RiksdagenCorpusMember (E395)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enRiksdagenCorpusMemberSchema for a Member of Parliament in the Welfare State Project analyzed for the first/second chamber.edit
svRiksdagenCorpusMemberSchema för en Riksdagsledamot i projekt Välfärdsstaten analyserad första/andra kammarenedit
# Issue https://github.com/salgo60/Wikidata_riksdagen-corpus/issues/129
# Wikidata <-> Välfärdsstaten analyserad/Welfare State Analytic

PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX pq: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/qualifier/>
PREFIX ps: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/statement/>
PREFIX p: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/>

# Example SPARQL query: 
# SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5; wdt:P39 wd:Q33071890,wd:Q81531912 } limit 5

start = @<SwedishMP>

<SwedishMP> EXTRA wdt:P106 {
 wdt:P31   [ wd:Q5 ]  ; # instance of human
 wdt:P21   [ wd:Q6581097 wd:Q6581072 ] ; # gender
 wdt:P19   @<Place>   + ; # place of birth
 wdt:P106  [ wd:Q82955 ]  ; # occupation
 # wdt:P937 [ wd:Q1754 ] ; # work location Stockholm
 wdt:P569  .+ ; # birthdate                
 wdt:P570 .* ; #death date optional
 wdt:P20 .* ; #death location optional
 wdt:P509 .* ; #death reason optional
 wdt:P1196 .* ; #manner of death

 wdt:P3373 .*; #sibling
 wdt:P22 .*; #father
 wdt:P25 .*; #mother
 wdt:P40 .*; #children

 wdt:P735  @<GivenName> + ; # given name                   
 wdt:P734  . + ; # surname     
 wdt:P97 .* ; #noble title
 wdt:P5056 .* ; #patronym or matronym for this person

 wdt:P27  [ wd:Q34 ]  ; # Swedish citizen
 wdt:P18  .+; #image
 wdt:P109 .*; #Picture Signature
 wdt:P373 .+; #common
 wdt:P39   .+ ; #position held
 wdt:P102  .+; #party
 wdt:P1343 .+; #described by source

 wdt:P512 .*;#academic degree
 wdt:P69 .*; # educated at
 wdt:P119 .*;# place of burial
 wdt:P1442 .*;# image of grave
 wdt:P535 .*;# find a grave
 wdt:P2949 .*;# Wikitree
 wdt:P9713 .*;# NAD agent
 wdt:P485 .*;# archives at
 wdt:P9495 .*;# National Historical Museums of Sweden ID
 wdt:P5101 .*;# Swedish Literature Bank Author ID

 wdt:P4819 .+; #SPA
 wdt:P3217 .*; #Riksarkivet SBL
 wdt:P4963 .*; #SKBL
 wdt:P6821 .*; # Uppsala Universitet Alvin-ID 
 wdt:P5587 .*; #LibrisURI
 wdt:P7847 .*; #Digitaltmuseum
 wdt:P1248 .*; #Kulturnav
 wdt:P5259 .*; #Gravstensinventeringen
 wdt:P2600 .*; #Geni

 wdt:P3618 .*; #Salary
 wdt:P551 .*; #Residence
 wdt:P1830 .*; #Owner of

 p:P39     @<SwedishMemberParliamentPosition> + ; 
 p:P39     @<OtherPosition> * ;    

# p:P2561 @<IRiksdagenKallad> * ;   

# Networth  P2218
# Source Tvåkammar  

<SwedishMemberParliamentPosition> {
   ps:P39  [ wd:Q33071890 wd:Q81531912] ;  # Value of position held 
   pq:P580 xsd:dateTime ; # start time
   pq:P582 xsd:dateTime # end time

<OtherPosition> NOT {
 ps:P39  [ wd:Q33071890 wd:Q81531912 ] * ;  # Value of position held != First and sec chamber MP

<Place> { 
 wdt:P31 [ wd:Q515 wd:Q12813115 ] ;
 wdt:P31 . *
} OR {
 wdt:P17 [ wd:Q34 ]

<GivenName> {
 wdt:P31 [ wd:Q11879590 wd:Q12308941]

#<IRiksdagenKallad> {
# ps:P3831 [wd:Q110382440] *;