dina (L623818)

  • dina ig
Language Igbo
Lexical category verb


O dinara n'azu ya (Igbo)
0 references
dina ala (Igbo)
0 references


English Lay
Hausa Kwanciya
Yoruba Dubulẹ

Statements about L623818-S1

0 references
Helpless until the trees finished flinging them around, Katie struggled to grab the branches, so she didn't end up like Deidre.  Finally, a branch wrapped around her and pulled her through the canopy, dumping her at the edge of the jungle.  Toby landed with a grunt beside her, and she lay still to catch her breath, still hoping Deidre reappeared. (English)
0 references
Ba ta da taimako har sai bishiyoyi sun gama jujjuya su, Katie ta yi ƙoƙari ta kama rassan, don haka ba ta ƙare kamar Deidre ba. A karshe wani reshe ya nade ta ya ja ta cikin rufa, ya zubar da ita a bakin dajin. Toby ta sauko da guntun tsaki a gefenta, ta kwanta har yanzu don maida numfashi, tana fatan Deidre ya sake bayyana. (Hausa)
0 references
English sleep

Statements about L623818-S2

0 references
English pass the night

Statements about L623818-S3

English have sex

Statements about L623818-S4


  • dina ig

Statements about L623818-F1

dínà (Igbo)
0 references