IDEA building (E423)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enIDEA buildingshema for buildings or features from Dura-Europosedit
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX psn: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX psv: <>

# QUERY MAP:  SELECT ?item WHERE {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q814254. ?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q114241199. } LIMIT 10

start = @<archival_resource>

<DuraEuroposRuin> EXTRA p:P31{

   wdt:P31  [wd:Q109607]  ;                    // rdfs:comment "Q109607  -->  ruins ; P31  -->  instance of"
   wdt:P31  [wd:Q210272]  ;                    // rdfs:comment "Q210272  -->  cultural heritage ; P31  -->  instance of"
   wdt:P31  [wd:Q814254]  ;                    // rdfs:comment "Q814254  -->  feature ; P31  -->  instance of"
   wdt:P131  IRI ;                             // rdfs:comment "P131  -->  located in the administrative territorial entity"
   wdt:P17  IRI  ;                             // rdfs:comment "P17  -->  country"
   wdt:P18  IRI  ;                             // rdfs:comment "P18  -->  image"
   wdt:P214  xsd:integer  ;                    // rdfs:comment "P214  -->  VIAF ID"
   wdt:P276  IRI  ;                            // rdfs:comment "P276  -->  location"
   wdt:P361  IRI  ;                            // rdfs:comment "P361  -->  part of"
   wdt:P373  xsd:string  ;                     // rdfs:comment "P373  -->  Commons category"
   wdt:P527  IRI  ;                            // rdfs:comment "P527  -->  has part(s)"
   wdt:P571  xsd:string  ;                     // rdfs:comment "P571  -->  inception"
   wdt:P576  xsd:string  ;                     // rdfs:comment "P576  -->  dissolved, abolished or demolished date"
   wdt:P625  xsd:string  ;                     // rdfs:comment "P625  -->  coordinate location"
   wdt:P1481  xsd:integer  ;                   // rdfs:comment "P1481  --> ID"
   wdt:P1584  xsd:integer  ;                   // rdfs:comment "P1584  -->  Pleiades ID"
   wdt:P3896  IRI  ;                           // rdfs:comment "P3896  -->  geoshape"
   wdt:P5008  [wd:Q114241199]  ;               // rdfs:comment "P5008  -->  on focus list of Wikimedia project"
   wdt:P6787  xsd:integer  ;                   // rdfs:comment "P6787  -->  Arachne building ID"
