taxon treatment (E291)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
entaxon treatmentSchema of meta data about a taxon treatment according to plaziedit
## This schema describes the shapes of a subgraph in Wikidata on tazxon treatments
## sourced from plazi (
## This schema is drafted from wd:Q105626708

## Work in progress

# Import/linked schema's
## Plazi scholarly article
PREFIX E292: <>

## Prefixes
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pr: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX xsd:  <>


<#taxon_treatment> {
  ## Statements
   p:P31 				@<#P31_instance_of> ;
   p:P361 				@<#P361_part_of> ;
  ## External identifiers
  p:P356				@<#P356_DOI> ;
  p:P1992				@<#P1992_Plazi_ID> ;

<#P31_instance_of> {
  ps:P31 				[wd:Q32945461] ;
  prov:wasDerivedFrom 	@<#plazi_reference> ;

<#P356_DOI> {
  ps:P356				xsd:string ;
  prov:wasDerivedFrom 	@<#plazi_reference> ;
<#P361_part_of> {
  ps:P361				@E292:plazi_scholarly_article ;
  prov:wasDerivedFrom 	@<#plazi_reference> ;

<#P1992_Plazi_ID> {
  ps:P1992				xsd:string ; 
  prov:wasDerivedFrom 	@<#plazi_reference> ;

<#plazi_reference> { # TODO contempleate on using regular expressions to check the correctness of the DOI
  pr:P248				[wd:Q7203726] ;
  pr:P356				xsd:string ;
  pr:P1992				xsd:string ;