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occurrences Article description ?sample ?cr
22384 biographical article article in a dictionary or encyclopedia Winterhalter, Franz Xavier (BLKÖ) CR
3304 cross-reference reference in one place in a book to information at another place in the same work Winterberg (BLKÖ) CR
1349 encyclopedia article part of encyclopedia, sometimes considered as reference work by itself Leveneur, die Familie (BLKÖ) CR
357 genealogical table concise, tabular form of data about a family's genealogy Stammtafel der Ritter Wörtz von Sprengenstein (BLKÖ) CR
80 addendum addition made to a document following its publication Wiser, Johann Siegfried a Sancta Margaretha (Nachtrag) (BLKÖ) CR
63 register of persons type of register Alphabetisches Namen-Register (Band 57) (BLKÖ) CR
60 register of persons by occupation or position Namen-Register nach Ständen und anderen bezeichnenden Kathegorien (Band 1) (BLKÖ) CR
60 register of persons by country of birth Namen-Register nach den Geburtsländern (Band 1) (BLKÖ) CR
26 preface introduction to a book or other literary work by the author Vorwort (Band 19) (BLKÖ) CR
25 duplicate entry duplicate database entry (see Q17362920 Wikimedia duplicated page) Beierwek zu Siegesfeld, Joseph Freiherr von (BLKÖ) CR
2 bibliography list of books or documents relevant to a particular subject or author Uebersicht jener umfassenden Sammelwerke (BLKÖ) CR
1 register of died persons Uebersicht jener … Personen, welche mittlerweile gestorben sind (BLKÖ) CR
1 register of addenda General-Register der bisherigen Nachträge (BLKÖ) CR
1 postface brief article or explanatory information placed at the end of a book Schlußwort (BLKÖ) CR
End of automatically generated list.