deacdc3d941e7f1dfe30ee63224c800dc/Utegym%20Stockholm%20.ipynb
# Project https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Outdoor_Gyms

START = @<outdoorgym>

<outdoorgym> {
wdt:P31   [ wd:Q692630 ] ;
wdt:P131 . + ;# located in the administrative territorial entity
wdt:P17 . + ;#  country
wdt:P625 . + ;#  coordinate location
wdt:P856 . * ;#  official website

#Nice to have
wdt:P126 . * ;# maintained by
wdt:P1766 . * ;#  place name
wdt:P18 . * ;#  image
wdt:P217 . * ;#  inventory number - unique number of outdoor gym 
wdt:P137  .* ; # operator
wdt:P580  .* ; # start time
wdt:P582  .* ; # end time
wdt:P1651 .*; # video on Youtube
wdt:P1343 .*; # described by source

wdt:P6104  [wd:Q107186275] ; # maintained by WikiProject Outdoor gyms 