Property talk:P26/numbers/missing by identifiers

Items without P26 statements (by number of identifiers) edit

Number of items for people without P26 statements, by number of identifiers (in ranges of ten, starting with 20 to 29).

  • Limited to people who died after 1550.
  • For the items with most identifiers and an approach to remedy it, see top missing-report

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes
Number of sitelinks
(range of ten)
items missing P26 sample item
20 107425 Theodor Blank
30 36732 Karl Hugo Strunz
40 15113 Alexander Rüstow
50 7110 Heymann Steinthal
60 3630 Friedrich Heiler
70 2075 Karl Julius Beloch
80 1253 Jakob Balde
90 753 Otto Jahn
100 510 Heinrich Zschokke
110 308 Hermann Weyl
120 200 Johann Pachelbel
130 131 Johann Georg Hamann
140 95 Anton Raphael Mengs
150 58 Friedrich Schleiermacher
160 31 Gottfried Keller
170 12 Guido Reni
180 4 Athanasius Kircher
190 6 Giacomo Casanova
200 3 Georg Lukács
210 2 Oskar Kokoschka
220 1 Friedrich Engels
250 1 Andy Warhol
260 1 Harry Belafonte
270 1 John Paul II
280 1 René Descartes
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